Message 15374

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:37:53 +0100
> Just one thing.  I'm working through the C tutorials (I'll find a C book
> the library soon as well) and am up to no 3.  however, when I run each
> it does everything its meant to and displays everyhing its meant to but
> also displays an error message.  Now it might be meant to do this in the
> tutorials  and is explained in no 4+.  Any quick solutions till I get to
> that chapter?  I've tryed     EXIT();    sometimes it works others it

? What error message ?


There is no EXIT() instruction. Use exit() to end a program, and make
sure for Christ's Sake you don't use Exit()

C is case sensitive. So are most C programmers (that is, sensitive about
people's use of case when talking about C). You don't want to pop onto
comp.c.programming and have them flame you off, do you?

Oh yeah, decent book to get would be Kernighan & Ritchy. It's the C
bible. =

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15375

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:39:16 +0100
> I also ordered PPaint 7.1 today. Has anyone tried the update? (7.1b)
> I was wondering if it makes a significant difference when using

Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?

I bought 7.1 about five minutes after AF put 7.0 on the CD. Couldn't do
those Animgif scripts..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15376

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:43:01 +0100

> > If I had a nearly full hard disk, I'd either delete
> > stuff or get a bigger one. Nearly full hard disks
> > get very slow.
> > Why worry about a few KB, the real waste of
> > space in most programs is the features you
> > don't use, not the easter eggs.
> You cant seriously saying you'd be /pleased/ if an
> Amiga spreadsheet package had that much pointless
> bloat in it?!

Be reasonable, let me put it into perspective.

a) A spread sheet contains a lot of math code. So does
a flight sim.

b) the code for drawing stuff to a window is miniscule

c) Programmers get bored. Bored programmers means
shit code. Without easter eggs we wouldn't have 
computers - they'd have been phased out as being
inefficient by now.

A flight sim such as the one in Excel DOES NOT take up
much space. In fact, I've checked and it's about 30k
and it calls a lot of Excel internal functions anyway.

30k isn't going to cause trouble. The hassle you need
to go through to find it means that it's presence isn't
going to bother anybody.

So who cares? Oh yes, only the Anti-Microsoft Zealots
with nothing better to do.

As Neil says, if you need more HD space, get a bigger
hard disk. Or a Zip drive. Or just delete stuff.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15377

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:41:30 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?

On Cloanto's site as of today.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 15378

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:42:04 +0100
Hello Bifford

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Just one thing. I'm working through the C tutorials (I'll find a C book
> for the library soon as well) and am up to no 3. however, when I run each
> program
> it does everything its meant to and displays everyhing its meant to but
> then
> also displays an error message. Now it might be meant to do this in the
> first tutorials and is explained in no 4+. Any quick solutions till I get
> to that chapter? I've tryed EXIT(); sometimes it works others it doesnt.

The value returned by the main() gets interpreted as a DOS error level.

This level may be one of:

RETURN_OK         No problems, success 
RETURN_WARN       A warning only 
RETURN_ERROR      Something wrong 
RETURN_FAIL       Complete or severe failure   

These value are defined in dos/dos.h

A common mistake is not to explicitly return a value (maybe just falling
through to the end of the function) and you end up with a garbage value,

You can also call the exit() function, which takes there error level as an


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15379

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:48:14 +0100
> Hi Matt,
> > Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?
> On Cloanto's site as of today.

Phew, I was worried for a moment.

I pride myself on being EXTREMELY up to date
with my apps and system libraries. The thought
of missing an upgrade by even a few days made
me break into a cold sweat..


I'm better now :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15380

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:51:01 +0100
> > Hi Matt,
> > 
> > > Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?
> > 
> > On Cloanto's site as of today.
> Phew, I was worried for a moment.

And I am again - where is it?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15381

Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:57:11 -0000
 <008a01beb72d$b9055ba0$> wrote: 
Original Article:

> And I am again - where is it?

Aminet have it already..


Message 15382

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:55:04 +0100
Hi Matt,

> And I am again - where is it?


All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 15383

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: 15 Jun 99 14:46:03 +0500
Richard Drummond wrote:

>AFAICR, Activision own the rights to all the infocom games. I guess you
>could speak nicely to them. You _can_ get Zork I,II & III from their
>website for free, though. 

Could these, with a permission, be put on the AFCD together with a modern
Infocom interpreter, please? :)

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 15384

Subject: [afb] Re: Up to date Libs (was PPaint 7.1b)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:01:00 -0000
 <008201beb72d$55a8f4e0$> wrote: 

> I pride myself on being EXTREMELY up to date
> with my apps and system libraries. The thought
> of missing an upgrade by even a few days made
> me break into a cold sweat..

Do you use the lib/datatype/dev guides? These are a great idea but some of the libraries which they say are new are only available through emailing people. Are these kosha libraries or unofficial jobs?

John Hart

Message 15385

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:01:05 +0100
Hi Even,

>> could speak nicely to them. You _can_ get Zork I,II & III from their
>> website for free, though. 

> Could these, with a permission, be put on the AFCD together with a modern
> Infocom interpreter, please? :)

I'll check into it.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 15386

From: "Neil"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Relationships with girls
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:08:01 +0100
> > so I guess she must love me for my computing skills. Girls dig
> > Amiga's y'know ;)

I know that :) My girlfriend loves em.. but, hey, who can blame her?
It's an Amiga after all :)


Message 15387

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Up to date Libs (was PPaint 7.1b)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:02:03 +0100

> Do you use the lib/datatype/dev guides? These are a great idea but some of
> the libraries which they say are new are only available through emailing
> people. Are these kosha libraries or unofficial jobs?

Depends on the library. Often, those guides have the very latest versions
which are only available to registered users.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only two - but it's difficult to get them in there.

Message 15388

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 15 Jun 99 00:49:27 +0000
On 14-Jun-99 17:47:56, Ferenczy said:

>> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
>> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

>All I can say is that if it's offline, I'm glad I'm not stuck covering their
>support line again. Last time they got something like 8000 calls an hour
>coming in with only 40 people covering the lines!

8000 calls an hour at 50p a minute that makes for a nice tidy sum.  No
where's my 'How to start up a flakey free ISP with hight cost technical
support' book? ;)

Tom (Who's not complaining coz it's free!)

Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 15389

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: 15 Jun 99 14:23:15 +0000
Hello samuel_byford, on 15-Jun-99 12:04:43 you said about:
 [afb] Re: C compilers 


> it does everything its meant to and displays everyhing its meant to but then
> also displays an error message.  Now it might be meant to do this in the
> first tutorials  and is explained in no 4+.  Any quick solutions till I get
> to 
>that chapter?  I've tryed     EXIT();    sometimes it works others it doesnt.

To the best of my limited knowledge of C, "EXIT();" should be be in
lower case, e.g. "exit();".

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Knowledge is power.

Message 15390

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: 15 Jun 1999 14:53:54 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

>> Good job it's an itamised phone bill!

> I T E M I S E D

Oi! This ai'nt^N^N^Nn't csa.misc :-/

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WinErr 00D: Window closed - Do not look outside

Message 15391

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: 15 Jun 1999 14:52:11 +0100
P Gordon aka Mr Tickle said, 

>> If I had a nearly full hard disk, I'd either delete
>> stuff or get a
>> bigger one. Nearly full hard disks get very slow.
>> Why worry about a
>> few KB, the real waste of space in most programs is
>> the features you
>> don't use, not the easter eggs.

> You cant seriously saying you'd be /pleased/ if an
> Amiga spreadsheet package had that much pointless
> bloat in it?!

As I said in the first place, I'd be pleased to have a spreadsheet
that was *capable* of running a flight sim. Spreadsheets have always
been one of the Amiga's weakest areas. Like Matt said, the flight sim
(which is very basic, not much more than a toy) uses the functions
already built into the program for maths and display, the flight sim
is just the programmers' way of showing off how capable their
spreadsheet code is.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 6: Pretty ugly

Message 15392

From: "R.S.Radford"
Subject: [afb] PPC Problems
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:11:25 -0400 (EDT)
Hi everyone.

Last week I sent a email, saying that I was experiencing 
problems with my PPC board. This Provoked a amazing 0 
responses, but I am not surprised, as I gave no 
information. I am now in a better position to explain my 
PPC problems.

If you cant help me them maybe you could point me to people 
who know about PPC`s or possibly to relevant websites etc. 
(one person did mail this list with such I site, but I 
accidently deleted it).

Also when I mail this list, how can I get it to print my 
name like every one else, instead of 'toAFB@....',  

First my spec :-

A1200 revision 1D1
PPC 603e+ 240Mhz 040 (second hand),
32 mb fast ram,
seagate 4.1 GB harddisk,
x40 CDROM,
Eyetech mark3 buffered interface,
Power Tower.

The problem is mainly with the ppc. Basicaly whenever I 
load a .elf file or a warp up program, they crash promptly.
I have the lates version of the PPC flash rom installed, 
and version 4 of WOS installed. Typically, the errors WOS 
gives me is writing to protected memory or the program 
freezes etc. (I do have memory proitection turned on, 
though errors occured with it off too). When running PPC 
programs, they either freeze or task 'PPCmsgHandler' (or 
somthing similar to that) crashes, often it says that data 
it was given is corrupt etc, which it isnt. This is anoying 
as I can only get a few PPC programs to work (Mpega, 
warpstat, benoit etc.).

also setpatch crashes unless I echo a line and thus open 
cli, before it, I have version 40.16 installed as 
recomended in the PPC update docs.

Here what I have attempted, in order to try and get it 
working properly.

I have stripped the mother boarddown, to just the floppy 
drive, keyboard interface etc. (no harddisk, cdrom, HD 
interface). I expected this setup to work, as there where 
no patch programs running and no addon hardware attached, 
which may conflict (other than Power Tower bits and bobs 
such as keyboard interface etc). I then attempted to load 
Powerview and view Jpeg`s from disk ( the only program I 
could find which required no extra libs or reasources, and 
could fit on a floppy). This failed, either crashing the 
PPC tasks, or saying my Jpegs where corrupt, (which they 

Programs like Adom, ripply and mpeg compliers, say that the 
data given is corrupt, even though they work fine in 68k 
modes. I can only assume that the PPC is corrupting data 
given to it some how. Perhaps this is due to a timing error 
in the board, though I though these only existed in 1D4`s 
and 2B`s, I have a 1D1, which should be fine.

Also does anyone know if there are any system libraies 
versions or patches, which may cause the PPC to crash, 
Though I maybe clutching at straws now.

sorry for such a long winded email but I need help, and I 
dont know where else to turn.

In the words of starwars :

'help me amiga format news group, your my only hope'



Message 15393

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] WinUAE
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:22:46 +0100
Hi all

Downloaded WinUAE and AIAB today at college and bought them home.  I'm doing
alright it's just AIAB says I need a Workbench3.0/3.1 ADF.  Where can I get one
of these from, and what exactly is on (in) it?

And yes, mail probs again hence the email addy.  Currently I'm missing about 150
mails cos of this :-(

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15394

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: WinUAE
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:44:12 +0100

> Hi all
> Downloaded WinUAE and AIAB today at college and bought them home.  I'm
> alright it's just AIAB says I need a Workbench3.0/3.1 ADF.  Where can I
get one
> of these from, and what exactly is on (in) it?

Buy Amiga Forever from Cloanto. Or get images of your own Workbench disks.
long as your WinUAE and yoru real Amiga aren't in use at the same time, it's
almost legal :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15395

Subject: [afb] APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:08:15 -0000
I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list" when I try to
load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I am using the PPC version
(does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).


Message 15396

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Cable&Wireless
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:14:23 +0100
Hi Daniel=20

> On the subject of unmetred calls, does anyone use Cable & Wireless =
> (or Internet Light), as I'm thinking of moving to them for the =
> offer they're doing.

Just made a call to find out as I am a C&W phone user.
I think I have lost the plot some where  :-o   so if it doesn't make =
sence I appologise.
I suggest that you have  look at the web site - at the bottom.=20
there are various packages of calls - connect 12=3D12hrs  costs =A35.99 =
per month=20
                                                                connect =
35=3D35 hrs       "     =A314.99 per month
                                                                coonect =
75=3D75 hrs       "     =A329.99 per month
1p per min eves/w.ends
high peak 3p per minute
after you have used your hours the calls are then priced at
days      2.4p per minute
eves      0.8p per minute

normal calls=3D=A300.01.11p (one point eleven pence) for off peak calls =
ie; after 1800hrs during the week.
=A300.00.75p (naught point seventy five pence) for weekends

It is possible to use C&W without having a new phone line put in  :-))
All I have to do is dial 132 before any call I make, and it gets routed =
through their service at thier prices. :-)

Have a look at thier web site for more details      =
FreeCall 0800 092 3001 or e-mail on

    Bomber Harris

Message 15397

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:16:01 +0100
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:59:18   -0000

> My only successful attempt at an AI was for a game of Othello
> (Reversi) that I wrote (using a language called A**S).
> BTW. If anyone is interested, my game of Othello is on CUCD24 in =
Readers games.

Just had a go and beat it 4-nil on smart setting=20
    Bomber Harris

Message 15398

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] BSD
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:16:09 +0000
Hello All,

I've just bought a nice new HD to put NetBSD from AFCD25 on but i'm having big
trouble installing it.
I can succesfully install the system but I can't get X to work. I have
installed it as per the instructions but messages such as

"X: no screens"

I'm trying to get it to run under AGA BTW.

Also anyone installed LinuxPPC from AFCD40? I will attempt it as soon as my
PPC/BVision get here :)

UIN: 30044173

Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 15399

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: New to egroups
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:29:52 +0000
Hello Neil,

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Gerald Mellor said, 
>> If you're reading all the messages online then it's definitely cheaper to
>> have them delivered to your email account. It should only take you 5-10
>> minutes to download the 100-200 emails a day that the AFB generates,
> Ten minutes to download 200 mails? Are you using a 300 baud modem? !!!

Worse, he's using Freeswerve :)

UIN: 30044173

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 15400

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] A Blitz Problem
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:12:10 +0000
Hello All, 

I've hit a small problem in Blitz2

I cannot work out how to read the system variable RC. What i'm trying to do
is see if Genesis is connected by

RXSendCommand "GENESIS","ISONLINE 'Free-Call'"

This will cause Genesis to set RC to

0: Offline
1: Online
2: Connecting

But how do I get at RC?
UIN: 30044173

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
pick himself up and carry on...
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15401

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:57:57 +0100
Neil Bothwick wrote:

> > Have you also noticed how AOL have worded their adverts so if you don't
> > know better and don't listen to it properly, it sounds like they're
> > free?
> Did anyone see the MD of AOL(UK) on Newsnight last week. I only
> caught the end of it but he seemed to be putting forward a good case
> of unmetered Internet calls. He certainly stood up to Paxman better
> than the other guy, who appeared to be representing BT's interests.

Which are: "Milk the buggers dry". :(



Message 15402

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: I.S.Porkies
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:06:24 +0100
Daniel Thornton wrote:

> The thing is, if we did get unmetred calls, it would hardly affect AOL
> users, as they pay AOL by the hour.

The unmetered issue is to do with the telcos rather than the ISPs. AOL
probably wouldn't be quite so bad if you were subscribed using a
permanant ASDL/DSL link. NTL are apparently releasing cable modems now
although there isn't a lot of info on it on their website.

If you look up it'll have a lot of info for
you look through about this and other er, breaking news. :)

> On the subject of unmetred calls, does anyone use Cable & Wireless Internet
> (or Internet Light), as I'm thinking of moving to them for the unmetred
> offer they're doing.

Don't expect your sign-up cd to appear for a looonnngg time. :( As one
person on the CUT ml found out.

Message 15403

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:44:22 -0700 (PDT)
> As I said in the first place, I'd be pleased to have
> a spreadsheet
> that was *capable* of running a flight sim.


> Spreadsheets have always
> been one of the Amiga's weakest areas. Like Matt
> said, the flight sim
> (which is very basic, not much more than a toy) uses
> the functions
> already built into the program for maths and
> display, the flight sim
> is just the programmers' way of showing off how
> capable their
> spreadsheet code is.

Nonono!! Firstly the maths functions are all in the OS
anyway, so any program could have a flightsim in. And
there are no display functions in a spreadsheet suited
for a texture mapped or voxelspace flightsim. It'll
have piechart routines (hmmm.. not very useful for 3d
projection), various barchart routines (maybe with
polygon 3d output), and stuff like that. They'd have
to write specific 3d routines for the flightsim. I
should know, i've done a bit of 3d programming
(admittedly only wolfenstein engines, but i do
understand the principles of 3d projection...)

Believe me, its bloat, with dedicated code written
specifically for the flightsim. And they dont really
help you get your finances or whatever in order, do

Message 15404

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re time
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:20:13 +0100

> >Please set your clock to GMT +1hour
> >
> Hi.  This PC's time is set right (10.57 at present).
> Unless Netscape is set wrong... (and I cant change its settings).
> Sorry.

Your time is right

    Bomber Harris

Message 15405

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Microsoft bloatware strikes again!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:50:56 -0700 (PDT)
> much space. In fact, I've checked and it's about 30k
> and it calls a lot of Excel internal functions
> anyway.

Uhuh. How exactly? Are you privvy to Microsoft Source
code? Did you disassemble it?

Message 15406

Subject: [afb] Re: AI (My game of Othello)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:02:37 -0000
> > My only successful attempt at an AI was for a game of Othello
> > (Reversi) that I wrote (using a language called A**S).
> > BTW. If anyone is interested, my game of Othello is on CUCD24 in Readers games.
> Just had a go and beat it 4-nil on smart setting 
>     Bomber Harris

You actually tried it! Thanks. 
I did say it was just for my own fun didn't I. Anything of yours I can


Message 15407

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:08:12 +0100

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list" when
> I try to load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I am using
> the PPC version (does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).

It doen't want to work under emulation - I get the same error here.

BTW, anybody who hasn't tried APDF should trot along over to their nearest
Aminet mirror and download a copy now. It's fab - especially when used with
a TTF engine and some type1 fonts.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15408

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 15 Jun 99 18:44:11 +0100
On 15-Jun-99 08:40:26 BST, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> If the list was run on Majordomo you'd have been kicked off
> after the first bounce, whereas newer listservs make tests and give
> the mail server a chance to come back up before taking such action.

Errmm... Majordomo won't kick anybody off a list after a bounce!  If
there's a bounce, it'll probably retry and when it gives up it'll e-mail
the list manager (i.e. a human) with the error report.  This person then
decides whether to unsubscribe the offending address or not.  Personally,
I don't kick people off after a single bounce - if it persists after a few
days, then I'll kick them off.

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

    Pace 56 Solo mailing list ==>

Message 15409

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:02:52 +0100
Hi Ben.
> >    It is actually a true warning - we've got letters up at work
> > it - but it only applies to mobiles. Apparently if you press 90# (or, I
> > believe 99#) it allows them access to your SIM card so they can run up
> > calls on your mobile bill :(
> We had it here at work too, about three months ago, followed about a week
> later by a denial.

We haven't got the denial yet, but I always said our managers and staff
control were a bunch of slack set up gits! Heck, they couldn't even organise
a bunfight in a bakery. (And you all thought I was going to say a piss up in
a brewery... Doh! :-)


Message 15410

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:09:18 +0100
Hi Matt.

> >     Now I'm not saying they aren't both hoaxes, but if a company as
> as
> > William Hills has warnings about them on their office noticeboards, they
> at
> > least deserve to be borne in mind...
> No, it`s a classic example of corporate paranoia. The suits know feck all

Tell me about it...

> and get edgy when a new virus, scam or email thingy pops in their letter
> box. Us tech staff know better, but we never get consulted.. ah well..

You obviously haven't come across our tech staff - the telephonists and
supervisors who know me normally ask me to try and sort out things rather
than calling for the tech staff. The problem gets sorted quicker, and it
normally lasts longer! Though it can be fun watching the tech staff trying
to sort out why a DOS program isn't running properly under Win98 :-)


Message 15411

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:30:11 +0200
Hlo D-el


Message 15412

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:12:02 +0000
Hello All,

On 15-Jun-99, R.S.Radford wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Last week I sent a email, saying that I was experiencing 
> problems with my PPC board. This Provoked a amazing 0 
> responses, but I am not surprised, as I gave no 
> information. I am now in a better position to explain my 
> PPC problems.

Sorry never even saw your mail :/
> Also when I mail this list, how can I get it to print my 
> name like every one else, instead of 'toAFB@....',  

Erm not too sure what you're getting at here?
> First my spec :-
> A1200 revision 1D1
> PPC 603e+ 240Mhz 040 (second hand),
> 32 mb fast ram,
> seagate 4.1 GB harddisk,
> x40 CDROM,
> Eyetech mark3 buffered interface,
> Power Tower.

> The problem is mainly with the ppc. Basicaly whenever I 
> load a .elf file or a warp up program, they crash promptly.
> I have the lates version of the PPC flash rom installed, 
> and version 4 of WOS installed. Typically, the errors WOS 
> gives me is writing to protected memory or the program 
> freezes etc. (I do have memory proitection turned on, 
> though errors occured with it off too). When running PPC 
> programs, they either freeze or task 'PPCmsgHandler' (or 
> somthing similar to that) crashes, often it says that data 
> it was given is corrupt etc, which it isnt. This is anoying 
> as I can only get a few PPC programs to work (Mpega, 
> warpstat, benoit etc.).

Have you tried the last owner of the PPC? Why did he/she sell it in the
first place?

It could be that the flash upgrade you are using is expecting a BVision?

> Programs like Adom, ripply and mpeg compliers, say that the 
> data given is corrupt, even though they work fine in 68k 
> modes. I can only assume that the PPC is corrupting data 
> given to it some how. Perhaps this is due to a timing error 
> in the board, though I though these only existed in 1D4`s 
> and 2B`s, I have a 1D1, which should be fine.

No, only 1D4 and early 2B motherboards suffered faults. Yours should be
fine. In fact it is the revision Eyetech test their products on :)
> In the words of starwars :
> 'help me amiga format news group, your my only hope'

Newsgroup? You meant _/*#Mailing List#*/_, right?
UIN: 30044173

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

Message 15413

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] AmIRC & ARexx
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:22:10 +0000
Hello All,

I was just wondering if there is an Arexx command to allow me to close the
connection with an IRC server that AmIRC is using.

I've worked out how to open and close channels but not servers.

Any help apreciated.

PS does anyone know of a spell checker that YAM can use so I can use the
'Type and Spell' option?
UIN: 30044173

Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Message 15414

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:43:56 +0100
Hello Ben

> TBH, I think we would be better off advising people to register directly
> with Stefan Stuntz, since Paul Jewell is notorious for ignoring
> registrations...

I must have been lucky as when I reg' my disk came within a week or so (OK
was a while ago)

                  Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 15415

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] CD-Writer
Date: 15 Jun 99 20:16:39 +0000
Hi Everyone,

I am contemplating getting an external CD-Writer to connect to the Amiga 1200 squirrelscsi. link.

Would a PC unit work?



Message 15416

Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:32:03 -0000

> It doen't want to work under emulation - I get the same error here.
> BTW, anybody who hasn't tried APDF should trot along over to their nearest
> Aminet mirror and download a copy now. It's fab - especially when used with
> a TTF engine and some type1 fonts.

I realised and swam over to the 040 version. Would you recommend downloading the
Ghostscript fonts as is suggested in the docs?


Message 15417

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:40:48 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> The problem is mainly with the ppc. Basicaly whenever I 
> load a .elf file or a warp up program, they crash promptly.
> I have the lates version of the PPC flash rom installed, 
> and version 4 of WOS installed. Typically, the errors WOS 
> gives me is writing to protected memory or the program 
> freezes etc. (I do have memory proitection turned on, 
> though errors occured with it off too). When running PPC 
> programs, they either freeze or task 'PPCmsgHandler' (or 
> somthing similar to that) crashes, often it says that data 
> it was given is corrupt etc, which it isnt. This is anoying 
> as I can only get a few PPC programs to work (Mpega, 
> warpstat, benoit etc.).
   Ok, try changing the RAM mode to 60ns<>70ns visa-verser.

My PPC runs fine with 60ns mode, but doesn't work in 70ns mode ?! Weird.

   Also, try swapping the SIMMS to the other socket. For some reason this
sometimes helps.

   Finally, if all else fails, try a different SIMM. If it still does it it
looks like the board (or your A1200) is busted.

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Hitler and Napolean each had only one testical.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15418

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:52:25 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list" when
> I try to load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I am using
> the PPC version (does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).

   The PUP emulator doesn't support the message port, you'll have to use
real power up or the 68k version I'm afraid.

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
A hard-working adult will normally sweat as
much as 18 litres (4 gallons)   each day. Most of the sweat will
evaporate before a person realises it's there.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15419

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: 15 Jun 99 20:43:56 +0000
Hello Matt Sealey, on 15-Jun-99 12:34:25 you said about:
 [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves 

>> Oh thats why our phone bill has gone up by 300%.
>> Ah, no.  Thats because of my flatmates being on the net all the time.
>> Good job it's an itamised phone bill!

>I T E M I S E D


/me gets flame proof undies... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Message 15420

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: 15 Jun 99 21:05:31 +0000
Hello R.S.Radford, on 15-Jun-99 21:11:25 you said about: 
 [afb] PPC Problems 

[big snip]

>also setpatch crashes unless I echo a line and thus open 
>cli, before it, I have version 40.16 installed as 
>recomended in the PPC update docs.

[another big snip]

I had the same same problem and found that 3.1 ROMs will cured this. The
3.1 ROMs have a longer (IDE?) boot up delay. You can also get around
this in your startup-sequence by changing "C:SetPatch QUIET" to
"C:run >NIL: C:SetPatch" (no quotes), this will delay the startup enough
to stop SetPatch from crashing. It's still not as good as 3.1 ROMs,
though. make a back up of your startup-sequence

From what I've read, etc. about ppc.library emulation, is that it's
/still/ flaky, even in v4 of WOS. So, if this is causing you major
problems, I'd advise you to stick with PowerUp for the time being and
remove WOS until it's more stable, IMHO.

P.S. Before anyone flames me, I'm not saying WOS is crap, just that some
people have little or no problems with it and some have major problems
with it, IYSWIM...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Go ahead, steal my ideas...everyone else does!

Message 15421

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: 15 Jun 99 21:12:43 +0000
Hi Sam,

> Hey Guys, anyone know where to get a bit of info about AI from? Can be
> source code (Blitz Basic only) or just info on how to make AI better or more
> inteligent via programming trick ect.

Oo-er thats a bit general.  What kind of AI are we talking about here?
expert systems, decision support, neural nets, genetic algorithms etc.
?  It all depends on what kind of application your trying to build as
to what sort of info you need.

I remember once seeing a PC strategy game (can't remember which) which
was proudly claiming that it's units used neural nets which has got to
be about the worst way of handling this kind of application I can
think of.  Assuming true untrained neural net, units start very very
very stupid doing random things (like shooting themselves), get
smarter, train up on your personal tactics, you get one to two good
contests then it wipes the floor with you everytime because it can
predict what your going to do, until you change tactics and you start
back at square one.  I assume they didn't really use actual NNs.


Message 15422

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bounced messages
Date: 15 Jun 1999 21:14:53 +0100
Oliver Roberts said, 

> On 15-Jun-99 08:40:26 BST, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> If the list was run on Majordomo you'd have been kicked off
>> after the first bounce, whereas newer listservs make tests and give
>> the mail server a chance to come back up before taking such action.

> Errmm... Majordomo won't kick anybody off a list after a bounce!  If
> there's a bounce, it'll probably retry and when it gives up it'll e-mail
> the list manager (i.e. a human) with the error report.

That depends on the setup. Some lists are setup to automatically
unsubscribe after a bounce. I know I've been a victim of such setups :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Just don't give away the homeworld!

Message 15423

From: Phil Price
Subject: [afb] 2 CDRom Drives
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:41:38 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain
content-type: text/plain


I've recently got a EIDE'99 Buffer From Power Computing,
so that i can have a massive (wooo) 4 ide drives. Everything
has installed okie, and i now have a 4x4x20 IDE CD-RW (aopen)
some dodgy CDRom drive (4x), a 4,3 gig Sansung HD ans a 1 Gig
Maxor HD (for CD-Burning). The EIDE Buffer does reconize all the 
drives, proven by..

root@a1200.local [Workbench:C]>4xEIDE.driver
Primary   Master  ATA  PIO4  SAMSUNG SW0434A     (4.3GB)             
Primary   Slave  ATAPI PIO3  MATSHITA CR-581-M                       
Secondary Master ATAPI PIO4        CRW9420                           
Secondary Slave   ATA  PIO4  Maxtor 71084 A                          
root@a1200.local [Workbench:C]>

My Problem is that i can't seem to get 100% from both my cd-rom drives
when i want to read stuff from them. If i have a CD in the 4x and one in 
the CD-R my computer won't boot. If i have one just in the CD-R, it'll boot,

and appear but does nto see disk changes. Attached is a copy of the dos 
driver i use for the CD-R the one of the other Drive is the same with the
scsi unit (of cource). Can somebody please tell me were i'm going wrong with
dosdrivers, or what ever. I have both AmiCDFS and CacheCDFS, but am unshure
which to use. 

Phil Price, ,

i: 21418142

[ ]
[ ]

Message 15424

From: "Paolo Rinaldi"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: 15 Jun 99 22:07:51 +0200
You wrote

> The problem is mainly with the ppc. Basicaly whenever I 
> load a .elf file or a warp up program, they crash promptly.
> I have the lates version of the PPC flash rom installed, 
> and version 4 of WOS installed.

Have you set up correctly the PowerUP emulator in your
startup-sequence? I had similar problems with previous versions of
WarpUP, but now it seems all ok with version 4.
It must be said, however, that I only did the first flash update (a
lot of time ago).

> This is anoying as I can only get a few PPC programs to work
> (Mpega, warpstat, benoit etc.).
> also setpatch crashes unless I echo a line and thus open 
> cli, before it, I have version 40.16 installed as 
> recomended in the PPC update docs.

I use version 43.6 of SetPatch and it's all right.
I think it could be something to do with the last flash update you
did; maybe you could try to ask someone at H&P (
if there are any problems with that firmware.
Or maybe it could be that it expects to find a BVision, as it has
already been suggested.

> sorry for such a long winded email but I need help, and I 
> dont know where else to turn.

Don't worry, it's not bad to read an on  topic mail every now and 
then ;-)
Well, I hope this helps;

Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x

         "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you live with turkeys."

Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 15425

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: CD-Writer
Date: 15 Jun 1999 21:46:44 +0100
Bill said, 

> I am contemplating getting an external CD-Writer to connect to the Amiga 1200
> squirrelscsi. link.

> Would a PC unit work?

There's no such thing. A SCSI CD writer is a SCSI CD writer. It may
come with PC software, but it's not a PC unit. Many CD writers come in
a pack with PC software and a cheapo SCSI card, you can often get a
better price if you buy a bare drive.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 20: Synthetic natural gas

Message 15426

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 03:35:57 +0100
We are the Simmonds. UKOnlines bin directory is futile. Prepare to be ass=

> I am currently using UKOnline as a backup for my U-net connection. I
> wondered if i had any web space, so i logged in and i did. of

Your Webspace with UKOnline is automatically created as soon as you
log into the Webspace server.

> course, there was nothing in my webspace, apart from a directory
> called "bin". I was wondering if this is a CGI bin?? also, what sort

No, UKOnline don't allow you to use CGI on your own site. But they
couldn't care less if you use CGI from another site. IIRC, UKOnline
have a kind of 'hosting' facility, you'll have to check the UKOnline
tech support pages to see.

The bin directory is best ignored - it's only holds various info about
you and your Website.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

=2E.. Concussion - A prisoner's sofa pillow.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 40% - 259 tags in Definitions.tags >>=

Message 15427

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 03:46:53 +0100
Excuse me Ferenczy, what was that you were saying about how to be rich?

> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to
> the originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want
> to stop this sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+

No, replying to Spam, even to send 600+ copies, is the last thing you
should do. Doing so only gives them your address in addition to the
list address. Ignore it, like everybody else does, or track it and try
to remove them. But *don't* reply to them, otherwise don't be surprised
if you get more Spam in return...

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#FidoEd - the next generation of text editors#

=2E.. Bob Monkhouse virus - runs a program, trying to be funny, without m=
uch success
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 35% - 13 tags in Viruses.tags >>=

Message 15428

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 01:14:53 +0100
Oh, no! It's Ben Vost, muttering something about Freeserve dying AGAIN?

> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

Wouldn't surprise me. I've lost count of how many times the POP3
and/or SMTP servers have been down. Honestly, if there was an award
for the worst ISP, Freeserve would win it, no contest :/

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... "My stereo's half-fixed", said Tom monotonously.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 34% - 231 tags in Gags.tags >>

Message 15429

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:32:49 +0100
I noticed a mail from containing the words Rules=
 and regs. I'm now going ask him what this is about...

> Go ahead, we'll open it up for discussion.

Okay, here it is. I usually put 'ADMIN README! - Rules posting
(15 Jun 1999)' in the Subject: line, so that it jumps out amongst
other mails.


To be posted on the 1st and the 15th of each month

This may be a long message, but it is important that you read all of
it, otherwise you stand a risk of inadvertantly breaching the rules.

This list operates a 'penalty point' system. Those who offend will
receive points, receiving a total of 16 or more points will mean that
you will be removed from this list. I reserve the right to do this
with no prior warning. Those who are known to offend often offending
on this list will be immediatly removed, without warning. The moral of
this is - BEHAVE, or suffer the consequenses. The 16 points ban will
last for 3 months, after which time you will be contacted to rejoin
the list. Recieving another 16 point ban will ban you for this list
permanantly. These rules are dynamic, and may change without further
notice; also, I reserve the right to make ad hoc rulings.

With some of these rules, a breach may result in you being reported to
your ISP.

Here's a table of offences and the penalties they carry.

Overquoting                                                  2 points
Signature, header or taglines too long                       2 points
Replying to an ADMIN post without changing the Subject       2 points
Straying too far off topic                                   3 points
Cross posting without permission                             3 points
Replying to a dead thread after the two days are up          4 points
Flaming another user on this list publicly                   6 points
Arguing with the moderator or co-moderator                   6 points
Spamming this list                                           6 points
Imitating the moderator or co-moderator in any way   PERMANENT REMOVAL
Discussing and/or conspiring illegal actions         PERMANENT REMOVAL
Racially motivated attacks                           PERMANENT REMOVAL

Explanations of the above:

1.  Quotes should be kept to a minimum. There is no set guideline as
    to the amount you should quote, but you should decide what's
    relevent to what you typed, and cut out the parts that aren't
    relevent. Also, make sure you do not quote the headers and/or
    signatures (either of the person you're replying to, or the list

2.  Keep the length of your taglines, headers and signature down. I
    will accept a maximum of 3 lines for the taglines, 3 lines for
    the headers, and 5 lines for the signature.

3.  Whenever you see a post with the 'ADMIN README!' subject, read
    it! Also, if you are going to reply to it, remove the words
    'ADMIN README!' so that it doesn't appear in the Subject: line
    at all. Also, if you have a humourous or productive comment to
    make on such a post, you may do it through the list. However, if
    you want to point something out that I may have got wrong or you
    take offence to, take it to E-Mail, as 9 times out of 10, it is of
    no interest to others.

4.  Please try to keep on topic! This means staying on the subject of
    Cybersoft Software, and the Amiga computer in general. I am
    fairly flexible in this, and will allow off-topic messages, as
    long as they do not go on for too long. Also, when you change a
    subject within a message, change the Subject: line to reflect the
    new subject.

5.  Do not cross-post, as this can mess up filtering of messages.
    Also, it is a breach of mailing list netiquette. If you wish to
    cross post, you may consult me, or the Co-Moderator, but you may
    not post it before you have gained approval. If and when you have
    gained approval, you must use the CC: header, not the To: or
    BCC: header.

6.  When either I or the Co-Moderator says that a thread is dead, I
    will allow 2 days further, in case replies arrive at the list
    late. There is no excuse for continuing a thread after those two
    days are up.

7.  If you take offence to something that has been posted, take your
    argument to private E-Mail! Other subscribers are not interested
    in squabbles.

8.  This is my list, and what I say, goes. If you have a problem with
    something I've written, take it to private E-Mail. As in Rule 7,
    others aren't interested in squabbles. This also applys to
    anything the Co-Moderator has written.

9.  If you wish to post have an advert of any sort, send it to me or
    the Co-Moderator, and we will decide whether it is suitable to be
    posted to the list. If you do not gain approval first, you will be
    punished by recieving 6 points, as your post will be considered
    Spam. Also, any attempt to post a pornographic site, or one that
    contains pirated software will be dealt with under rule 11,
    pending an exceptionally good explanation.

10. Imitating the Moderator or Co-Moderator will be frowned upon. If
    you are found to be imitating me or the Co-Moderator anywhere,
    it will result in instant and permanent removal from the list.

11. Discussing illegal actions will be punished, whether conspired or
    carried out. Here, as in rule 10, you will be removed from the
    list instantly and permanently.

12. Racially motivated attacks will not be tolerated on this list.
    This includes statements including the word 'nigger' and suchlike.
    There can be no excuse for such attacks, as they cannot be written
    accidentally. This also applies to attacks targeted at certain
    ethnic minorities (Jews, etc.), and also to other related attacks
    (sexist remarks, etc.). If such messages occur, the author shall
    be removed, as with Rules 10 and 11, instantly and permanently,
    with no prior warning.

As you can see, these rules are pretty strict, but they're there to
keep an efficient, and productive mailing list for all. =

It is not one rule for the Moderator (or Co-Moderator) and another
rule for everyone else. I will not breach my own rules, even though I
cannot remove myself from this list (otherwise, the list would close).
The Co-Moderator will also be treated equally, and will incur points,
should he offend. I will also incur points, should I offend, purely
for interest of the subscribers to this list (in this case, the
Co-Moderator should judge whether I have breached any of my own rules).

The offender list will be posted on the 1st and 15th of each month,
along with this Rules Posting. It contains a list of offenders, along
with the offences that each has carried out, the points for each
offence and the total points.

If you wish to appeal a decision on yourself by either me or the
Co-Moderator, write to the me privately, and the Co-Moderator and I
will discuss your case.

Matters which should be raised by both the Co-Moderator and I should
be sent to, as we will both be sent a
copy, even though you only have to send one copy.

Thank you for obeying these rules, keeping this list free for
productive messages, rather than unproductive bandwidth wasting.

James Lowe

Thomas Newsom    
James Lowe Team *AMIGA* *E-Mail:* *ICQ:* 15846720 *WWW:* #FidoEd - the next generation of text editors# =2E.. Avoid that run down feeling. Stay on the sidewalk. << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - 231 tags in Gags.tags >>=

Message 15430

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:07:53 +0100

>> Actually, I think the files are still protected by copyright so it's
>> probably not a good idea to spread them.  Having said that,
>> if it turns out to be legal, I'd really appreciate a copy too.
>AFAICR, Activision own the rights to all the infocom games. I guess you
>could speak nicely to them. You _can_ get Zork I,II & III from their
>website for free, though.

Sorry folks, I guess that's that then. Still, I'm going to keep looking for
the Amiga version, my second hand PC copy lost it's manual many years ago -
and it looks increasingly unlikely I'll be getting that copy off the 5 inch
anytime soon either :-/

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15431

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Cable&Wireless
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:53:36 +0000
Hello All,

On 15-Jun-99, Stephen Harris wrote:

> It is possible to use C&W without having a new phone line put in :-)) All
> I have to do is dial 132 before any call I make, and it gets routed
> through their service at thier prices. :-)

Does that mean that Euphony is a C&W service? I have to dial 132 to have my
calls routed to Euphony :)

UIN: 30044173

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 15432

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:24:38 +0100
Hello Tom

> On 14-Jun-99 17:47:56, Ferenczy said:

> 8000 calls an hour at 50p a minute that makes for a nice tidy sum.  No
> where's my 'How to start up a flakey free ISP with hight cost technical
> support' book? ;)

goody as i'm thinking of buying some shares in them when they come up for
sale ;-)

                Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 15433

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: C compilers
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:20:36 +0100
Greetings  Matt

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> C is case sensitive. So are most C programmers (that is, sensitive about
> people's use of case when talking about C). You don't want to pop onto
> comp.c.programming and have them flame you off, do you?

There's no need for him to go to comp.c.programming when you're to provide
just that sort of service.

> Matt Sealey



/PGP Key available on request/
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 15434

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:59:03 +0100
Greetings  Richard

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello
> On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list"
>> when I try to load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I
>> am using the PPC version (does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).
> It doen't want to work under emulation - I get the same error here.
> BTW, anybody who hasn't tried APDF should trot along over to their
> nearest Aminet mirror and download a copy now. It's fab - especially
> when used with a TTF engine and some type1 fonts.

I cannot get the FPU version to work. It's supposed to be 030+fpu/040 and
060, but it will not work. The 020 version works fine (I have a 030+882)

It seems to work very well; and doesn't seem to need a jumbo-stack like

re:Gzip, is there any special places all the bits should go? I just
coppied the contents of the "bin/" dire to c:. is that OK? :} I couldn't
find any installation details in the Docs..

> Cheers,
> Richard


/PGP Key available on request/
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15435

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Xpdf
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:30:33 +0100
Hi, I'm trying to install Xpdf 0.8 on my Amiga, but according to the docs it
requires the X11R6.3 installation which is distributed with Geek Gadgets.
Since I don't have any GG CDs I had a look for it on Aminet, but no luck
there (at least not doing a search for x11, I may be looking for the wrong
thing..) Can anyone help me out here? Thanks,


Message 15436

Subject: [afb] Re: Transmeta
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:40:30 -0000
Hi Matt,

> > I have been on loads of CPU sites and all they say is that
> > Transmeta is a software programmable Chip (NOTE: NOT
> > CPU, CHIP!) that can be programmed on the fly so as to
> > change it's instruction set to the task it is doing at the time.
> Speculation.

Sounds like that FPGA based computer that was mentioned in (please don't kill me) PC Plus. Runs pretty fast because the software is basically a re-configuration for the FPGAs so it all runs in hardware. Doubt it would be vialble for the supposed price of the NG Amigas though.

> Because it can allegedly emulate an x86 class processor faster
> than a real x86 class processor could run at the same clock speed.
> A trivial task - x86 architecture is far from highly optimised..

But surely it would also take a lot of time to emulate the imperfections? ;)

Message 15437

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:40:49 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> I remember once seeing a PC strategy game (can't remember which) which
> was proudly claiming that it's units used neural nets which has got to
> be about the worst way of handling this kind of application I can
> think of.  Assuming true untrained neural net, units start very very
> very stupid doing random things (like shooting themselves), get
> smarter, train up on your personal tactics, you get one to two good
> contests then it wipes the floor with you everytime because it can
> predict what your going to do, until you change tactics and you start
> back at square one.  I assume they didn't really use actual NNs.

   Ha, I don't believe a word of it:

Currently the most advanced nural net running on some super computer has the
intelligence of a kitten. Can you imaging a cat trying to play Napam?

   It probably uses some kind of simple learning system, but not a real
nural net, NN systems just aren't advanced enough.
See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
You are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito
if you've eaten a banana.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15438

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:44:27 +0000
Hi Everybody,

>> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to
>> the originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want
>> to stop this sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+
> No, replying to Spam, even to send 600+ copies, is the last thing you
> should do. Doing so only gives them your address in addition to the
> list address. Ignore it, like everybody else does, or track it and try
> to remove them. But *don't* reply to them, otherwise don't be surprised
> if you get more Spam in return...

   why not use an anon. remailer? Or your superfast
school/college/university's hundred-million-megs per second connection ;)

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
More collect calls are placed on Father's Day than any other
day of the year.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15439

Subject: [afb] Re: A Blitz Problem
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:50:02 -0000
Hi Danny,

> I cannot work out how to read the system variable RC. What i'm trying to do
> is see if Genesis is connected by

> But how do I get at RC?

Isn't RC a standard system variable? If it is, then you could try this (bad) way of getting it.

Execute_ "getenv RC > ram:temp"
If ReadFIle(0,"ram:temp")
    FileInput 0
    ; read the number here, probably with Inkey$(1)
    CloseFile 0
End If

And shouldn't you be asking this on the Blitz list? ;)

Message 15440

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:59:02 +0100
I've seen a few people having problems running APDF on their PPCs, but has
anyone had trouble running the 68k version? When I start it from either
Workbench or the CLI all I get is a Line 1111 Emulator Error. I have gzip,
MUI, and everything else the docs say it requires. Am I missing something,
or is it just very unstable atm?


Message 15441

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:10:52 +0100
Hello Ben

On 15-Giu-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hi Matt,
>> Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?
> On Cloanto's site as of today.

BTW, I bought it after I tried the Cover Disc. You see, is not a bad idea to
put on the cover disc complete
version of old piece of software. I know that Ben would not agree with it,
but that is just my opinion.
And no, I am not starting a new thread ;)

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15442

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:11:51 +0100
Hello Matt

On 15-Giu-99, Matt Sealey wrote:

>> Hi Matt,
>>> Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?
>> On Cloanto's site as of today.
> Phew, I was worried for a moment.
> I pride myself on being EXTREMELY up to date
> with my apps and system libraries. The thought
> of missing an upgrade by even a few days made
> me break into a cold sweat..
> [shudder]
> I'm better now :)

Would you like a cup of tea?? (English accent)

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15443

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:12:31 +0100
Hello Matt

On 15-Giu-99, Matt Sealey wrote:

>>> Hi Matt,
>>>> Eh? 7.1b? Where's that?
>>> On Cloanto's site as of today.
>> Phew, I was worried for a moment.
> And I am again - where is it?

Oh, gosh. You really could do with a nice cup of tea. (English, posh

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15444

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: BT-Internet, Fair competition?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:34:17 +0100
Hi Philip,

On 12-Jun-99, you wrote

>> (I'm sure you made the long one up).



 Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor #Team# #AMIGA#
 UIN: 39795033 IRC: Amike on ARCNet

Message 15445

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:23:59 +0100
Hi Ben,

On 14-Jun-99, you wrote

> Hi all (except those on FreeServe who probably won't get this),
> So is Freeserve's mail server down again, since loads of freeserve
> addresses on this list seem to be bouncing all of a sudden?

Don't think so? I'm still getting maili from the lists I've not yet
changed over to UKOnline... I know I'm lazy but I can't be bothered
to change from freeserve to UKOnline when in the next 3 or 4 weeks
I'll have to change all my lists to wirenet for a year.... :)


 Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor #Team# #AMIGA#
 UIN: 39795033 IRC: Amike on ARCNet

Message 15446

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:51:11 +0100
Hello David

On 15-Jun-99, David Patterson wrote:

> Sorry folks, I guess that's that then. Still, I'm going to keep looking
> for the Amiga version, my second hand PC copy lost it's manual many years
> ago - and it looks increasingly unlikely I'll be getting that copy off the
> 5 inch anytime soon either :-/

  I've got the Mastertronic version of HGTTG here, it's only a couple of
files, do you want it?  I know it's illegal, but I think Mastertronic and
Infocom (Activision) have left the Amiga scene to rot long ago

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 15447

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: 15 Jun 99 23:50:16 +0000
> Currently the most advanced nural net running on some super computer has the
> intelligence of a kitten. Can you imaging a cat trying to play Napam?

The way I play strat games it would probably beat me though ;)

>    It probably uses some kind of simple learning system, but not a real
> nural net, NN systems just aren't advanced enough.

Well I don't see the point in using a learning process at all in this
sort of game, neural nets and their like are generally used were the
environment is not completely defined or understood, why not use a
rule based system ?  Ok you can try and be clever and get the game to
respond to the level of the player but I've never seen this work
effectively (anybody ever see any difference in the way Gods used to
play ?  that was supposed to have a learning algorithm) besides like I
said originally as soon as the player changes tactics (or a different
user appears) it all goes down the drain anyway.


Accy, Lancs.

Message 15448

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 00:05:21 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> I've seen a few people having problems running APDF on their PPCs, but has
> anyone had trouble running the 68k version? When I start it from either
> Workbench or the CLI all I get is a Line 1111 Emulator Error. I have gzip,
> MUI, and everything else the docs say it requires. Am I missing something,
> or is it just very unstable atm?

Well the non-fpu version works ok. Looks like the FPU version doesn't like
your Blizzard 1230 IV very much :-/


Message 15449

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates)
Date: 16 Jun 99 00:09:17 +0000
Good Evening,

It has come to our attention that a magazine in the Future empire by
the name of T3 is next month planning to release an issue devoted to
the future of computing.  This tome has in the past displayed
disturbing leanings to the PC side although we have detected a
definite Apple fringe lurking within (rumours of ex-editors being
replaced for such sympathys can not be discounted nor confirmed at
this time).  Your mission and that of your AF team should you choose
to accept it is to get the word AMIGA to appear somewhere (anywhere
?) in this issue.  There have been some small successes with this
group notably a news article on a new Amiga and a review by someone
going under the name of Nick Veitch (who ever he was).
Possible contacts from current known agents operating within T3 :

Rob Mead (ex-AF/ AS)
Richard Longhurst (ex-AP)
Tim Norris (ex-AP)
Cam Winstanley (ex-AP)

Occasional sightings of Steve Jarratt (ex-AF ed) have been reported by
agents but with his Apple connections should only be approached with
extreme caution.  The head of this organisation, one Paul Pettengale,
has been known to run PC squads in his younger days.

If you should be caught the AFB list will deny all knowledge of this

This message will be deleted ......eventually.

Message 15450

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: 15 Jun 99 23:55:09 +0000
Hello David Patterson, on 15-Jun-99 20:07:53 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?) 


>Sorry folks, I guess that's that then. Still, I'm going to keep looking for
>the Amiga version, my second hand PC copy lost it's manual many years ago -
>and it looks increasingly unlikely I'll be getting that copy off the 5 inch
>anytime soon either :-/

The Amiga version of HHGTTG? Hmmm, I think that I /may/ have a copy of
it. I'm not sure though and can't check as it may still be with a load
of other games at my old house.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
The air in here is pretty thick, I think I'll go outside.

Message 15451

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: 16 Jun 1999 0:33:46 +0100
Andrew Crowe said, 

>>> Nope, it's SPAM pure and simple - I have forwarded the file back to
>>> the originator with a terse note... I suggest anyone else who want
>>> to stop this sort of thing do the same - if they can send 600+
>> No, replying to Spam, even to send 600+ copies, is the last thing you
>> should do. Doing so only gives them your address in addition to the
>> list address. Ignore it, like everybody else does, or track it and try
>> to remove them. But *don't* reply to them, otherwise don't be surprised
>> if you get more Spam in return...

>    why not use an anon. remailer? Or your superfast
> school/college/university's hundred-million-megs per second connection ;)

Because the originator's address may be forged, you may end up
mailbombing a totally innocent person, and lose your own Internet
access as a result.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Message 15452

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: 16 Jun 1999 0:36:7 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> Hi, I'm trying to install Xpdf 0.8 on my Amiga, but according to the docs it
> requires the X11R6.3 installation which is distributed with Geek Gadgets.
> Since I don't have any GG CDs I had a look for it on Aminet, but no luck
> there (at least not doing a search for x11, I may be looking for the wrong
> thing..) Can anyone help me out here? Thanks,

GG is at

There's a *lot* to download.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows isn't a virus -- viruses do something!

Message 15453

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 00:50:54 +0100
Hi Carl,

> It has come to our attention that a magazine in the Future empire by
> the name of T3 is next month planning to release an issue devoted to
> the future of computing. 
> Your mission and that of your AF team should you choose
> to accept it is to get the word AMIGA to appear somewhere (anywhere
> ?) in this issue.

If it's due to be released next month won't the magazine have been written
already? Or at least most of it will have been, let's just hope someone has
already had this idea :)
Some PC magazine (can't remember which) had a feature on "Alternative
Operating Systems" last month. Although I think the only ones mentioned
were  Windows versions, Linux versions, MacOS and Risc OS, no mention of
AmigaOS, which I thought was a shame :-/


Message 15454

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 00:52:44 +0100
Hi Neil,

> GG is at
> There's a *lot* to download.

Do I need it *all* just to run Xpdf 0.8? Version 0.7 works well enough
without LibX11.


Message 15455

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: 16 Jun 1999 0:59:49 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> GG is at
>> There's a *lot* to download.

> Do I need it *all* just to run Xpdf 0.8? Version 0.7 works well enough
> without LibX11.

You need quite a lot of it AFAIK. 0.7 doesn't need GG, using LibX11
instead. I'd persevere with Apdf instead.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Seduced by the Chocolate side of the Force...

Message 15456

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave 3D
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:56:21 +0000

On 13-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I own Lightwave 3D v3.5 and was wondering how I could either
> upgrade to version 5 or purchase the complete package of version 5.
> I've heard that Lightwave is no longer being produced for the Amiga
> so I guess I may be stuck with v3.5, not that there's anything wrong
> with it, but v5 should in theory be better than v3.5

How much is Lightwave v5 anyway?


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 15457

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Fonts (again)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:36:27 +0000
Hiya ppl

I'm tring to use Postscript fonts in the spline editor of Imagine v4, but no
fonts come up on the font list. I think it's because I dont know how to
install Postscript fonts. I've tried the intellifont proggy, but that dont
work. Can anyone help?



A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 15458

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga font
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:36:38 +0000
Hiya ppl

Does anyone know the name ofthe font used for the "AMiGA" text logo? Also,
where can I get it from.


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 15459

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave 3D
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:50:03 +0100
Hi 4-0,

> How much is Lightwave v5 anyway?

As someone else has already pointed out it's =A3995 +VAT.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Any sufficiently advanced bug is =

     indistinguishable from a feature.

Message 15460

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:51:08 +0100
Hi James,

> Wouldn't surprise me. I've lost count of how many times the POP3
> and/or SMTP servers have been down. Honestly, if there was an award
> for the worst ISP, Freeserve would win it, no contest :/

It's funny how they were voted the best free ISP by afb members then... :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.

Message 15461

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:52:34 +0100

> I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list" when
> I try to load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I am using
> the PPC version (does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).

According to Rich here it doesn't, unfortunately...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]

Message 15462

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AmIRC & ARexx
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:57:56 +0100
Hi Danny,

> I was just wondering if there is an Arexx command to allow me to close the
> connection with an IRC server that AmIRC is using.

Have a look through AmIRC's Arexx docs.

> PS does anyone know of a spell checker that YAM can use so I can use the
> 'Type and Spell' option?

Usually ASpell or iSpell. You can get them both from Aminet.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 15463

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Shares
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:58:54 +0100
Hi Ken,

> goody as i'm thinking of buying some shares in them when they come up for
> sale ;-)

If you're interested in buying shares Future gets floated on Friday

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15464

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:02:01 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> Hi, I'm trying to install Xpdf 0.8 on my Amiga, but according to the docs
> it requires the X11R6.3 installation which is distributed with Geek
> Gadgets. Since I don't have any GG CDs I had a look for it on Aminet, but
> no luck there (at least not doing a search for x11, I may be looking for
> the wrong thing..) Can anyone help me out here? Thanks,

Yeah, get APDF instead! Nice MUI interface, etc...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15465

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:03:34 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> I've seen a few people having problems running APDF on their PPCs, but has
> anyone had trouble running the 68k version? When I start it from either
> Workbench or the CLI all I get is a Line 1111 Emulator Error. I have gzip,
> MUI, and everything else the docs say it requires. Am I missing something,
> or is it just very unstable atm?

Works fine here on an 060/72MB, CV3D, but it is slow to start up and hasn't
been compiled with the Japanese fonts extension (doh!).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15466

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:05:02 +0100
Hi Vincenzo,

> BTW, I bought it after I tried the Cover Disc. You see, is not a bad idea
> to put on the cover disc complete version of old piece of software. I know
> that Ben would not agree with it, but that is just my opinion. And no, I
> am not starting a new thread ;)

Older software, maybe, although putting a full version of 7.0 on our CD when
the later version 7.1 wasn't much improved went against my grain. I dare
say there are a lot of people still on this list that *didn't* upgrade.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 15467

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:07:54 +0100
Hi Gerald,

>> Your mission and that of your AF team should you choose
>> to accept it is to get the word AMIGA to appear somewhere (anywhere
>> ?) in this issue.

> If it's due to be released next month won't the magazine have been written
> already? Or at least most of it will have been, let's just hope someone
> has already had this idea :)

It's too early yet. What would they say? "Oh yeah, the Amiga will be able to
do everything. Sorry we've no proof of that, you'll just have to trust us"?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
"The covers of this book are too far
apart." - Ambrose Bierce

Message 15468

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:11:08 +0100
Hi 4-0,

> Does anyone know the name ofthe font used for the "AMiGA" text logo? Also,
> where can I get it from.

It's called Bodoni, designed by Giambatista Bodoni back in the sixteenth or
fifteenth century, but it's been bastardised to remove the serifs to give
it that distinct (dozy) Amiga look. The previous logo (C='s) was just
Garamond Halbfett Kursiv.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 15469

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:49:13 +0100
Hello Andy

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I cannot get the FPU version to work. It's supposed to be 030+fpu/040 and
> 060, but it will not work. The 020 version works fine (I have a 030+882)

The 060 versions works on this 060 machine - but that's not much help to
you, is it?

> It seems to work very well; and doesn't seem to need a jumbo-stack like
> xpdf.
> re:Gzip, is there any special places all the bits should go? I just
> coppied the contents of the "bin/" dire to c:. is that OK? :} I couldn't
> find any installation details in the Docs..

I imagine it looks for gzip in your command path, so shoving it in C: will
be fine.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15470

Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts (again)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:08:19 -0000
Original Article:
> Hiya ppl
> I'm tring to use Postscript fonts in the spline editor of Imagine v4, but no
> fonts come up on the font list. I think it's because I dont know how to
> install Postscript fonts. I've tried the intellifont proggy, but that dont
> work. Can anyone help?
> Cheers

You need an additional program called Type1.5 on Aminet for using Postscript Fonts.

John Hart

Message 15471

Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competiti
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:18:36 -0000
 <00e601beb772$3cf07960$2c94a8c-@david> wrote: 
Original Article:

> Sorry folks, I guess that's that then. Still, I'm going to keep looking for
> the Amiga version, my second hand PC copy lost it's manual many years ago -
> and it looks increasingly unlikely I'll be getting that copy off the 5 inch
> anytime soon either :-/

C64 Disk images of most of the infocom range are here:

MagiC64 or Frodo can use them easily :)

John Hart

Message 15472

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts (again)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:19:11 +0100

>> I'm tring to use Postscript fonts in the spline editor of Imagine v4, but
>> no fonts come up on the font list. I think it's because I dont know how
>> to install Postscript fonts. I've tried the intellifont proggy, but that
>> dont work. Can anyone help?
>> Cheers

> You need an additional program called Type1.5 on Aminet for using
> Postscript Fonts.

Not for Imagine you shouldn't. Postscript Type 1 fonts come in two different
files - an afm file and a pfb file. The pfb part is what you need for
Imagine - just point it in the right direction and it should find them.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 15473

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts (again)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:32:40 +0000
Hello Ben

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Not for Imagine you shouldn't. Postscript Type 1 fonts come in two
> different files - an afm file and a pfb file. The pfb part is what you
> need for Imagine - just point it in the right direction and it should find
> them.

K, Cheers  :-)


Here's to Living Single, Seeing Double, and jumping triples.

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 15474

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:54:08 +0100
Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want to
know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.


Message 15475

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:54:50 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff=

> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I wan=
> to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's =A3114 btw.

Didn't we already do this for someone else? :) Directory Opus 5 Magellan =
Kickstart 3.1 and Workbench 3.5 (when available).

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 15476

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:04:46 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
>> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want
>> to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.

>Didn't we already do this for someone else? :) Directory Opus 5 Magellan
>Kickstart 3.1 and Workbench 3.5 (when available).

Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)


Message 15477

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:02:01 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
> come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)

Got a sub to AF? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 An Amiga online is like a fish *in* water

Message 15478

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:09:08 +0100
> Hi Neil,
> > Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when
> > come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions
> Got a sub to AF? :)

Yep, try again :)


Message 15479

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:16:39 +0000
Hello Neil

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff=

> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I wan=
> to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's =A3114 btw.

I'll send you my bank details.. ;-D


-- =

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD + Muchos' Coffee...
*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 15480

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:19:20 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Yep, try again :)

In that case, spend the money on wine, women and song (should get you a
pint, a CD single and...)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 15481

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:29:14 +0100
Hi Ben,
> > Yep, try again :)
> In that case, spend the money on wine, women and song (should get you a
> pint, a CD single and...)

Three problems: 1) I'm not old enough to buy alcohol :)
		2) Local Woolworths is crap and sells nothing worth buying
		3) That's nothing to do with my computer :)


Message 15482

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 05:28:45 -0500 (CDT)
> In that case, spend the money on wine, women and song (should get you a
> pint, a CD single and...)

  ...some chocolates for your gran?

  Considered a pre-order for FUSION or PCx?


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15483

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:29:35 +0100
Neil B penned in a mirthful way:

>Three problems: 1) I'm not old enough to buy alcohol :)
>		2) Local Woolworths is crap and sells nothing worth buying
>		3) That's nothing to do with my computer :)

These aren't problems - just mere obstacles :)

How about registering some shareware at WOA?


Message 15484

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:34:19 +0100
> > In that case, spend the money on wine, women and song (should get you a
> > pint, a CD single and...)
>   ...some chocolates for your gran?

Hmmm.... can't think of anything to say to that one :)

>   Considered a pre-order for FUSION or PCx?
However much I want to support the people making those things, I,
unfortunately, have no use for the products in question.


Message 15485

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:35:15 +0100
> Neil B penned in a mirthful way:
> >Three problems: 1) I'm not old enough to buy alcohol :)
> >		2) Local Woolworths is crap and sells nothing worth buying
> >		3) That's nothing to do with my computer :)
> These aren't problems - just mere obstacles :)
> How about registering some shareware at WOA?

Can't go to it :( Going on holiday the day it starts :(((( Although
I could register some shareware without going... Ok, that's one
suggestion on the list of things to do :)


Message 15486

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:34:56 +0100
Neil B wrote:

>>>>Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 =
>>they come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other
>> Got a sub to AF? :)
>Yep, try again :)

If you need some hardware (cheap) check out
Click on Products - B Grade Stock.

I picked up a Pace 56 Voice and a 1.7Gb HDD for =A3122 -
incl VAT and P&P - bargain.....

Modem had a damaged box and the disk had no drivers
and was not in the original box - like I care :)


Message 15487

Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:38:05
>Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
>that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want to
>know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.

I would but 114 quids worth of Amiga stuff.




Message 15488

Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:43:07
>> Hi Neil,
>> > Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when
>> > come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions
>> Got a sub to AF? :)
>Yep, try again :)

Greetings,(accidently sent this direct, sorry)

Register all your unregistered sharware.



Message 15489

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:24:23 +0100

It crashes with Line 0101 Emulator Error on mine.

Funny, I have an MMU and FPU so AFAIK I shouldn't get that
error.. unless it's REALLY badly coded or REALLY badly


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 15 June 1999 18:08
Subject: [afb] APDF

I cannot get Apdf to work- I get the error "cannot create port list" when I
try to
load a PDF document. I have Gzip installed correctly. I am using the PPC
(does it work under WarpOS with emulation?).


Message 15490

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 16 Jun 1999 10:30:32 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi James,

>> Honestly, if there was an award
>> for the worst ISP, Freeserve would win it, no contest :/

> It's funny how they were voted the best free ISP by afb members then... :(

Now try converting each number of votes to a percentage of the number
of customers each ISP has :-O

In the independent ISP survey in, Freeserve didn't
even make the Top 50. X-Stream managed 24th so the competitionwasn't
exactly hot in the lower half of the table.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Do PAL taglines take up two scanlines?

Message 15491

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: 16 Jun 1999 10:31:52 +0100
Richard Drummond said, 

>> re:Gzip, is there any special places all the bits should go? I just
>> coppied the contents of the "bin/" dire to c:. is that OK? :} I couldn't
>> find any installation details in the Docs..

> I imagine it looks for gzip in your command path, so shoving it in C: will
> be fine.

Or set the GZIPCMD tooltype with the full path to GZip.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I'm Pink, Therefore I'm Spam

Message 15492

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:37:38 +0100
Hi Neil

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> I imagine it looks for gzip in your command path, so shoving it in C:
>> will be fine.
> Or set the GZIPCMD tooltype with the full path to GZip.

You don't expect me to actually read the docs, do you? 

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15493

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 16 Jun 1999 12:43:24 +0100
Neil Bullock said, 

> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want to
> know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.

A year's subscription to Wirenet :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Message 15494

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: AI hardware.
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:26:07 -0700
  This may be a bit off the subject, but has anyone thought of making a
massive parallel proccessor, with about 1000 PIC style proccessors (ie
not very sophisticated, but has onboard memory is small and cheap), then
get each one to proccess a couple of thousand neurons?
 Someone tried this for a gfx card, with each proccessor calculating 
afew pixels each, and they managed to get realtime 3D rendered
animations  of massive quality. Apply the same idea to NNs, and before
we know it, we'll have sentient computers of a sort.

Just a thought.

-Alex Timiney

Message 15495

Subject: [afb] Re: A problem... (Oh no! Another one!)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 05:33:23 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
> I was wondering if the problems *started* when you did the flash...
> Just a theory.

No, I did the flash over a month ago.

---Mark  wrote:
> I think the first thing you should do is see if your computer will
> boot from floppy workbench. Don't immediately assume that a part of
> your hardware has broken. Remove all your additional parts and then
> see if your hardrive will boot. If it does, try different combinations
> of hardware to see if you can eliminate which bits aren't causing any
> problems.
> You may well find, as I did the other day, that fiddling about with
> all your leads, etc, has fixed whatever the problem was.

I have checked all the leads etc and they are not faulty. I even removed the
board twice and put it back but to no avail.

Next, I tried booting WITHOUT the PPC... and the thing works perfectly. I can
get the machine to boot up with the card by removing the SETPATCH command, but
only to a 4-color screen. However, the problems persist. The machine operattes
very slowly (it is slower than without the board) and there is no fast memory
at all. The FPU programs don't crash (dunno why they crashed earlier) but
inform that they need a CPU to run. PPC programs simply freeze.

I took a closer look at my PPC board... there is some strange transparent
stuff around several component legs, as if something has melted there... at
least it LOOKS like so, I'm no electrician. One is on the 50mHz chrystal leg,
two are on the fan's legs, and fourth on the battery's minus leg.

I'm sending the card for repairs... there is SOMETHING faulty on it. Thanks
for the help anyway.

- Jani M.
* A1200(T), PPC603e/040, 24X CDROM, 15" SVGA, 200W PSU, HP660 Deskjet *
* Amiga (ab)user since '88                                            *

Message 15496

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:34:03 -0700
Neil Bullock wrote:
> Hi,
> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want to
> know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.
> Neil

Why don't you not spend it? That way the next time you get a load of
interest, you'll get even more.

Alex Timiney

Message 15497

Subject: [afb] Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:40:17 -0000
Anyone know of a cheap way to get good fonts. I`m looking for a CD or maybe a web source- primarily fonts for WP and DTP in Postscript and Truetype formats. I generally need the most common names- Times, Arial, Dingbats etc.

Or maybe even Compugraphic? Can you get all the top fonts?

Are the majority of PS or TT fonts copyrighted?- I mean- do you have to buy them from somewhere?

What is the better (in terms of speed, compatibility and quality) font library to use with the AmigaOS if you want good scalable proportional fonts; the Bullet.library that comes on WB3.1, the Type1 Postscript engine or the Truetype library?


John Hart

Message 15498

From: "Sam Castillo"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:41:06 +0100
> On 10 Jun 1999, Paul Cundle wrote:
> > >   How about www.  So far I've heard
> > >    - wuh wuh wuh
> > >    - woo woo woo

How about "triple dub".

it was an internet buzzword about a year back (I know it`s true `cos I read it
in Wired! ;) ) and I`m still using it. Most people know what it means.

Message 15499

Subject: [afb] Thought for an article
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:55:31 -0000
I just had a thought for an article that could fit in with OS 3.5 (or maybe DOpus). It would be about setting up a really good workbench from scratch, in a step by step diary kind of format- One of the AF journo`s would set about installing a useful WB from a list of useful bought and shareware purchases- going through the installation procedures and showing tips on how to use the installer, keeping logfiles, assigns, dealing with drawers, using the prefs programs and other ways of optimising the system. It would be like a follow up to the spring clean article. Illustrations would show how the Workbench develops as you go along- e.g "now we see the toolbar in position, one click and the text editor pops up, using the preference file that is located in ENV:", that sort of thing.


Message 15500

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:00:29 +0100

At the bottom is a huge bunch of font source links. Arial etc. can be found
on most Windows machines in Truetype (ttf) format.

Incidentally, that page also holds the ttf.library so you can use them on
your Amiga :)

I would say use Truetype or Postscript as Compugraphic seems to lack
the definition that the other two have - the "hinting" is nowhere near as
good as TTF and the resolution and scope is nowhere near as complex
as Postscript..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15501

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:05:05 +0100

> Anyone know of a cheap way to get good fonts. I`m looking for a CD or
> maybe a web source- primarily fonts for WP and DTP in Postscript and
> Truetype formats. I generally need the most common names- Times, Arial,
> Dingbats etc.

> Or maybe even Compugraphic? Can you get all the top fonts?

Get the Phase 1, 2 and 3 CDs from EMComputergraphic

> Are the majority of PS or TT fonts copyrighted?- I mean- do you have to
> buy them from somewhere?

Sometimes, but there are also freebie fonts copied from most of the
copyrighted typefaces, just with different names, and not usually so

> What is the better (in terms of speed, compatibility and quality) font
> library to use with the AmigaOS if you want good scalable proportional
> fonts; the Bullet.library that comes on WB3.1, the Type1 Postscript engine
> or the Truetype library?

The CG one is the fastest, but if you have a speedy machine there isn't a
lot of difference between them.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want samples? Copyright free ones?

Message 15502

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Thought for an article
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:06:34 +0100

> I just had a thought for an article that could fit in with OS 3.5 (or
> maybe DOpus). It would be about setting up a really good workbench from
> scratch, in a step by step diary kind of format- One of the AF journo`s
> would set about installing a useful WB from a list of useful bought and
> shareware purchases- going through the installation procedures and showing
> tips on how to use the installer, keeping logfiles, assigns, dealing with
> drawers, using the prefs programs and other ways of optimising the system.
> It would be like a follow up to the spring clean article. Illustrations
> would show how the Workbench develops as you go along- e.g "now we see the
> toolbar in position, one click and the text editor pops up, using the
> preference file that is located in ENV:", that sort of thing.

It's a good idea, and something I thought of doing about a year ago. The
reason we didn't is because of the fact that it's very hard to write a
piece like that without the piece ending up very boxy. It's also hard to
illustrate. However, thanks for reminding me of it, perhaps it's worth a
second look.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 15503

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Thought for an article
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:18:57 +0100
Ben V typed feverishly:

>It's a good idea, and something I thought of doing about a year ago. The
>reason we didn't is because of the fact that it's very hard to write a
>piece like that without the piece ending up very boxy. It's also hard to
>illustrate. However, thanks for reminding me of it, perhaps it's worth a
>second look.

Personally, I would like to see something like this. If we continue to see
head-to-head comparisions of various bits of software, this could be
incorporated into it - best of the bunch gets installed in next months
article on building the best workbench (if relevant!)

Of course, some will complain "I don't like that proggy" or "it conflicts
xxxxxxx", but if explained in a detailed way, then problems like these can
be worked around...

This leads me onto - put all the support files for the articles on the CD.
A la - "See the file "-In The Mag-/Workbench/Article3/xxxxxxx" instead
of putting all the information in the magazine - that way you lose the 
"boxy" problem.

It also pees off the floppy readers - who will want to get a CD drive to
use these invaluable files....:)

Computer Arts do this all the time.... "blah, blah, blah (see the files on
the CD, blah, blah"...


Message 15504

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronouncing (was: EZ-PZ ?)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:28:52 -0500 (CDT)
On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Sam Castillo wrote:
> How about "triple dub".

  Brilliant, I've now started using rub-a-dub-dub thanks to you. 

  I'm subject to many strange looks around the office now.  Alough I'm
often sporting my own.


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15505

Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:30:51 -0000
 <00ae01beb7f8$375a74c0$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Try
> At the bottom is a huge bunch of font source links. Arial etc. can be found
> on most Windows machines in Truetype (ttf) format.

Thanks, I have downloaded a few already :) I have tried before getting them off of the WinNT machines but they were having none of it. I don`t know much about PC`s but I suppose I can`t just take system files that aren`t local. There are some TT fonts on Aminet I found though. Webfonts.lha.

> Incidentally, that page also holds the ttf.library so you can use them on
> your Amiga :)

Thank`s for that- new version as well (0.79 :)) I must get on some of these ML`s...

> I would say use Truetype or Postscript as Compugraphic seems to lack
> the definition that the other two have - the "hinting" is nowhere near as
> good as TTF and the resolution and scope is nowhere near as complex
> as Postscript..

I have found the external engines to be quite slow, I tried to use the fonts in Ibrowse which was a no-go. Then again compugraphic `aint quick. This Apdf viewer has reignited my interest in them though.

John Hart

Message 15506

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Thought for an article
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:34:47 +0100
Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

> Of course, some will complain "I don't like that proggy" or "it conflicts
> with xxxxxxx", but if explained in a detailed way, then problems like
> can be worked around...

Ah, yes, but sometimes these things really are just personal choices. I
installed MCP on my machine at home two nights ago in place of MCX, but I
don't like it much yet - talking of which - anyone know how to stop it
turning the power LED down (switching off the audio filter), or how I can
get it to position a window in the centre of the screen, like I can with

> This leads me onto - put all the support files for the articles on the CD.
> A la - "See the file "-In The Mag-/Workbench/Article3/xxxxxxx" instead
> of putting all the information in the magazine - that way you lose the 
> "boxy" problem.

Unfortunately you don't if you want to explain what to set up. As an
example, here's how to create a new button bank in Opus:

1. Choose "New > Text Buttons..." from the button menu
2. Add your buttons one by one by either dragging the program you want to
run onto the window with the button bank in it, or by adding the button
manually using the button bank editor's controls.
3. If you do the latter, make sure you use blah, blah, blah...

D'you see? It's not a natural flow, like most of the other copy in AF, and
it can be quite tiring as well as uninformative to read.

> It also pees off the floppy readers - who will want to get a CD drive to
> use these invaluable files....:)

Oh we want to do everything we can to persuade them to get a CD-ROM drive.

> Computer Arts do this all the time.... "blah, blah, blah (see the files on
> the CD, blah, blah"...

And we do have the "On the CD" logo at the top of the page to indicate this

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]

Message 15507

From: "R.S.Radford"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:39:25 -0400 (EDT)
Thank for your help everyone, I still havent solved my PPC 
it, so Ill give responses to your questions and see if that 
helps. It another long email but it can`t be helped im 

> Have you tried the last owner of the PPC? Why did he/she sell it in the
> first place?

He defected to a PC shortly after, and was selling it for 
money, to by a new graphics board.?

> It could be that the flash upgrade you are using is expecting a BVision?

How do I tell it I dont have a blizzard vision? What flash 
update should I use instead. 

> No, only 1D4 and early 2B motherboards suffered faults. Yours should be
> fine. In fact it is the revision Eyetech test their products on :)

I read on a web site that people have got PPC`s working 
with my motherboard (1D1), so that cant be the problem as 
you say.

>Ok, try changing the RAM mode to 60ns<>70ns 
>My PPC runs fine with 60ns mode, but doesn't work in 
>70ns mode ?! Weird.

Ive got it in 60ns mode at the moment, Ill try it in 
70ns mode. Also what user config should I go for with 
the ram (whats the safest setup).

>Also, try swapping the SIMMS to the other socket. 
>For some reason this sometimes helps.

Ill try that, Ive currently got it in the slanting slot

>Finally, if all else fails, try a different SIMM. If 
>it still does it looks like the board (or your A1200) 
>is busted.

Ive got a spare 8mb arround so ill try that.

If the board was busted, surly it wouldnt work at all. 
the 68K works fine and the PPC works for some 

>I had the same same problem and found that 3.1 ROMs will 
>cured this. The 3.1 ROMs have a longer (IDE?) boot up 
>delay. You can also get around this in your 
>startup-sequence by changing "C:SetPatch QUIET" to
>"C:run >NIL: C:SetPatch" (no quotes), this will delay the 
>startup enough to stop SetPatch from crashing. It's still 
>not as good as 3.1 ROMs, though.

When you say you had the same problem, does that mean with 
PPC crashing, or with setpatch crashing. Ive done the run 
setpatch thing, and it stops it crashing, ta for that. but 
the PPC still dont work. Would I be betteroff using a newer 
version of setpatch (PPC docs say dont use the lastest 
version, warpup say do use the lastest). Will 3.1 roms make 
PPC operation more reliable?

Also should I use the commodore 68040lib, or should I be 
using the phase 5 68040.dummy and 68040new cobination? I am 
currently using the later (latest version).

>From what I've read, etc. about ppc.library emulation, is that it's
>/still/ flaky, even in v4 of WOS. So, if this is causing 
>you major problems, I'd advise you to stick with PowerUp 
>for the time being and remove WOS until it's more stable, 

Im running revision 15 of warpup, I do not use revision 7 
PPC emulation. The way I see It (maybe Im wrong), Warpup 
revision 15 only effects Powerup operation once you start a 
warpup program, where at it terminates the PPC.lib etc. 
Warp up is only a collection of libaries, and as such 
doesn't require any patches inserted at startup, and thus 
should not afect powerup operation adversly, until used.

Therefor I should be able to use both set of programs 

>Have you set up correctly the PowerUP emulator in your
>startup-sequence? I had similar problems with previous 
>versions of WarpUP, but now it seems all ok with version 4.
>It must be said, however, that I only did the first flash 
>update (alot of time ago).

Im not using warp up in emelation mode, but could you 
explain the correct way to set it up anyway. Would I be 
better off reverting to a older version of the flash 

>I use version 43.6 of SetPatch and it's all right.
>I think it could be something to do with the last flash 
>update you did; maybe you could try to ask someone at H&P 
>( if there are any problems with 
>that firmware. Or maybe it could be that it expects to 
>find a BVision, as it has already been suggested.

The flash update was completed sucessfully, reporting done 
at the end. The new 'escape' startup menu came up, so I 
assume it flashed correctly.

How do I tell it theres no blizzardvision present?

Heres another thought, could the scsi interface be the 
problem. I dont actually have any SCSI devices attached, 
and dont use it at prersent. Is it possible that this is 
interfering with the PPC etc. Is there anyway I can turn it 
off to test, without turning of the board or ide harddisk.

Also It seems as if data is being corrupted by the ppc. 
typically failed ppc programs write to illegal memory 
locations, or complain that data given to them is corrupt 
and then fail.

Right thats it. Again I am very greatful for any help.


Message 15508

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Thought for an article
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:48:40 +0100
Ben V penned in an editorial manner:

>Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

Damnit   :)

>D'you see? It's not a natural flow, like most of the other copy in AF, and
>it can be quite tiring as well as uninformative to read.

Yeah - I see what you mean.

>And we do have the "On the CD" logo at the top of the page to indicate this

Yep - noticed that... Haven't seen any "On The Floppy" logos though :)

Alright then - how about an article to explain all the options in FBlit and
to use them....Confuses the hell out of me :)

It all works, but I'm damned if I know why......


Message 15509

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:56:11 +0100
> > Try
> > 
> > At the bottom is a huge bunch of font source links.
> > Arial etc. can be found on most Windows machines 
> > in Truetype (ttf) format.
> Thanks, I have downloaded a few already :) I have tried
> before getting them off of the WinNT machines but they
> were  having none of it.

Are these at college/university or something? I would have
thought they'd restricted access to them, so I'm not surprised
you can't get at them.

I have no real experience of copying fonts from a NT4 system,
but you DO have to drag them out of the C:\WINNT\Fonts directory
first because it's a special folder..

> > Incidentally, that page also holds the ttf.library so you can
> > use them on your Amiga :)
> Thank`s for that- new version as well (0.79 :)) I must get on
> some of these ML`s...

I'm not on the MLs, I just check sites like that religiously :)

> > I would say use Truetype or Postscript as Compugraphic
> > seems to lack the definition that the other two have -
> > the "hinting" is nowhere near as good as TTF and the
> > resolution and scope is nowhere near as complex
> > as Postscript..

> I have found the external engines to be quite slow, I
> tried to use the fonts in Ibrowse which was a no-go.

Works fine here. I have my IBrowse set up as a "clone" to
my IE5 preferences at work. I use Verdana and Andale Mono
truetypes in IBrowse and it works fine. It takes an extra
10 seconds to load the first page, but then it DOES give
time for IBrowse to load some images etc. in :)

They're quick enough, anyway.

> Then again compugraphic `aint quick. This Apdf viewer has
> reignited my interest in them though.

Well I'd use it if it worked :)

I would say that the ttf.library and type1.library systems
are much faster and better quality than Compugraphics
systems by far, I think it's just the way Agfa designed
it isn't too optimal nowadays..


Message 15510

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: 16 Jun 1999 13:17:13 +0100
Richard Drummond said, 

> Hi Neil

>>> I imagine it looks for gzip in your command path, so shoving it in C:
>>> will be fine.
>> Or set the GZIPCMD tooltype with the full path to GZip.

> You don't expect me to actually read the docs, do you? 

Of course not, otherwise my post would have been redundant :)

Has anyone got the font mapping to work? I changed all the
Helvetica->helvetica.font maps to Helvetica->CGTriumvirate, similar
for other fonts. I saved the settings but next time I invoked Apdf it
had two lots of mappings, with the defaults appearing above my
settings. I deleted the dupes but they just came back next time.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
ATTENTION: Despite any other listing of product content found in this manual,
you are advised that, in actuality, your Amiga consists of 99.999999999% empty

Message 15511

Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:11:36 -0000
Original Article:

> Also should I use the commodore 68040lib, or should I be 
> using the phase 5 68040.dummy and 68040new cobination? I am 
> currently using the later (latest version).

You should definitely use the Phase5 libs. The dummy is *in place* of the CBM library- it then passes the baton to the new Phase5 library which from that point is the library that is in use. You have to rename the 68040dummy.library to 68040.library. 
> Im running revision 15 of warpup, I do not use revision 7 
> PPC emulation. The way I see It (maybe Im wrong), Warpup 
> revision 15 only effects Powerup operation once you start a 
> warpup program, where at it terminates the PPC.lib etc. 
> Warp up is only a collection of libaries, and as such 
> doesn't require any patches inserted at startup, and thus 
> should not afect powerup operation adversly, until used.
> Therefor I should be able to use both set of programs 
> sucessfully.

15.. right- v15 of powerpc.library = Warpup4.0. I don`t know what you mean about revision 7 of ppc emulation- I think you`re thinking about when the kernal war was reversed! Use the ppc.library that is part of the 0.6d ppclibemu archive.

The best way is to get rid of ppc.library as soon as is possible- i.e during bootup. This is done with BPPCFix which is part of the WarpOS 4 archive. Read the docs that are part of the emulation package, though the command should be (just after setpatch, or before )-

C:Blizzppcfix Install Reboot >NIL:

Follow the instructions on what to set the PowerPC ENV variables as. The important one is TERMINATOR, which for emulation is set as 0 or 1. (not 2). I hope I`m right here, don`t blindly trust me as I`m remembering..

> Im not using warp up in emelation mode, but could you 
> explain the correct way to set it up anyway. Would I be 
> better off reverting to a older version of the flash 
> update?

It`s quite easy now to set up the emulation. Just follow the docs one step at a time. Check everything is as it should be. I hope it works!


Message 15512

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:14:06 -0700
>>>> "Ben Vost"  06/16 1:11 AM >>>
>Hi 4-0,
>> Does anyone know the name ofthe font used for the "AMiGA" text logo? =
>> where can I get it from.
>It's called Bodoni, designed by Giambatista Bodoni back in the sixteenth =
>fifteenth century, but it's been bastardised to remove the serifs to give
>it that distinct (dozy) Amiga look. The previous logo (C=3D's) was just
>Garamond Halbfett Kursiv.
>All the best,
>Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
>Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Wow, how very Cliff Clavin-ish... that reminded me of the guy from Cheers =
that had all sorts of odd facts tucked away in his head...

I had to print that one out... Very cool by the way..


Message 15513

Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:15:19 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:

> Has anyone got the font mapping to work? I changed all the
> Helvetica->helvetica.font maps to Helvetica->CGTriumvirate, similar
> for other fonts. I saved the settings but next time I invoked Apdf it
> had two lots of mappings, with the defaults appearing above my
> settings. I deleted the dupes but they just came back next time.

This happened with me. I think it may because you have the font tooltype on the icon in brackets. Untoggle it and it should work. IMHO I wish this program kept it`s prefs in ENV: as Tooltype prefs means I can`t get it to work through IDer. The wholeness and symmettry of my Workbench system is ruined! Until I get Magellan II :))


Message 15514

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 16 Jun 99 16:08:13 +0500
Neil Bullock wrote:

>>>Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
>>>that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want
>>>to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.
>>Didn't we already do this for someone else? :) Directory Opus 5 Magellan
>>II, Kickstart 3.1 and Workbench 3.5 (when available).
>Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
>come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)

Got an A1200? If you have got a BlizzardPPC, save up for a BVision. If you
have got a tower without a BlizzardPPC, save up for a BlizzardPPC. If you 
have got an untowered A1200, get a PowerTower.

Also, there's the possibility of preordering Fusion PPC if you've already
got a PPC board... should enable you to run thousands of pieces of PowerMac 
software at full speed and functionality (probably including Quake 3, which
should be out for the Mac quite soon :). 

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 15515

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:12:58 +0100
Hi Neil

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Has anyone got the font mapping to work? I changed all the
> Helvetica->helvetica.font maps to Helvetica->CGTriumvirate, similar
> for other fonts. I saved the settings but next time I invoked Apdf it
> had two lots of mappings, with the defaults appearing above my
> settings. I deleted the dupes but they just came back next time.

Same happened to me, but I just figured it was because I hadn't read the
manual. :-b

But to answer your question, the font mapping does work, it's just that the
GUI that seems a bit odd. Perhaps APDF scans the mapping table from bottom
to top? I'm using the type1 fonts supplied with ghostscript and I have
recreated gs's in APDF's font prefs. Documents get displayed using
the fonts I requested, so I'm happy.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15516

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:22:27 -0700
>>>> "Neil Bullock"  06/16 2:54 AM >>>
>Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
>that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want =
>know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's =A3114 btw.

What model of Amiga do you have?


Message 15517

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:25:05 +0100
> This happened with me. [snip] I can`t get it to work through IDer

Drop IDer :)


Message 15518

Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:34:13 -0000
Original Article:
> > This happened with me. [snip] I can`t get it to work through IDer
> Drop IDer :)

I don`t find it that bad actually. Someone has written a nice prefs program for it. It just doesn`t accept Tooltypes as arguments like Tool Manager does (It loads things as if from CLI). I use it as a gateway for reading docs, checking library versions etc). I`ll probably get rid of it in a couple of months, though it`s been good to me. What do you think of Tool Manager?- 3.1 went from being totally incomprehensable for me to set up to being from then on incredibly easy within about a week.


Message 15519

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: 16 Jun 1999 15:15:29 +0100
j.hart said, 

> I have found the external engines to be quite slow, I tried to use the fonts
> in Ibrowse which was a no-go. Then again compugraphic `aint quick.

Use Intellifont to build bitmaps in the commonly used sizes, so save
the library having to build them on the fly every time. It may not
help much with Apdf but speeds up browsers no end.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bother," said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS

Message 15520

Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:27:50 -0000
> No, UKOnline don't allow you to use CGI on your own site. But they
> couldn't care less if you use CGI from another site. IIRC, UKOnline
> have a kind of 'hosting' facility, you'll have to check the UKOnline
> tech support pages to see.
Why do UKOnline not allow you to use nor store CGI on your website?
What is so bad about them?
Is it because they can do something to the setting on the server, or to do with hacking or what?

Message 15521

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:37:28 +0100
> > No, UKOnline don't allow you to use CGI on your own site. But they
> > couldn't care less if you use CGI from another site. IIRC, UKOnline
> > have a kind of 'hosting' facility, you'll have to check the UKOnline
> > tech support pages to see.
> Why do UKOnline not allow you to use nor store CGI on your website?

It`s a security risk - writing and modifying files on the server without
them knowing is considered unreasonably risky even if the server is
extremely secure and your CGI is restricted to your home directory.

I don't think many ISPs let you use CGIs much, and if they do they
are VERY restrictive (Perl only on some IIRC..)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15522

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: 16 Jun 1999 16:20:38 +0100
j.hart said, 

>  <> wrote: 
> Original Article:

>> Has anyone got the font mapping to work? I changed all the
>> Helvetica->helvetica.font maps to Helvetica->CGTriumvirate, similar
>> for other fonts. I saved the settings but next time I invoked Apdf it
>> had two lots of mappings, with the defaults appearing above my
>> settings. I deleted the dupes but they just came back next time.

> This happened with me. I think it may because you have the font tooltype on
> the icon in brackets. Untoggle it and it should work.

I tried that but it still adds the default settings to its list.

> IMHO I wish this
> program kept it`s prefs in ENV: as Tooltype prefs means I can`t get it to
> work through IDer.

I don't see why iy shouldn't work through IDer, it works as an
AmigaDOS command though Opus. It reads the config from the icon even
if started from a shell. MysticView also does this, it's quite a good

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windoze95 Quote: Why is the Pentium 166 so fast? - Its for booting faster, if Windows crashed again.

Message 15523

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 16 Jun 99 16:59:27 +0200
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:34:56 +0100, Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** (tdavies=
@lucent=2Ecom) wrote:
> Neil B wrote:
> >>>>Right=2E=2E=2E got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3=2E1 and OS3=
=2E5 when
> >>they come out so I don't have to pay for them=2E=2E=2E so I need other
> suggestions
> >> Got a sub to AF? :)
> >Yep, try again :)
> If you need some hardware (cheap) check out www=2Edabs=2Ecom
> Click on Products - B Grade Stock=2E

They've sometimes got some really good offers there=2E The shop in question
is Dabs Direct and is only a couple of miles away from where I live   ;-)
> I picked up a Pace 56 Voice and a 1=2E7Gb HDD for =A3122 -
> incl VAT and P&P - bargain=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

I've never actually bought any B grade stock from them - whenever I've
tried it's gone already :(
> Modem had a damaged box and the disk had no drivers
> and was not in the original box - like I care :)

Or would have used them if they HAD come with the proper drivers!  :)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15524

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an article)
Date: 16 Jun 99 17:12:03 +0200
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:34:47 +0100, Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,
> > Of course, some will complain "I don't like that proggy" or "it conflicts
> > with xxxxxxx", but if explained in a detailed way, then problems like
> these
> > can be worked around...
> Ah, yes, but sometimes these things really are just personal choices. I
> installed MCP on my machine at home two nights ago in place of MCX, but I
> don't like it much yet - talking of which - anyone know how to stop it
> turning the power LED down (switching off the audio filter), or how I can
> get it to position a window in the centre of the screen, like I can with
> MCX?

The Audio filter option is in the Processor settings.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the "position a window in the
centre of the screen" - does this mean that any window you open is always
positioned in the middle of the screen? It doesn't sound very nice if it
is, and I'm not sure if yo ucan do it anyway!

> > It also pees off the floppy readers - who will want to get a CD drive to
> > use these invaluable files....:)
> Oh we want to do everything we can to persuade them to get a CD-ROM drive.

Free Scandanavian au pair with every CD issue? Ditching the floppy issue
completely and doing a special deal for them to subscribe and get a "cheap"
cd drive would be my solution, especially if they can pay monthly with
direct debit ...

> > Computer Arts do this all the time.... "blah, blah, blah (see the files on
> > the CD, blah, blah"...
> And we do have the "On the CD" logo at the top of the page to indicate this
> too.

Good point, and well put. However can you not get even more super whizzo
apps to put on the cd so you can go "Ha ha sad floppy users, look at the
stuff on the cd that you can't use! It's brilliant stuff but you're not
good enough to be able to use it! Har har!"

Well words to that effect ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15525

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Caller ID stuff
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:34:30 +0100
Hi Gerald

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Don't think it's a problem with the REN, there's never more than 2 phones
> and a modem connected at any one time. In what way could it be a problem
> with the modem cable? Here's the set-up, in case it helps...
 Apologies if that diagram comes out crap on your mailer :)

It does, but don't worry about it...

> And I don't actually have 2 modems, as it looks on the diagram, just one
> that is moved between 2 computers.

Right, REN of a standard phone is 1, an extension cord off the main socket can
add a further 0.5, which people often forget. A modem can be anywhere from 1.0
to 2.0 as far as I know - worth checking out.

Also, what I meant about the phone cord is that you genreally get two kind of
faults - short circuit or a break in connection / poor connection. These lead
to two differnet faults - when the modem is plugged in, either all phones in
the house will start ringing, or all the phones will go dead. I forget which
way round causes which problem, but as long as you're aware of it that's the
main thing.

Remember that damage to cable, or compression - like being squeezed under a
door or bit of furniture will also increase the effective REN of the cable. I
only discovered this by chance after much ripping out of hair, so it's worth
remembering as well - protect those cables!


"Bother," said Pooh, as the small child choked on his eyes.

Message 15526

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:42:32 +0100
Hi Tom

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> 8000 calls an hour at 50p a minute that makes for a nice tidy sum.  No
> where's my 'How to start up a flakey free ISP with hight cost technical
> support' book? ;)

Well, I have to say that if the people are too daft to check the Service Status
bit on the webpage, then they're not in a position to complain about the cost
of the service - I always tell them to check the site if they call in - maybes
one day they'll remember to look there first!

I would say as well that if they read the help files on the CD, around 90% of
total support calls would stop, since the answers for virtually everything are
there, and they're displayed in a reasonably clear way (for once!).


I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.

Message 15527

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:44:53 +0100
Hi fool

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I take it you've tried snoopdos already?

Yep, it gives no clues at all under WB 3.0 on my A4000, but crashes immediately
on loading muilowlevel.library on my A1200 running DOpus Magellan 5.66.

Then again, it is V1.0, so I don't expect too much yet. I like the look of it,
and it could become a permanent addition to my main progs if I can get it to
settle down.


"Gin makes a man mean - everyone booze up and riot!" - Milk & Cheese

Message 15528

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: IMPORTANT OT: Phone line thieves
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:49:34 +0100
Hi Gerald

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>> I just got a mail from a friend. Apparently there are hoax phone calls
>> being made. They claim to be from "AT & T" and say they are doing a
>> line check. They ask you to dial 90# to check the line. DON'T DO IT.
>> It enables them to continue using your phone line after you hang up,
>> charging any calls they make to your phone bill.
> But why would AT&T be checking a BT line? This sounds a lot like a urban
> legend, one that probably originated in the US. If anyone knows different
> then sorry for butting in, but it looks a lot like a hoax to me.

Maybes they haven't thought that bit out very well - maybes we should pass that
along to them... ;-) The phone number "hack" is quite correct BTW, but not well
known - at least it didn't use to be!

It only works for the next call also, not multiple calls... It's generally used
by BT technicians when they're on site at a customer's house so that if they
do a check from that end, it won't cost the customer anything. Why they don't
use an 0800 number of some sort is beyond me!

Aha - just read on a bit and the phone phreakers were just an urban myth...
Good. ;-)


"Bother," said Pooh, as the the drug squad broke down the door.

Message 15529

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:19:40 +0100
Hi James

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Okay, here it is. I usually put 'ADMIN README! - Rules posting
> (15 Jun 1999)' in the Subject: line, so that it jumps out amongst
> other mails.

> This may be a long message, but it is important that you read all of
> it, otherwise you stand a risk of inadvertantly breaching the rules.

> Thank you for obeying these rules, keeping this list free for
> productive messages, rather than unproductive bandwidth wasting.

Well, I had a good old read of the rules, and yes, I would agree that they are
_very_ strict indeed. The only item that concerns me on a list this size is that
it would in itself take a good length of time to moderate using rules as
comprehensive as that.

I'd also like to believe that certain of these rules are already in place as I
can't imagine Ben tolerating racial, etc, comments on this list and would
probably ban anyone like that anyway.

If such rules were enforced, I think Ben would need help from several other
people, as he already has a vast amount of work to do as it is, which without
being crawly about it would like to thank him for, as he hardly ever (!)
complains about it all, and shows exceptional patience at times...

BTW, as far as my Remote Filtering option goes for removing annoying emails
from my reading list, I'm now up to FIVE addresses, althoughtwo f those are two
addresses by the same individual. This seems to have killed off around 75% of
all the annoying mail, so it would seem that it's a small group of individuals
who "offend"... ;-)


Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint. - Mark Twain

Message 15530

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:42:11 +0100
Hi Gerald

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to install Xpdf 0.8 on my Amiga, but according to the docs it
> requires the X11R6.3 installation which is distributed with Geek Gadgets.
> Since I don't have any GG CDs I had a look for it on Aminet, but no luck
> there (at least not doing a search for x11, I may be looking for the wrong
> thing..) Can anyone help me out here? Thanks,

X11 is a home automation standard (vey good BTW), so that's why you probably
got loads of obscure hits for it.

I'd go with APDF personally - my system is really badly setup at the moment
with loads of out-of-date and mssing files, and it still works fine... That's a
good recommendation for me! Having to install loads of extras just to get
something working - especially GG stuff - any GNU / Unix type stuff always
seems to come in an MFI (as in the furniture people, not a weird file type)
format - ie. a bunch of files that you have to sort out yourself. geeks might
like that, but I like the conventional stuff - either drag the drawer onto your
hard drive, or follow an installer program. :-)

Update : Damn, just read one of your later messages saying you'd tried the 68K
version of ADPF, same as me. It seems like a big resource-eating program, so
maybes that's the problem? Check free memory, and stack values. Also disable
any programs like MCP / MultiCX, just in case... You could always try SnoopDOS
as well. :-)


To whom the gods destroy, they first teach Windows...

Message 15531

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:49:02 +0100
Hi Andrew

On 15-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Currently the most advanced nural net running on some super computer has the
> intelligence of a kitten. Can you imaging a cat trying to play Napam?

Actually, I find this quite worrying for some reason - last time I looked at
NN, they had intelligences rated at cockroach level - I hadn't realised they'd
advanced so much. Must be all that extra processing power and memory?

For some reason, I have a very vivid image of a several ton, chrome-plated,
terminator-like killing machine attempting to climb my curtains and playing
havoc with unattended balls of wool... ;-)

Perhaps the next version of Aibo could be already on the drawing board? Either
that or I should stay off the chees before going to bed.

Out of interest, are there any NN-related proggies on the Amiga that are easy
to set up and mess around with? I seem to remember that the registered version
of Visage actually has a file called neuralnet.library, as it attempts to learn
your personal preferences for viewing images or something?


Eventually, you must pay for your sins. Exact change, please.

Message 15532

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Blitz Problem
Date: 16 Jun 99 16:22:17 +0000
On 15-Jun-99 16:12:10, Danny Shepherd said:
>Hello All, 

>I've hit a small problem in Blitz2

>I cannot work out how to read the system variable RC. What i'm trying to do
>is see if Genesis is connected by

>RXSendCommand "GENESIS","ISONLINE 'Free-Call'"

>This will cause Genesis to set RC to

>0: Offline
>1: Online
>2: Connecting

>But how do I get at RC?

IIRC you can't get the value back from a rexx message.  That's to say, when
I was writing in Blitz about 2 years ago you couldn't!  Someone may have
created/found a way since then!


Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 15533

From: Phil Price
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:26:21 +0000
On 15-Jun-99 Danny Shepherd said, about '[afb] BSD':

> Hello All,
> I've just bought a nice new HD to put NetBSD from AFCD25 on but i'm
> big trouble installing it.
> I can succesfully install the system but I can't get X to work. I have
> installed it as per the instructions but messages such as
> "X: no screens"

Have you :) I've got a spare 640meg partitiono after adding a nice
1gig-really-cheap drive to my ide set, so how do you get this far, as i'd
liek to install a BSD just for the sake of it. I never really had much
luck, but i suppose it's somthing for me to do withall this spare time i
have ;)

As regards to your problem, it sounds like X-Windows can't find a screen,
maybe you have to define some-sort of desktop/screen setting for x to use,
but this is just a guess.

Phil Price, ,

i: 21418142

[ ]
[ ]

Message 15534

From: Phil Price
Subject: [afb] Re: CD-Writer
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:24:09 +0000
On 15-Jun-99 Bill said, about '[afb] CD-Writer':

> Hi Everyone,
> I am contemplating getting an external CD-Writer to connect to the Amiga
> 1200 squirrelscsi. link.
> Would a PC unit work?

Yup, I've got an ide writer, but still it was no supported by MakeCD 3.2 by
default, but makecd being the wonderful piece of kit it is, worked
everything out for me and it works just great, so there shoudl be no
problems, if you want to get makecd then, is the
place to go, it's well worth the registration fee, allthow it does seem a
little steep.

Phil Price, ,

i: 21418142

[ ]
[ ]

Message 15535

Subject: [afb] Download Speeds
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:43:58 -0000
 Yesterday I was downloading some files and noticed that the average
 speed I was achieving was 3000cps. Is this a good speed?, or is it
 about time I moved from Ukonline and subcribed to a server with less
 users which should increase download speeds.


Message 15536

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: WinUAE
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:43:52 +0100
Hi all

Thanks for the help, I've a new question now - how can I get it to use my modem?
It's on COM3 and I've tried setting that as my serial port but that doesn't

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15537

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:47:39 +0100
Hi P Gordon aka Mr Tickle

>> It's an atom with a missing electron...
>Nope. Thats a positive ion

Or 'cation' as we in the know call them.  And that's "cat ion" not "cayshun".

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15538

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:11:39 +0100
Hi guys

>> This happened with me. [snip] I can`t get it to work through IDer
>Drop IDer :)

I've just had a bit of "deja view".


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15539

From: "Steve Mepham"
Subject: [afb] Re: A shame but.....
Date: 16 Jun 99 18:53:52 +0100
Hi Ben,
> > Steve Mepham  e-mail  ICQ #34471132
> > Any Amiga users living near me in Kendal or South Cumbria ??
> Why not use AmigaSoc's Lost Souls database to see if there are any Amiga users
> living near you Steve?
> Ben
I am registered with the lost souls database but have heard nothing. I
emailed the contact as given on the AmigaSoc web page: to ask if anyone lived near me, but the email
was returned. Any ideas?

Steve Mepham  e-mail  ICQ #34471132
Any Amiga users living near me in Kendal or South Cumbria ??

Message 15540

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 16 Jun 99 19:08:31 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:04:46 +0100 about [afb] Re: Upgrading

Hi Neil Bullock
> >> Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
> >> that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want
> >> to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.
> >Didn't we already do this for someone else? :) Directory Opus 5 Magellan
> II,
> >Kickstart 3.1 and Workbench 3.5 (when available).
> Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
> come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)

Well it would really depend on what you use your miggy for wouldn't
it, I mean it's no good suggesting get a printer, when your never
gonna use it ?

So question

What do you use your's for ?

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : Arcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15541

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: Save the cat! (was UKOnline - webspace info)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:01:07 +0100
Hi Matt

>> >> Children have the same inane sort of ability.  They seem to be
>> >> able to lodge any foreign boy in any orifice
>I think you mean... innate :)

No, inane.  I always say what I mean.  Usually.  And that "foreign boy" things -
hideous typo.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15542

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:07:19 +0100
Hi guys

>ABackup was the one I used. I now use MakeCD for fortnightly backups
>and LhA for the daily ones, since you can set LhA to only archive
>changed files, but that only works if you have somewhere safe to store
>the LhAs, like a second hard drive.

Why LhA not LHA?
What does LhA stand for?
While I'm on it, how about LZX?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15543

From: "Captain Kumquat"
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:16:20 +0100
Hi peeps

>Surely the way to look at this is purely from a users point of view. After
>all a personal computer is only a (wonderfully powerful) tool. If you
>picked up a screwdriver that felt uncomfortable compared to another you
>wouldnt use it, unless you didn't know any better.

Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or "OS's are
like busses" analogies?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Message 15544

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:44:50 +0100
Hi Matt,

>> Then again compugraphic `aint quick. This Apdf viewer has
>> reignited my interest in them though.
> Well I'd use it if it worked :)

What version of APDF are you using, and what processor do you have? If
you're using the 060 version, try the non-FPU version, as the 060 version
falls over with Line 1111 emulator errors on my 030/50.


Message 15545

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Sn-appicons
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:22:29 +0100
I can't remember if this has been asked before, but is there any way to
snapshot a MUI appicon? I replaced my YAM appicon today (using MCP's
AppChange feature) but now when I iconify my YAM window the icon appears in
the middle of my WB screen instead of down the left-hand side where it
usually is... Any help would be appreciated :)


Message 15546

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:07:49 +0100
>Oo-er thats a bit general.  What kind of AI are we talking about here?
>expert systems, decision support, neural nets, genetic algorithms etc.
>?  It all depends on what kind of application your trying to build as
>to what sort of info you need.

Im looking for AI of the police men in GTA, i have an idea how to do it and
i think it will work, im just sure that there is an easier way.

The way i do it is to check the players position relative to the enemy by
checking the enemies and the players X and Y co-ordinates. this does seem to
work, but i know there are other ways and i wanted to know a few of them.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15547

Subject: [afb] New Machine
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:40:03 -0000

About three or four years ago I let my subscription to AF fade away and after
a few months my Amiga Ended up in a box in the attic. The Other week I
was walking through WHSmiths and I noticed an issue of Amiga Format on
the shelf, so I picked it up and ended up buying it. Shortly after that I
went up into the attic and blew the dust of my Amiga and fired it up again.

Since then I've been messing aroud with it and since it's an A600 with a
massive 20Mb harddisk I think it's about time I got a new one! But I don't
know whether to go for a classic system, somthing like a A1200 Tower or wait
for the NG machines?

Any Ideas?



Message 15548

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Machine
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:45:40 +0100

On 16-jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi
> About three or four years ago I let my subscription to AF fade away and
> a few months my Amiga Ended up in a box ....
.....  But I don't
> know whether to go for a classic system, somthing like a A1200 Tower or
> for the NG machines?
> Any Ideas?
> Cheers
> Bob
My suggestion would be to try to get hold of a secondhand A1200 (with all
the sexy bits like accelerator, CD-Drive, harddisk). Or to take a look at and look for the Boxer information.


Bert Volders
e-mail  :
ICQ UIN : 38809545
Nick    : Speedy
System  : Still humble A3000 with 040/25, 20MB Fast, ....

I want a Boxer, I need a Boxer, I W*A*N*T A B*O*X*E*R, ...

Message 15549

Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:47:34 -0000
> The Audio filter option is in the Processor settings.

Aha! Thanks. Neil told me to RTFM (but he did tell me what I asked for), but
the FM is so bloody bad. I searched on filter, audio, power and LED with no joy
looking for that sodding setting. Same goes for locking pens for the MWB
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the "position a window in the
> centre of the screen" - does this mean that any window you open is always
> positioned in the middle of the screen? It doesn't sound very nice if it
> is, and I'm not sure if yo ucan do it anyway!

MCX allows you to hit a hotkey (default is CTRL ALT c) to re-position the current
active window in the centre of the screen, which is very handy. I'd really like
to be able to do the same with MCP.


Message 15550

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: A Blitz Problem
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:46:48 +0000
Hello All,

On 15-Jun-99, wrote:

> Isn't RC a standard system variable? If it is, then you could try this
> (bad) way of getting it.

> Execute_ "getenv RC > ram:temp"
> If ReadFIle(0,"ram:temp")
>    FileInput 0
>    ; read the number here, probably with Inkey$(1)
>    CloseFile 0
> End If

I'm already doing a similar sort of thing but I need to check it frequently
ie aprox every second! The contant file access really drains system

Where is the Blitz List?
UIN: 30044173

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 15551

Subject: [afb] Re: Download Speeds
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:55:29 -0000
>  Yesterday I was downloading some files and noticed that the average
>  speed I was achieving was 3000cps. Is this a good speed?, or is it
>  about time I moved from Ukonline and subcribed to a server with less
>  users which should increase download speeds.

I get between 3 and 6 here at home downloading archives. text files can be
anywhere up to 11. email, using YAM is usually at between 4-5. At work I
regularly get 85-600. :) At home I have a Pace Solo.


Message 15552

Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:58:44 -0000
> What version of APDF are you using, and what processor do you have? If
> you're using the 060 version, try the non-FPU version, as the 060 version
> falls over with Line 1111 emulator errors on my 030/50.

Might that possibly be because it was compiled for an 060, and those of you
with lesser machines should use the non-FPU version?


Message 15553

Subject: [afb] Re: Sn-appicons
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:59:33 -0000
> I can't remember if this has been asked before, but is there any way to
> snapshot a MUI appicon? I replaced my YAM appicon today (using MCP's
> AppChange feature) but now when I iconify my YAM window the icon appears in
> the middle of my WB screen instead of down the left-hand side where it
> usually is... Any help would be appreciated :)

In YAM you can set where the appicon appears - you don't need any other tool to
do so.


Message 15554

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: CD-Writer
Date: 16 Jun 1999 18:55:50 +0100
Phil Price said, 

> if you want to get makecd then, is the
> place to go, it's well worth the registration fee, allthow it does seem a
> little steep.

Steep? It's remarkably good value, the alternatives are around twice
the price.

If you think the user version of MakeCD is expensive, you should see
the price of the commercial publisher version :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WINDOWS: Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

Message 15555

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Download Speeds
Date: 16 Jun 1999 18:57:22 +0100
david.baker said, 

>  Yesterday I was downloading some files and noticed that the average
>  speed I was achieving was 3000cps. Is this a good speed?, or is it
>  about time I moved from Ukonline and subcribed to a server with less
>  users which should increase download speeds.

That depends on the speed of your modem, the speed of your serial port
and the type of files you're down,loading.

With a 28K modem downloading LhA files it's a decent speed, but for
downloading news with a V90modem I get three times that speed.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bother," said Pooh, as the dark wet patch spread out from his crotch

Message 15556

Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:05:01 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Neil Bullock wrote:

> >>>Upon travelling..>

>Got an A1200? If you have got a BlizzardPPC,
>save up for a BVision. If you
> have got a tower without a BlizzardPPC, save up for a BlizzardPPC.
If you 
> have got an untowered A1200, get a PowerTower......
> --
> Even Sandvik Underlid

My money is on the BVision Card. The Amiga becomes a hot handful with
one of these beasts.


Message 15557

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: 16 Jun 99 19:23:13 +0000
Hello j.hart, on 16-Jun-99 12:40:17 you said about:
 [afb] Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania) 

>Anyone know of a cheap way to get good fonts. I`m looking for a CD or maybe a
>web source- primarily fonts for WP and DTP in Postscript and Truetype
>formats. I generally need the most common names- Times, Arial, Dingbats etc.

>Or maybe even Compugraphic? Can you get all the top fonts?

>Are the majority of PS or TT fonts copyrighted?- I mean- do you have to buy
>them from somewhere?

>What is the better (in terms of speed, compatibility and quality) font
>library to use with the AmigaOS if you want good scalable proportional fonts;
>the Bullet.library that comes on WB3.1, the Type1 Postscript engine or the
>Truetype library?

I use ttflib off Aminet and it works flawlessly here with TTF fonts. You
can then use the thousands of TTF fonts that are on the net - just do a
font search on Altavista....

Andy, who currently has around 5megs worth of fonts installed....

Oh, I think you'll also find that TTF will give you better quality than

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

Message 15558

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory
Date: 16 Jun 99 19:33:07 +0000
Hello ultrasbm, on 16-Jun-99 15:27:50 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory 

>Why do UKOnline not allow you to use nor store CGI on your website?
>What is so bad about them?

Well, you could store CGI scripts on your website, but you can't use

>Is it because they can do something to the setting on the server, or to do
>with hacking or what?

There is a security risk involved and the fact that some scripts can bog
down a server.

The only "dial up" provider that I know of that allows you to use CGI is
Enterprise, even then, they don't exactly seem to advertise that they

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Tagteam:  A bunch of people thinking up taglines.

Message 15559

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates)
Date: 16 Jun 99 19:15:35 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 16-Jun-99 08:07:54 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates) 


>> If it's due to be released next month won't the magazine have been written
>> already? Or at least most of it will have been, let's just hope someone
>> has already had this idea :)

>It's too early yet. What would they say? "Oh yeah, the Amiga will be able to
>do everything. Sorry we've no proof of that, you'll just have to trust us"?

Couldn't they just put something like "new Amiga on the way, here's some
of the expected (or "proposed") features...". Surely they could just
make a mention that there *are* new machines coming out?

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Captain, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage.

Message 15560

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertaken by B. Vost & Associates)
Date: 16 Jun 99 20:02:49 +0000
Hi Ben,

> It's too early yet. What would they say? "Oh yeah, the Amiga will be able to
> do everything. Sorry we've no proof of that, you'll just have to trust us"?
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244

Well AF seems to manage every month ;)  (ouch).
As for most of the mag already being written I'd already considered
this but with the amount psudeo physics thats been on the list
recently I thought every one had built their time machines by now ;)
(I have it was two weeks on friday ago).

Accy, Lancs.

Message 15561

Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:16:16 -0000
Original Article:
> Hi everyone.
> Last week I sent a email, saying that I was experiencing 
> problems with my PPC boar

Do you use any boot pic hacks? If you do take them out of your
start-up sequence. I had a similar problem with the card locking up 
and rebooting. 


Message 15562

From: "Moat_Monster"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Machine
Date: 16 Jun 99 20:09:23 -0500
My suggestion would be as follows:
If you have the cash then I would suggest looking at either a second
hand highend miggy now and look at the AmigaaNG when it arrives.
  However if money is a little short then I would suggest you wait for
the new Amiga at the end of this year as it will most likely be far
better value for money.  
Due to my anti-spam address, please either remove the ".snip" from the
address before sending or
Click below to reply:
Amiga Computers

Message 15563

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 16 Jun 1999 20:11:44 +0100
ben said, 

>> The Audio filter option is in the Processor settings.

> Aha! Thanks. Neil told me to RTFM (but he did tell me what I asked for), but
> the FM is so bloody bad. I searched on filter, audio, power and LED with no
> joy looking for that sodding setting. Same goes for locking pens for the MWB
> palette.

I had a look in TFM for audio, filter etc and got no joy. SearchGuide
is cool, but even that has limitations :(

>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the "position a window in the
>> centre of the screen" - does this mean that any window you open is always
>> positioned in the middle of the screen? It doesn't sound very nice if it
>> is, and I'm not sure if yo ucan do it anyway!

> MCX allows you to hit a hotkey (default is CTRL ALT c) to re-position the
> current active window in the centre of the screen, which is very handy. I'd
> really like to be able to do the same with MCP.

I use PWKeys for that, since it also allows for positioning at top,
left, top-left etc. I've had in in startup for more than ten years,
mapped to Left-Amiga plus the various numpad keys.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Beam me aboard, Scotty!"
"Aye, Cap'n!  Uh, will a two-by-four do?"

Message 15564

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI hardware.
Date: 16 Jun 99 20:18:47 +0000
Hi Alex,

Its a nice idea but there are several problems.  Firstly a lot of the
problems with NNs as with most of AI simply aren't anything to do with
pure speed and throwing processor time at them won't help a great
deal.  Its more a case of understanding whats going on and trying to
figure out what the best approaches are (NNs won't solve everything).

As far as parallelism is concerned the trend recently in
supercomputers has been to string a lot of cheap off the shelf
processors together rather than just a couple of huge expensive types,
exceptions being Cray who just like building very big fast machines
with very big price tags.  I seem to recall Intel (Boo Hiss) building
a very impressive machine out of hundreds of Pentiums.  Trouble is
parallel programs are hard to write and not all processes benefit from
them.  Its all to do with inherently sequential and parallel parts of
tasks as to how much of a speed up you get (anybody want the lecture
notes ?).  As you mentioned though one of the real winners in
parallelism is graphics, especially ray tracing which because you can
get each processor to calculate independently with no communication to
other processes gets a halving of run time for a doubling of
processors (this is the often used example and one which manufactuers
quote because its about the only application that benefits like this).

Ah I knew the Highly Parallel Programming module would have a use one
day :)


Accrington, Lancs.

Message 15565

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 16 Jun 99 20:32:12 +0200
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:47:34 -0000,  ( wrote:
> > The Audio filter option is in the Processor settings.
> Aha! Thanks. Neil told me to RTFM (but he did tell me what I asked for), but
> the FM is so bloody bad. I searched on filter, audio, power and LED with no joy
> looking for that sodding setting. Same goes for locking pens for the MWB
> palette.

I use FastIPrefs for that - again, I think it is something that you can't
do from within MCP itself  :(

And I agree with you on the manuals - they were never updated as often as
the program itself, so with v1.32 (11/07/98) of MCP I'm using the manual
dated May 5th 1998, v1.40e ....
> > I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the "position a window in the
> > centre of the screen" - does this mean that any window you open is always
> > positioned in the middle of the screen? It doesn't sound very nice if it
> > is, and I'm not sure if yo ucan do it anyway!
> MCX allows you to hit a hotkey (default is CTRL ALT c) to re-position the current
> active window in the centre of the screen, which is very handy. I'd really like
> to be able to do the same with MCP.

I've been using MCP for years now, I started as a beta tester about 5 years
ago!  :-O

Anyway I don't think this is possible in MCP as it stands. The nearest
it gets is the "zoom window" hotkey which acts as though you clicked on the
"shrink window" gadget, which in itself usually puts windows into the
middle of the screen on my system,  so why not use that?    ;-)

Hope this helps,


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15566

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: A Blitz Problem
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:33:08 +0100
On 16-Jun-99, Danny Shepherd Wrote........

If I remember rightly, Email:
with subscribe in the subject.

I think thats it?  

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Ura Redneck if you show your belt buckle as an ID.

Message 15567

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Blitz Problem
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:37:56 +0100

>Where is the Blitz List?

To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W 
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15568

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:23:00 +0100
Hi Mr Frost,

> Update : Damn, just read one of your later messages saying you'd tried the
> 68K version of ADPF, same as me. It seems like a big resource-eating
> program, so maybes that's the problem? Check free memory, and stack
> values. Also disable any programs like MCP / MultiCX, just in case... You
> could always try SnoopDOS as well. :-)

I managed to get APDF working, but only the non-fpu version. Seems the 060
version doesn't like my 50MHz 68882. I like it better than xpdf, if only
because of the more Amiga-like interface. It does seem very processor
intensive, but then again it's no more processor intensive than running
Acrobat Reader through Shapeshifter, which was previously my preferred way
of viewing PDFs. So once I've got all these Type 1 fonts sorted out I'll be
happy :)


Message 15569

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Download Speeds
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:17:15 +0000
Hello All,

On 16-Jun-99, wrote:

> I get between 3 and 6 here at home downloading archives. text files can be
> anywhere up to 11. email, using YAM is usually at between 4-5. At work I
> regularly get 85-600. :) At home I have a Pace Solo.

I get about the same for archives and text but YAM never seems to get above
2.4/2.5 unless it is a very big file (over 100k) :(

UIN: 30044173

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15570

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:20:34 +0000
Hello Neil,

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> In the independent ISP survey in, Freeserve didn't
> even make the Top 50. X-Stream managed 24th so the competitionwasn't
> exactly hot in the lower half of the table.

Where did U-Net/Wirenet come?

UIN: 30044173

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 15571

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:13:00 +0000
Hello All,

On 16-Jun-99, Phil Price wrote:

> Have you :) I've got a spare 640meg partitiono after adding a nice
> 1gig-really-cheap drive to my ide set, so how do you get this far, as i'd
> liek to install a BSD just for the sake of it. I never really had much
> luck, but i suppose it's somthing for me to do withall this spare time i
> have ;)

So far the system has been setup as per the installation guides. The inbuilt
installer actually makes the initial installation very painless, it's only
after that, when you're on your own, that you hit problems :)
> As regards to your problem, it sounds like X-Windows can't find a screen,
> maybe you have to define some-sort of desktop/screen setting for x to use,
> but this is just a guess.

Well I gathered that much. IFAIKT it has something to do with the numerous X
server config files. None of them have an example entry for AGA users. :(

I may ask at AmigaSOC as I remember seeing a few tutorials on NetBSD in AF
and on their site.

UIN: 30044173

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15572

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:48:53 +0000
Hello All,

On 16-Jun-99, Captain Kumquat wrote:

> What does LhA stand for?

Lempel Huffman Algorithm/Archiver (not sure which)
> While I'm on it, how about LZX?

Lempel Ziv (not sure what the X stands for)

UIN: 30044173

Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more
'user-friendly'.... Their best approach, so far, has been to take all
the old brochures, and stamp the words, 'user-friendly' on the cover.
-- Bill Gates

Message 15573

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: New Machine
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:06:30 +0100
Hi Bob,

> Since then I've been messing aroud with it and since it's an A600 with a
> massive 20Mb harddisk I think it's about time I got a new one! But I don't
> know whether to go for a classic system, somthing like a A1200 Tower or
> wait for the NG machines?

According to the interview with Jim Collas in this month's AF, although
there will be NG machines within 6 months, it may be another year after
that before there is anything available which will do everything you may
want from your Amiga. Waiting for hardware that doesn't exist yet isn't
always a good idea.
Neither is towering up an A1200 :) A1200s weren't meant to be towered up, so
there are some compatibility problems associated with uprading them to
their full potential. Sure you can add a PPC, 060, graphics card, sound
card, SCSI, IDE accelerator, parallel and serial accelerators, etc, but an
A4000 is far more suited to the task. That doesn't mean a towered A1200
can't be an impressive system, that's the upgrade path I'm taking at the
moment, but sometimes I wish I had an A4000, as it would make things so
much easier.
Both A1200s and A4000s are *apparently* commonly found at good prices in
local 'mart' type papers, and the Classified sections of local newspapers.
Have fun upgrading :)


Message 15574

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:24:09 +0000
Hello All,

I know this has been said but where can I get this APDF?

UIN: 30044173

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 15575

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: 16 Jun 99 20:37:47 +0100
On 16-Jun-99 19:39:25 BST, R.S.Radford wrote:

>>Ok, try changing the RAM mode to 60ns<>70ns 
>>My PPC runs fine with 60ns mode, but doesn't work in 
>>70ns mode ?! Weird.

> Ive got it in 60ns mode at the moment, Ill try it in 
> 70ns mode. Also what user config should I go for with 
> the ram (whats the safest setup).

The safest setting is:

  Read waitstate on
  Write waitstate on
  Precharge on

for both *68k and PPC*.  However, it seems things are ok for you on the
68k side with the 60ns mode on.  Therefore, set the *68k* settings to
the following:

  No Read waitstate
  No Write waitstate
  Precharge off (you might need to set this to on)

For the *PPC* settings, start with

  Read waitstate on
  Write waitstate on
  Precharge on

If that works, try turning the read/write waitstates off, one at a
time and see if things still work.  You'll need to leave PPC precharge

> Also should I use the commodore 68040lib, or should I be 
> using the phase 5 68040.dummy and 68040new cobination? I am 
> currently using the later (latest version).

Are you sure you've renamed the P5 libs correctly - IIRC,
there is a readme that briefly explains it.  An install
script would have been much better though :)

> Im running revision 15 of warpup, I do not use revision 7 
> PPC emulation. The way I see It (maybe Im wrong), Warpup 
> revision 15 only effects Powerup operation once you start a 
> warpup program, where at it terminates the PPC.lib etc. 
> Warp up is only a collection of libaries, and as such 
> doesn't require any patches inserted at startup, and thus 
> should not afect powerup operation adversly, until used.

You should be able to use PowerUp programs initially, yes (until you
run a WarpUp program).

> Therefor I should be able to use both set of programs 
> sucessfully.

Although not at the same time, obviously.

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

        [ PGP public key available on request ]        Team *AMIGA*

Message 15576

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Re:CD-Writer
Date: 16 Jun 99 21:32:47 +0000
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to Neil (Bothwick) for his info via mail list and private=2E

I am interested in a 4x4x16 Yamaha CD-Writer, at =A3297 bare scsci=2E

There seems to be 2 software packages available, Burnit and MakeCd=2E

My system is as follows:

SYSTEM      : Amiga 1200
CPU         : 68030/40 MHz (Rev not found)
FPU         : 68882/33 MHz
MMU         : 68030 Not in use
OS          : V40=2E68 (known as: 3=2E1)
EXEC        : V40=2E10
WORKBENCH   : V40=2E42
SETPATCH    : V43=2E6
ROM SIZE    : 512=2E0KB
AUDIO       : AHI V4=2E180
VBR         : 0x00000000
DENISE      : Lisa 8364 (Rev not found)
GARY        : None
AGNUS       : Alice 8374 Rev=2E 3-4 (Mode: PAL)
RAMSEY      : None
BATTCLOCK   : Found (working)
E-CLOCK     : 709379 Hz
POWERPC     : None
PPC CLOCK   : not found
VBLANK      : 50 Hz
POWER       : 50 Hz


REAL        : CHIP:   ~2=2E0MB     FAST:   32=2E0MB     TOTAL:  ~34=2E0MB
VIRTUAL     : CHIP:        0     FAST:        0     TOTAL:        0
TOTAL       : CHIP:   ~2=2E0MB     FAST:   32=2E0MB     TOTAL:  ~34=2E0MB

SLOW        : 0

Access Time, Width, CAS mode and bandwidth
from the MOTHERBOARD (!) RAM:

RAMACCESS   : 80 ns
RAMWIDTH    : 32 bit
RAMCAS      : Double


 Nr Address   Size   Manufacturer Product
 0  00E90000     64K ACT          Apollo 1230 accelerator (working)

Has anyone installed said CD-Writer on their system and/or can anyone advis=
e me

I shall be replacing my 2=2E1 GB HD with a 4=2E3GB soon=2E=2E=2E=2E

This is a completely new field for me and finance will only allow me to pur=
chase said hardware and software=2E

Thanks in anticipation


Message 15577

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:35:26 +0000
Neil Bothwick scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Freeserve dyi=
ng AGAIN? :

> In the independent ISP survey in, Freeserve didn't
> even make the Top 50. X-Stream managed 24th so the competition=A0wasn't=

> exactly hot in the lower half of the table.

Was this the survey that rated the Mirror's ic24 as best?

Oh, and does anyone else think that the whole free ISP business has got
WAYYYYY out of hand?

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
Webmaster                       Returning to
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*
ICQ: 15849650                   PGP Keys available - just ask :)

      Dildo.................... Variety of sweet pickle.

Message 15578

From: "Paolo Rinaldi"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: 16 Jun 99 22:45:00 +0200
Once upon a time there was a sage, R.S.Radford, who enlightened the world about
[afb] Re: PPC Problems
> Would I be betteroff using a newer 
> version of setpatch (PPC docs say dont use the lastest 
> version, warpup say do use the lastest). Will 3.1 roms make 
> PPC operation more reliable?

I tried several versions of SetPatch but nothing changed: I had always
the same problems on bootup; this lasted until I installed the Powerup
emulator: now every problem has disappeared.

> The way I see It (maybe Im wrong), Warpup 
> revision 15 only effects Powerup operation once you start a 
> warpup program, where at it terminates the PPC.lib etc. 
> Warp up is only a collection of libaries, and as such 
> doesn't require any patches inserted at startup, and thus 
> should not afect powerup operation adversly, until used.

Call me paranoid, but I think it's the contrary, that Powerup checks
if Warpup is installed and sometimes misbehaves on bootup.
> Im not using warp up in emelation mode, but could you 
> explain the correct way to set it up anyway. Would I be 
> better off reverting to a older version of the flash 
> update?

I think that reverting to an older flash update could be a tricky
business, so I'd not advise you to do it.
Anyway here's how to install the emulator:
 - backup your ppc.library and copy to Libs: the one included in the
 PUP Emulator drawer
 - copy the BPPCFix program (found in warpup4/tools/BPPCFix/) to C:
 - set the env variable NoPatch to 1 and copy it to Envarc:
 - open your Startup-Sequence and insert at the beginning (I've
 inserted it just before SetPatch) the following line:

C:BPPCFix install reboot >NIL:

This way every time the bootup process comes to a problem in its early
stages, it automagically reboots. That's it: all the bootup problems
are solved (hopefully!).

> Heres another thought, could the scsi interface be the 
> problem. I dont actually have any SCSI devices attached, 
> and dont use it at prersent. Is it possible that this is 
> interfering with the PPC etc. Is there anyway I can turn it 
> off to test, without turning of the board or ide harddisk.

I don't think, as I have no SCSI devices attached either.

> Right thats it. Again I am very greatful for any help.

Well, I hope this time it'll be more useful ;-)
Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x

         "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you live with turkeys."

Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 15579

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:CD-Writer
Date: 16 Jun 99 22:18:05 +0200
On 16 Jun 99 21:32:47 +0000, Bill (bill@duxbury=2Eu-net=2Ecom) wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Thanks to Neil (Bothwick) for his info via mail list and private=2E
> I am interested in a 4x4x16 Yamaha CD-Writer, at =A3297 bare scsci=2E

Errr, check out www=2Escan=2Eco=2Euk - the last I heard, they were =A3147 f=
or the
bare scsi drive=2E I paid =A3180 a month ago from them (inc vat)=2E C'est l=
a vie!


PS MakeCD works fine with it so I'm off to register!

Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 15580

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: 16 Jun 99 21:51:04 +0100
Hi Captain Kumquat,

In reference to "[afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)",

> Hi guys
> >ABackup was the one I used. I now use MakeCD for fortnightly backups
> >and LhA for the daily ones, since you can set LhA to only archive
> >changed files, but that only works if you have somewhere safe to store
> >the LhAs, like a second hard drive.
> Why LhA not LHA?

To emphasize the "A", the program has always been called this. The files
it produces are called *.lha 

> What does LhA stand for?

Check out the letters I've highlighted in bold. Older Lharc compressed
files have the file extension *.Lzh 

   1.4 Terminology

     *A*RCHIVE  -  An archive is a file containing one or more files in a
     compressed  or  non-compressed  state and related information like
     file names, last modification date/time, filenotes etc.  

     COMPRESSION  -  The process of encoding redundant information into
     data  requiring less storage space.  There are a multitude of ways
     you  can  do  this  in.  LhA uses a modified version of *L*empel-*Z*iv
     compression  with  block-adaptive  *H*uffman coding and a dictionary
     size of 4096 or 8192 characters.

> While I'm on it, how about LZX?

Similar explantion for this, which I'm sure you can work out for your
self now.

I hearby claim my prize for smart arse of the week :)

Shoot, I keep meaning to unsubscribe but never get round to it.... Oh well,
maybe I'll stay after all as I'm on holday atm. so I need somthing to
keep me occupied :)

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 15581

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: My bad England
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:43:26 -0700 (PDT)
> >Nope. Thats a positive ion
> Or 'cation' as we in the know call them.  And that's
> "cat ion" not "cayshun".

Either way its not a possion...

Message 15582

Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible ? (To be undertake
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:43:29 -0000
Hi Ben,

> Hi Gerald,
> >> Your mission...

> It's too early yet. What would they say? "Oh yeah, the Amiga will be able to
> do everything. Sorry we've no proof of that, you'll just have to trust us"?
> > 

You are correct when you say we can prove nothing yet but we must let
the computing world out there that the Amiga still exists and is
useful. I work in I.T. and when I mention the Amiga (which is just
about everyday) they have the impression that it died a long time ago.
Indeed one of the system analysts who tests software before it is
introduced into our network compared the Amiga to a Commodore 64 with
fuuny buttons. Ofcourse he has come to regret that statement when told
of my BVision/ dual processor system.

All the best 


Message 15583

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:45:46 -0700 (PDT)
> logo (C='s) was just
> >Garamond Halbfett Kursiv.

Times bold italic does the job though

Message 15584

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: WinUAE
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:20:04 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Thanks for the help, I've a new question now - how can I get it to use my
> modem? It's on COM3 and I've tried setting that as my serial port but that
> doesn't work.

   Just put your PC online, as the latest version of WinUAE lets you access
the internet through the PC's PPP. (I think)   

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 15585

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Sn-appicons
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:37:53 +0100
Hi Ben,

> In YAM you can set where the appicon appears - you don't need any other
> tool to do so.

You can set the position of the Mailbox status appicon, I don't think you
can do the same for the other one...


Message 15586

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:51:01 +0100
Hi Danny,
> Well I gathered that much. IFAIKT it has something to do with the numerous
> X server config files. None of them have an example entry for AGA users.

IFAIKT? I'm usually pretty good with acronyms (or whatever, don't correct
me) but this one has me stumped :)


Message 15587

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 07:53:04 +0100
---- Original Message -----
From: Even Sandvik Underlid 
To: Neil Bullock 
Sent: 16 June 1999 12:08
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> Neil Bullock wrote:
> >>>Upon travelling to the bank yesterday, they gave me that interest stuff
> >>>that they tend to give you. My dad lets me spend the interest, so I want
> >>>to know what you think I should get for my Amiga. It's 114 btw.
> >>Didn't we already do this for someone else? :) Directory Opus 5 Magellan
> >>II, Kickstart 3.1 and Workbench 3.5 (when available).
> >Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
> >come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)
> Got an A1200? If you have got a BlizzardPPC, save up for a BVision. If you
> have got a tower without a BlizzardPPC, save up for a BlizzardPPC. If you
> have got an untowered A1200, get a PowerTower.
> Also, there's the possibility of preordering Fusion PPC if you've already
> got a PPC board... should enable you to run thousands of pieces of PowerMac
> software at full speed and functionality (probably including Quake 3, which
> should be out for the Mac quite soon :).

I've now decided I've got 5 possibilites (more are welcome)

1. Register a load of shareware
2. Buy a (bare) Power-Tower (I assume this is only the case, and I'd need
   a keyboard, etc?)
3. Pay my dad for the massive phone bill he's going to receive in July :)
4. Get PPC Stuff
5. Not spend it, and get more interest next time round (good idea, but it
   wouldn't be much extra, I don't think)

Another thing... I could invent a new form of skin which protects
completely from sunburn. I bet me and my Girlfriend are the only two
people who could possibly get sunburnt on a day like today (in this
country anyway) :( Our own fault though. Sitting outside in the sun...


Message 15588

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 07:57:47 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jack Thompson 
Sent: 16 June 1999 15:22
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> What model of Amiga do you have?

A1200. (if you want the current spec, it's
PC power supply, power typhoon mk1, 18mb ram,
eyetech 4x cd-plus, 810MB hard drive, offical
amiga mouse :)


Message 15589

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:33:19 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Phil Stephens 
Sent: 16 June 1999 20:08
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> Well it would really depend on what you use your miggy for wouldn't
> it, I mean it's no good suggesting get a printer, when your never
> gonna use it ?
> So question
> What do you use your's for ?

Programming, Games, Fiddling around with Workbench and buggering it up
causing it not to boot, thus needing me to faff about in the early
startup menu, disabling partitions, booting with no startup and eventually
figuring that it's something I put in WBStartup that caused all the 
problems... that sort of thing :)

Seriously, Programming, Games, Fiddling with apps of all kinds, writing
diskmags, editing webpages, Programming, Music Making (occasionally),
Sound Sampling, Programming, etc...


Message 15590

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Machine
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:35:46 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 16 June 1999 19:40
Subject: [afb] New Machine

> Hi
> About three or four years ago I let my subscription to AF fade away and
> a few months my Amiga Ended up in a box in the attic. The Other week I
> was walking through WHSmiths and I noticed an issue of Amiga Format on
> the shelf, so I picked it up and ended up buying it. Shortly after that I
> went up into the attic and blew the dust of my Amiga and fired it up again.
> Since then I've been messing aroud with it and since it's an A600 with a
> massive 20Mb harddisk I think it's about time I got a new one! But I don't
> know whether to go for a classic system, somthing like a A1200 Tower or wait
> for the NG machines?

First Computer Centre had an A1200 with 8MB, 030 Accelerator and Hard Disk
for 100 (i think) when I went in a few weeks ago. Although they are jumping
ship soon, so it might have already gone. See the ad in AF for their number.


Message 15591

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:57:56 +0100
Greetings  Ben

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Vincenzo,
>> BTW, I bought it after I tried the Cover Disc. You see, is not a bad
>> idea to put on the cover disc complete version of old piece of
>> software. I know that Ben would not agree with it, but that is just my
>> opinion. And no, I am not starting a new thread ;)
> Older software, maybe, although putting a full version of 7.0 on our CD
> when the later version 7.1 wasn't much improved went against my grain. I
> dare say there are a lot of people still on this list that *didn't*
> upgrade.

Shame on them! :) Ppaint 7.1 is cheap at twice the price.

I just patched my version. The version info hasn't changed. I guess they
forgot to change it 8)

Any clues as to where the cpu-specific versions are? A mooch around
biz/cloan yields naught. 

> All the best,


/PGP Key available on request/
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 15592

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts on the Brain (AKA Fontmania)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:49:11 +0100

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> What version of APDF are you using, and what processor do you have? If
>> you're using the 060 version, try the non-FPU version, as the 060
>> version falls over with Line 1111 emulator errors on my 030/50.
> Might that possibly be because it was compiled for an 060, and those of
> you with lesser machines should use the non-FPU version?

It's supposed to support 030+fpu/040/060 according to the short.

> Ben


/PGP Key available on request/
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15593

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Fonts (again)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:45:31 +0100
Greetings  4-0

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hiya ppl
> I'm tring to use Postscript fonts in the spline editor of Imagine v4,
> but no fonts come up on the font list. I think it's because I dont know
> how to install Postscript fonts. I've tried the intellifont proggy, but
> that dont work. Can anyone help?
> Cheers

Postscript fonts can be anywhere. I have an assign PSFONTS: to sys:psfonts

Go to imagine prefs and you should see this line a few down from the top

PSDR " "        # Postscript font directory

Just insert the path to your Postscript fonts directory between, so that
it reads something like:

PSDR"psfonts:"        # Postscript font directory

Simple as that.

> 4-0


/PGP Key available on request/
Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
-- Woody Allen

Message 15594

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Download Speeds
Date: 16 Jun 1999 22:44:6 +0100
Danny Shepherd said, 

> On 16-Jun-99, wrote:

>> I get between 3 and 6 here at home downloading archives. text files can be
>> anywhere up to 11. email, using YAM is usually at between 4-5. At work I
>> regularly get 85-600. :) At home I have a Pace Solo.

> I get about the same for archives and text but YAM never seems to get above
> 2.4/2.5 unless it is a very big file (over 100k) :(

That's because mail usually consists of a lot of small files. The time
spent in communication with the server between each mail is as long as
the transfer of the mail itself. That's why the modem receive light
isn't on constantly when downloading mail. News is better because some
newsreaders can open multiple connections to the server, when one
stream pauses the others take up the available bandwidth.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 15595

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: 16 Jun 1999 22:46:19 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> I managed to get APDF working, but only the non-fpu version. Seems the 060
> version doesn't like my 50MHz 68882.

If you have a 68882 you must be running on a 68030, so why would you
expect the 060 version to work?

I'd expect the PPC version to fail too :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.

Message 15596

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 16 Jun 1999 22:48:7 +0100
Danny Shepherd said, 

>> In the independent ISP survey in, Freeserve didn't
>> even make the Top 50. X-Stream managed 24th so the competitionwasn't
>> exactly hot in the lower half of the table.

> Where did U-Net/Wirenet come?

Fourth. and not a top mark in any of the individual categories, the
high overall score was achieved through consistency across the range
of tests.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename"...

Message 15597

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: 16 Jun 1999 22:51:22 +0100
Danny Shepherd said, 

> I know this has been said but where can I get this APDF?

Aminet of course :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 32: Living dead

Message 15598

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re:CD-Writer
Date: 16 Jun 1999 22:57:10 +0100
Bill said, 

> I am interested in a 4x4x16 Yamaha CD-Writer, at 297 bare scsci.

> There seems to be 2 software packages available, Burnit and MakeCd.

There's also MasterISO, from AsimWare.

I favour MakeCD, I used it for the CUCDs. I don't know what AF use
but Nick Veitch used to be on the MakeCD mailing list.

MasterISO also has a good reputation, but is more expensive. MakeCD
also has the advantage that the demo version is functional, you can
burn CDs with it.

> My system is as follows:

You mentioned earlier that you have a Squirrel, this is very CPU
intensive, so you'll only be able to burn via image files. If there's
a SCSI interface for your 030 card it will make a big difference.

> Has anyone installed said CD-Writer on their system and/or can anyone advise
> me whatsoever?

I've been using a Yamaha writer for the past eighteen months with no
problems, although it's not the 4416 (it's a CDR400t).

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
c:>Press Enter to Exit

Message 15599

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 16 Jun 1999 23:32:5 +0100
Peter Price said, 

> Neil Bothwick scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Freeserve dying
> AGAIN? :

>> In the independent ISP survey in, Freeserve didn't
>> even make the Top 50. X-Stream managed 24th so the competitionwasn't
>> exactly hot in the lower half of the table.

> Was this the survey that rated the Mirror's ic24 as best?

There were no free ISPs near the top. Well, there was one but they
weren't free when the survey was done.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Used Iraqi rifles for sale: Dropped once, never fired...

Message 15600

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Fake root
Date: 16 Jun 99 23:33:07 +0000
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know why I keep receiving the following?

"Unable to read message:
This is not really a message, just a fake root created."

There is no sender but there is subject text.



Message 15601

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: UKOnlines bin directory
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:44:50 +0100

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> No, UKOnline don't allow you to use CGI on your own site. But they
>> couldn't care less if you use CGI from another site. IIRC, UKOnline
>> have a kind of 'hosting' facility, you'll have to check the UKOnline
>> tech support pages to see.

> Why do UKOnline not allow you to use nor store CGI on your website? What is
> so bad about them? Is it because they can do something to the setting on the
> server, or to do with hacking or what?

Nothing's "so bad about them". CGI as far as I know uses the server's
processing power (I think), which means you're effectively using their
processing power to do various tasks.

If everyone did this then the server would be compromised. Most places don't
like CGI at al, so UKOnline seem to have a more forgiving nature than many
others. Sounds okay to me... :-)


"Gin makes a man mean - everyone booze up and riot!" - Milk & Cheese

Message 15602

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 00:11:08 +0100
We are the Crowe. how to be rich is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

>   why not use an anon. remailer? Or your superfast

And what if the address is faked, or even worse, an innocent Netizen?

> school/college/university's hundred-million-megs per second
> connection ;)

Erm... no, because your mail will have your address on it, so you'll
still get more Spam to your Uni account :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#FidoEd - the next generation of text editors#

... "Bother!" said Andrew Crowe, as his phaser overloaded.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 34% - 553 tags in Personalised.tags >>

Message 15603

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:41:19 +0100
Hello Neil

On 16-Giu-99, Neil Bullock wrote:

> Right... got DOpus Mag II, My dad is getting me KS3.1 and OS3.5 when they
> come out so I don't have to pay for them... so I need other suggestions :)

Would you like to share your dad with me?
Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15604

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:43:33 +0100
Hello Neil

On 16-Giu-99, Neil Bullock wrote:

> Hi Ben,
>>> Yep, try again :)
>> In that case, spend the money on wine, women and song (should get you a
>> pint, a CD single and...)
> Three problems: 1) I'm not old enough to buy alcohol :)

Since when you have to be old enough to buy alchool ;) ??

>         2) Local Woolworths is crap and sells nothing worth buying

Women sold in Woolworths?!?! Since when?

>         3) That's nothing to do with my computer :)

Well, you can play them in your CD Player

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 15605

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: 15 Jun 99 23:32:44 +0000
On Tue Jun 15 at 23:31:50, James Lowe was heard muttering:

I'm a bit bored so I thought I'd pass comment on your rules. Please
don't take offence, but I do think some are way OTT or not clear
enough. Feel free to disagree with me.

> Replying to an ADMIN post without changing the Subject       2 points

Bit harsh, no? Sometimes threads are broken (especially when replied
to from PCs) so changing the subject means you won't be able to follow
it properly.

> Replying to a dead thread after the two days are up         4 points

Definitely not. What if someone goes away for the weekend or has a
problem with their ISP? Does that mean they are not entitled to give
their opinion?

> Flaming another user on this list publicly                  6 points

I suppose it depends on how you define flaming, but surely the point
of a list is both to sort problems but also to give opinions - this is
like saying no arguments are allowed (I think).

> Arguing with the moderator or co-moderator                  6 points

About what? Is no-one allowed to disagree with your opinion on a
topic? If you mean no-one should argue with you if you give them
points then you should say that.

> Spamming this list                                          6 points

Absolutely. But would you say my mail warning people about the
potential risks of people pinching your phone line was spam? It
certainly wasn't related to this list at all, but people should still
have the right to know (even if it unwittingly turns out to be a

Paul C.
... I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Message 15606

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: how to be rich
Date: 16 Jun 99 23:54:12 +0000
On Wed Jun 16 at 23:52:51, Neil Bothwick was heard muttering:

> [why not send back all that cr*p]

> Because the originator's address may be forged.

Irony here - I keep getting mails about how to get cheap printer
periph's so I replied to the seemingly-genuine address saying
slightly less politely "go away". Well it wasn't a forged address but
I did get a bounce saying something like "mail server rejecting mails
to avoid unsolicited mail" !!! Taking the piss or what.

Paul C.
... ASSISTANT MANAGER: noun, feminine form of the word manager

Message 15607

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Shares
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:55:10 +0100
Hello Ben

> Hi Ken,
> =

>> goody as i'm thinking of buying some shares in them when they come up
>> for sale ;-)
> =

> If you're interested in buying shares Future gets floated on Friday
> (seriously).

You never know I'll look into it to be honest I want a quick buck and
phone and 'net companies seem to be ridding high. I was going to buy Pace=

Micro Tec' when they was 24p a share and lost loads now just under =A32 a=

share. I would have bought =A35,000 at the old price but never went with =
hunch lost a packet.

I'm still looking for a company which might sparkle

                 Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 =

Message 15608

Subject: [afb] Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:31:44 -0000
How would you like to go to Wal-Mart and or RadioShack and spend $300.00 in products for only $3.00. We will show you how to get a $300.00 pre-paid debit cards for only $3.00 would you like that? Do you know anybody who can not use gas, groceries, clothing, electronics and other merchandise? If you don`t you have come to the right place at the right time. Give us a call on our toll free # 1-800-460-0852.

If you wanted to create the perfect business, you would first come out with a product that everyone NEEDED.... not something they might want (like vitamins, water filters, oil changes, etc..) but something they had to buy every day. Then you would want an effective marketing system that could easily sell this product to MILLIONS of people with very little cost and effort. FastTeam has created such a business and since they just started in July 1998, this is truly a ground-floor opportunity.

Take a careful LOOK at this website  Please check out the companies back ground we encourage you to do so for-your sake.

This company pays Daily, Weekly, Monthly. There is no waiting around for your check to come, they come on time every-time. All the company ask is to get two people involved and they get two. If you don`t know two people PLEASE don`t get in. Now how many companies say that? 

If you know six people and get them submited on a Tuesday (lets say for instants) the company WILL cut you a check on Wednesday. This is NO JOKE!!! Call us for more information at: 1-800-460-0852 or LOOK into the website for more details.

If you want instant results (like other companies promise) check this out for yourself. You will be glad you did.

Message 15609

From: Dominique Harelle
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:44:12 +1000
From   : Andy Kinsella 
Date   : 17-Jun-99
Subject: [afb] Re: PPaint 7.1b (was Thanks for the info)

Hello Andy,

> Shame on them! :) Ppaint 7.1 is cheap at twice the price.

> I just patched my version. The version info hasn't changed. I guess they
> forgot to change it 8)

> Any clues as to where the cpu-specific versions are? A mooch around
> biz/cloan yields naught. 

I ask Cloanto and they said they should be ready very soon.

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

A2000/060-60, 130meg RAM, 7Gig HD's, 2 x 24x CD's, 56k Modem,
PicassoIV + Picasso96, Zip Drive, IOBlix i/o Board,
3x HD FDD, Epson GT-8500 Scaner, BJC-620 Printer, Catweasel Z2

Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 15610

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 01:00:50 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> I managed to get APDF working, but only the non-fpu version. Seems the
>> 060 version doesn't like my 50MHz 68882.
> If you have a 68882 you must be running on a 68030, so why would you
> expect the 060 version to work?

Because on Aminet there are two 68k versions. One, Apdf060.lha is described
as being for 020/030/060+fpu. This is the version I'm referring to as the
060 version. There is also Apdf_nofpu.lha, which is for 020+, no fpu. I
assumed the 060 version would work on my computer because I have an 030
with FPU.

In fact, here is what it says in the readme:

You need the archive adapted to your processor:

680x0 without FPU           ->  Apdf_nofpu.lha
68020/68030/68060 with FPU  ->  Apdf060.lha

Hope that clears things up :)


Message 15611

From: "Ian Urie"
Subject: [afb] Re: Cable&Wireless
Date: 17 Jun 99 01:22:19 -0500

> It is possible to use C&W without having a new phone line put in  :-))
> All I have to do is dial 132 before any call I make, and it gets routed thro

> Have a look at their web site for more details
> FreeCall 0800 092 3001 or e-mail on

And use a NATIONAL dial-in number on Saturdays .....
50p for unlimited duration (all Saturday)

Ian Urie  
If Bill Gates was walking through the forest one day
and a tree fell on top of him, would anybody care?

Message 15612

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club
Date: 17 Jun 99 02:24:57 +0100
Hi ,

In reference to "[afb] Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club",


Oh dear 

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.....

> Spamming this list    6 points 

Twice more and you'll be banned for three months buddy. 


Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 15613

Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 06:06:58 -0000
> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or "OS's are
> like busses" analogies?

Well, whats your opinion? 

Have you missed my point about crap user interfaces?


Message 15614

From: "Moat_Monster"
Subject: [afb] Re: New Machine
Date: 17 Jun 99 07:51:34 -0500
>> First Computer Centre had an A1200 with 8MB, 030 Accelerator and Hard Disk
> for 100 (i think) when I went in a few weeks ago. 
An Amiga that low specced would be a waste of time as you would have
to fork out a fortune on top of that, to get it anywhere near a good
enough standard to be future proof.  
  Even my 1200 with blizzard 060 and 16 meg is boardering obsolete as
it just cannot hack many of the new games that will be coming out (it
may run them, slowly, but nothing to get any real use out of)  You
need need a PPC160 32mb fastram and Bvision graphics card to be at a
descent spec for any future classic amiga production.  Then there will
be the upgrade to 3.1 chips so you can run OS3.5, which many new
classic software tittles may require.  All this is going to add up to
a lot of cash for something that may well lose the majority of it's
already thin support.  
  I can see plenty of companies wanting to support classics with
hardware, but nowhere near enough companies producing quality software
packages to run on your very expensive H/W.
  I still hold to that if money is no problem, then fine go ahead a
purchase a boxer or some higher spec Amiga.  If money is tight then
wait and see what happens with the AmigaNG, it is only a few months
away before Amiga start informing us what exactly has been going on
behind closed doors.  I think after WOA we will all be in a much
better position to decide how best to procced with our upgrades.
Due to my anti-spam address, please either remove the ".snip" from the
address before sending or
Click below to reply:
Amiga Computers

Message 15615

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Shares
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:02:21 +0100
Hi Ken,

> You never know I'll look into it to be honest I want a quick buck and
> phone and 'net companies seem to be ridding high. I was going to buy Pa=
> Micro Tec' when they was 24p a share and lost loads now just under =A32=
> share. I would have bought =A35,000 at the old price but never went wit=
h my
> hunch lost a packet.

> I'm still looking for a company which might sparkle

Well, I've been with Fewtch for just a smidge over three years and their
growth has been phenomenal, all the while they have been a splendid compa=
to work for. I think that most of the people exercising their options won=
be in it for a quick buck since they know that the company will only
improve, so this won't be a stock for buying and dumping immediately - I
think if you buy it you'll see it accrue and accrue...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]

Message 15616

From: "Andrew McCombe"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:41:11 +0100

>>> Has anyone got the font mapping to work? >

I've got the same kind of problem, except that I can change the Fonts ok,
some of them save, others don't, but the pdf file is displayed as a load of
unreadable characters.  I've only tried one PDF file, and will make my own
today using adobe Pagemaker.

Learn how to use your Amiga - Got to Amigaschool.

Message 15617

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:05:10 +0100
Hi Peter,

> Oh, and does anyone else think that the whole free ISP business has got
> WAYYYYY out of hand?

There are over 80 free ISPs now according to a report in The Week from some
newspaper or other.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15618

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AI
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:06:52 +0100
Hi Ferenczy,

> Perhaps the next version of Aibo could be already on the drawing board?
> Either that or I should stay off the chees before going to bed.

Have you seen the infographic about aibo on "The Onion"? It's very good. Try

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      If at first you don't succeed, 
      try the switch marked "Power"

Message 15619

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:10:21 +0100
Hi Kevin,

> I use FastIPrefs for that - again, I think it is something that you can't
> do from within MCP itself  :(

Actually you can, although it's hideously set up - use the screenmanager and
set it to lock pens 4-7 to the right colours.

> Anyway I don't think this is possible in MCP as it stands. The nearest it
> gets is the "zoom window" hotkey which acts as though you clicked on the
> "shrink window" gadget, which in itself usually puts windows into the
> middle of the screen on my system, so why not use that? ;-)

Because I just want to move them. MCX also has a "position under parent"
function which is how all the windows on our CD are lined up one under the
other. Don't suppose MCP has that either (sniff).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.

Message 15620

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:13:36 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I had a look in TFM for audio, filter etc and got no joy. SearchGuide
> is cool, but even that has limitations :(

I went one step further and just loaded the guide in Turbotext. Rich told me
it could also be used to mount env, HappyEnv-style, but the manual gives
you absolutely no advice on that, and I couldn't find the function in the
prefs program. Fortunately, Rich told me it did it automatically.

> I use PWKeys for that, since it also allows for positioning at top,
> left, top-left etc. I've had in in startup for more than ten years,
> mapped to Left-Amiga plus the various numpad keys.

Shit. The reason I'm trying out MCP is to use less commodities. I've already
had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because MCP's
clock is crap.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 15621

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:21:06 +0100
Hi Danny,

> I may ask at AmigaSOC as I remember seeing a few tutorials on NetBSD in AF
> and on their site.

Not overly surprising since Chris Livermore from AmigaSoc gathered all the
files together to go on the CD, and also wrote the whole tutorial. If you
want a 68k unix, you could always go for Red Hat Linux 68k from Weird
Science. It comes with telephone support for your twenty quid (which you
may already have spent downloading, sending emails and so on).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Lucky for you this e-mail is typed, 
you'd never be able to read my writing.

Message 15622

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: Sn-appicons
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:24:39 +0100

Fecking Outlook. damn thing never quotes properly..

Aaaanyway, you don't need AppChange to change MUI appicons,
do you? And in YAM, the Appicon is that mailbox thingummy
unless you iconify and then it uses def_MUI, right?

IIRC if you put a in your MUI:Icons directory
it should work for you.

And as for the snapshotting with MCP's appchange, the icon
takes it's position from it's position relative to the top
left hand corner of the "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys" window.

Open it up, size the window to desktop size, and snapshot
it there. It should appear there on your desktop from then

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Mellor []
Sent: 16 June 1999 19:22
Subject: [afb] Sn-appicons

I can't remember if this has been asked before, but is there any way to
snapshot a MUI appicon? I replaced my YAM appicon today (using MCP's
AppChange feature) but now when I iconify my YAM window the icon appears in
the middle of my WB screen instead of down the left-hand side where it
usually is... Any help would be appreciated :)


Message 15623

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sn-appicons
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:23:53 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> You can set the position of the Mailbox status appicon, I don't think you
> can do the same for the other one...

Why do you want the other one? You can double click on the mailbox icon and
YAM appears, you can use your hotkey and YAM appears, and so on. Just go to
the MUI settings for the program. Go to system and turn off appicon.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Save up to 44% when you subscribe to AF!
Ring: 01458 271102 right now to save...

Message 15624

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:24:57 +0100
Hi Danny,

> I know this has been said but where can I get this APDF?


All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  a m=F6bius tagline.  this is a m=F6bius tag
 line.  this is a m=F6bius tagline.  this is

Message 15625

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:26:56 +0100
Hi P,

>> logo (C='s) was just
>>> Garamond Halbfett Kursiv.

> Times bold italic does the job though

Not if you want to duplicate the logo it doesn't. Garamond isn't exactly
difficult to come by.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click...Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 15626

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:CD-Writer
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:28:54 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I favour MakeCD, I used it for the CUCDs. I don't know what AF use
> but Nick Veitch used to be on the MakeCD mailing list.

We use MakeCD and MasterISO, along with BuildCD (or is it ISOCD) from
Commodore. Mainly it's MasterISO though.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
We want *your* reviews of your favourite
hardware and software. Get 'em in!

Message 15627

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fake root
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:33:12 +0100
Hi Bill,

> Hi Everyone,

> Does anyone know why I keep receiving the following?

> "Unable to read message:
> This is not really a message, just a fake root created."

> There is no sender but there is subject text.

It's a MicroDot thang...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Get your news first through Amiga Format
With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 15628

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:36:25 +0100
Hi Richard,

> In reference to "[afb] Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club",

> Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.....

>> Spamming this list    6 points 

> Twice more and you'll be banned for three months buddy. 

I tend to leave spammers on the list actually, it's just that I disallow
them from posting. This means that they end up getting all 200 or so
messages posted to the list each day, but can't say anything else. Even if
they don't unsubscribe from the list and just leave their accounts to fill
up, it's not our fault since they subscribed in the first place, and
perhaps Yahoo will kick this jerk off their service.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 15629

From: "Sealey, M."
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:48:17 +0100
> > > logo (C='s) was just Garamond Halbfett Kursiv.
> >
> > Times bold italic does the job though
> Not if you want to duplicate the logo it doesn't. Garamond isn't exactly
> difficult to come by.

Really? Where? I know it's built into most LaserJet printers, but I
haven't seen "Garamond Kursiv Halbfett" outside of a printer fonts disk..

Also, do you know where the hell I can get that Bodoni font from?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15630

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga font
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:10:41 +0100
Hi M.,

> Really? Where? I know it's built into most LaserJet printers, but I
> haven't seen "Garamond Kursiv Halbfett" outside of a printer fonts disk..

Kursiv means italic and halbfett means bold. If you have any package that
outputs to postscript, like a DTP package like PageStream for instance, it
will almost certainly come with at least the main font of the family.

> Also, do you know where the hell I can get that Bodoni font from?

You can buy it from Adobe, but I presume you mean a free version? EMC's CDs
(I can't remember which one of Phase 1, 2 or 3) have fonts based on Bodoni.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I'd like to change the world, 
but they won't give me the source code.

Message 15631

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Just missed the news
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:13:09 +0100
Hi all,

I got a letter in this morning from a guy that runs an engraving business=
and he sent me in a 5=BC" drive bay plate with the current Amiga logo
engraved into it. It looks great and it only costs =A33.50 + P&P to do it=
Simply send him your drive bay cover and the money and he'll engrave it a=
send it back, just the thing to give your PC tower some personality...

Give him a call on 01625 430660

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want to send something for the CD? Read
Submissions Advice on the AFCD first.

Message 15632

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Re: CD Writer
Date: 17 Jun 99 10:45:26 +0000
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for  your info and advice to my query about a purchase=2E

To buy (from a PC source) the bare Yamaha 4x4x16 external scsi unit for =A3=
plus the cost of MakeCD plus a few blanks would bring the price somewhat ne=
to that of Power Computing's advert for 4x4x20 atapi external unit, which
includes cables, 4-way IDE interface, IDEFIX fully registered, MakeCD and 5=
 and 1 CDRW discs=2E

Not having a towerised A1200, it would mean having a cable hanging off the
back=2E Also, I may lose the use of QuarterBack as a backup prog as my son =
his A1200 towerised and atapi orientated=2E QuarterBack does not now recogn=
his Zip 100=2E



Message 15633

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] CD Writer
Date: 17 Jun 99 10:52:38 +0000
Okay, before anyone comes back with "what is a VDR disc........?"

I pressed the wrong key, a slipped disc, as you may say.



Message 15634

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: CD Writer
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:55:03 +0100
Hi Bill,

> To buy (from a PC source) the bare Yamaha 4x4x16 external scsi unit for=

> =A3297 plus the cost of MakeCD plus a few blanks would bring the price

We'll be running a comparison of the three main CD burning packages in th=
next AF (not the next one on sale, but the one on sale at the show).

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15635

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:13:54 -0700 wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> > Hi Gerald,
> >
> I work in I.T. and when I mention the Amiga (which is just
> about everyday) they have the impression that it died a long time ago.
> Indeed one of the system analysts who tests software before it is
> introduced into our network compared the Amiga to a Commodore 64 with
> fuuny buttons. Ofcourse he has come to regret that statement when told
> of my BVision/ dual processor system.

This sound very familiar; alot of places I go (like school, and various
chat sites) I often mention the Amiga and people often say somtehing
"Well it was a good machine in its day" or "Didn't that die ages ago?"
Unfortunately I cant brag about my setup; its just a simple Tyhpoon
A1200 atm.
There really does need to be education for the computer masses about the
amiga, so that ppl know about it, rather than vaugle recolect seeing a
512k A500, otherwise we'll never be anywhere close to mainstream.

-Alex Timiney
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15636

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:00:40 +0000
Richard Lane scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Fastteam Penny=
 Gasoline Club :

> Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.....

eGroups, it would appear, need to do something about this. We get on aver=
one a week here, but I haven't seen any on oneList for a while.

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
Webmaster                       Returning to
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*
ICQ: 15849650                   PGP Keys available - just ask :)

"Don't keep saying 'I do'! You're the best man."

Message 15637

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:24:28 -0700
Hi all,
 I'm wanting to get a CD drive for my birthday in july, but I'm not
going to get much money spent on me, so I need one as cheap as possible,
requiring as few extras as possible.
I have an A1200 with a Typhoon MkI accelerator -SCSI enabled but no
external adaptor. I'd like to avoid getting an external drive 'cos
they're more expensive and I might be moving into a tower (maybe
co-habiting with a PC, too). I also have a heavy duty PSU.

So basically; how feasible would using an internal drive be, and is 40
too much for an internal 4x scsi CDROM?

-Alex Timiney
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15638

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:31:32 +0100
Alex T wrote:

>So basically; how feasible would using an internal drive be, and is =
>too much for an internal 4x scsi CDROM?

I hope you mean an "internal" drive but "external" to the A1200 :)

The answer to the above is YES - I do this with an IDE drive on my
A1200 - just ensure that the metal casing is "in" something, otherwise
you might blast it by accident....

Analogic does a 4x for =A339.95 I think (looking around for AF -=20
not found, so guesses!), plus you will need a cable and a means
of powering it (from the beefy PSU - is it an Atom/Goliath?)


Message 15639

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:29:45 +0100
Hi Alex,

> I'm wanting to get a CD drive for my birthday in july, but I'm not
> going to get much money spent on me, so I need one as cheap as possible=
> requiring as few extras as possible.
> I have an A1200 with a Typhoon MkI accelerator -SCSI enabled but no
> external adaptor. I'd like to avoid getting an external drive 'cos
> they're more expensive and I might be moving into a tower (maybe
> co-habiting with a PC, too). I also have a heavy duty PSU.

> So basically; how feasible would using an internal drive be, and is =A3=
> too much for an internal 4x scsi CDROM?

No, I don't think so - you could almost certainly get a 36x IDE (ATAPI)
drive for that money, but I'd stick with the 4x SCSI if I were you, you
wouldn't notice much difference in speed tbh. I think your plan is
feasible, if somewhat ugly... :)

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in
   computing heaven.

Message 15640

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:27:32 +0100
Hi Peter,

> eGroups, it would appear, need to do something about this. We get on
> average one a week here, but I haven't seen any on oneList for a while.

Part of the problem is that we have an open policy on this list. I can
change it to close the list off to anyone but members if you like, but that
also means only posting from one address and so on. We don't get spammed
enough for me to want to resort to these measures, but I can if you like.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15641

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:38:51 -0700
Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** wrote:
> I hope you mean an "internal" drive but "external" to the A1200 :)
Of course!

> The answer to the above is YES - I do this with an IDE drive on my
> A1200 - just ensure that the metal casing is "in" something, otherwise
> you might blast it by accident....
Blast it? with what? will hiding under my A1200 do, or are we talking
about somthing more substantial like a shield (metal box) or insulator
(cardboard box)?

> Analogic does a 4x for 39.95 I think (looking around for AF -
> not found, so guesses!), plus you will need a cable and a means
> of powering it (from the beefy PSU - is it an Atom/Goliath?)
Yes, thats where I got the speed and the price from. I'm not sure what
the make is for the PSU, but I also got that allitle while ago from

So, will Analogic sell me a cable? And how easy will it be to power the
drive (without hacking the ends of cables, though I'm not afraid of a
bit of DIY soldering etc.)?
thanks for your help.
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15642

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:42:00 -0700
Ben Vost wrote:
> No, I don't think so - you could almost certainly get a 36x IDE (ATAPI)
> drive for that money, but I'd stick with the 4x SCSI if I were you, you
> wouldn't notice much difference in speed tbh. I think your plan is
> feasible, if somewhat ugly... :)
Ugly is the name of my game (you should see my PC; it an utter mess!)
I've been told that you cant get CD drives faster than 24x, and that >24
speed drives are actually 24 speeds with BIG caches.

thanks for your help

"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15643

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:50:41 +0100
Alex T wrote:

>> The answer to the above is YES - I do this with an IDE drive on my
>> A1200 - just ensure that the metal casing is "in" something, =
>> you might blast it by accident....
>Blast it? with what? will hiding under my A1200 do, or are we talking
>about somthing more substantial like a shield (metal box) or insulator
>(cardboard box)?

You know - holding a glass of Dr Peppers when little relative runs past
playing an imaginary game of tig - and next thing - dead CDROM
and little relative being hunted like a wild animal :)

Mine is covered in stiff paper (I know, I know - I bought it from =
in this condition already....

>> Analogic does a 4x for =A339.95 I think (looking around for AF -
> >>not found, so guesses!), plus you will need a cable and a means
> >>of powering it (from the beefy PSU - is it an Atom/Goliath?)
> >Yes, thats where I got the speed and the price from. I'm not sure =
>the make is for the PSU, but I also got that allitle while ago from

>So, will Analogic sell me a cable? And how easy will it be to power =
>drive (without hacking the ends of cables, though I'm not afraid of a
>bit of DIY soldering etc.)?
>thanks for your help.

You need to hook up an HDD power plug (like in the PC) to run from the
PSU - my Goliath came with it already done to power external devices.
Analogic should sell the SCSI cable (long 50-way ribbon) and may have
a HDD power extender that will work as well (could even be run from the
44-pin IDE power connector and then run out of the box!)


Message 15644

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: 17 Jun 1999 10:3:1 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> If you have a 68882 you must be running on a 68030, so why would you
>> expect the 060 version to work?

> Because on Aminet there are two 68k versions. One, Apdf060.lha is described
> as being for 020/030/060+fpu. This is the version I'm referring to as the
> 060 version. There is also Apdf_nofpu.lha, which is for 020+, no fpu. I
> assumed the 060 version would work on my computer because I have an 030
> with FPU.

> 68020/68030/68060 with FPU  ->  Apdf060.lha

> Hope that clears things up :)

Very clear, calling the 030FPU version 060, clear as mud.

I suppose calling the 030FPU version Apdf030FPU.lha wold be too
logical, is it French? :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I don't suffer from insanity.  I enjoy every minute of it.

Message 15645

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 17 Jun 1999 10:5:17 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> There are over 80 free ISPs now according to a report in The Week from some
> newspaper or other.

In reality there' probably less than ten. You can now buy a "free ISP
in a box", everything you need to start up, and get your money back
once you reach a certain number of customers.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I have a mind like a steel...uh...thingamajig...

Message 15646

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 10:7:25 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Because I just want to move them. MCX also has a "position under parent"
> function which is how all the windows on our CD are lined up one under the
> other. Don't suppose MCP has that either (sniff).

No, but you can do it with DOpus, that's how I lined up the windows
on the CUCDs, and it doesn't even need the parent open :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
All generalizations are false, including this one.

Message 15647

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 10:10:56 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> I had a look in TFM for audio, filter etc and got no joy. SearchGuide
>> is cool, but even that has limitations :(

> I went one step further and just loaded the guide in Turbotext. Rich told me
> it could also be used to mount env, HappyEnv-style, but the manual gives
> you absolutely no advice on that, and I couldn't find the function in the
> prefs program. Fortunately, Rich told me it did it automatically.

How does it do that? Does it just see the handler in L: and mount it?
I don't suppose it could be a prefs option, since MCP sotres its prefs
in ENV: :-O

>> I use PWKeys for that, since it also allows for positioning at top,
>> left, top-left etc. I've had in in startup for more than ten years,
>> mapped to Left-Amiga plus the various numpad keys.

> Shit. The reason I'm trying out MCP is to use less commodities. I've already
But there's no "do all" commodity. However, PWKeys does a lot more
than window centring, so I don't mind running that too. Maybe you
should run MCP and MCX to ue the best of both. That should eliminate
the need for almost anything else.

> had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because MCP's
> clock is crap.

It tells the time, what more do you want?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 32: Living dead

Message 15648

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:CD-Writer
Date: 17 Jun 1999 10:17:13 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> I favour MakeCD, I used it for the CUCDs. I don't know what AF use
>> but Nick Veitch used to be on the MakeCD mailing list.

> We use MakeCD and MasterISO, along with BuildCD (or is it ISOCD) from
> Commodore. Mainly it's MasterISO though.

Why such a mixture?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Overcome by jealousy, Data dismembers the Energizer Bunny

Message 15649

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:58:18 +0100
Hi Neil,

> No, but you can do it with DOpus, that's how I lined up the windows
> on the CUCDs, and it doesn't even need the parent open :)

Do tell. I'd also love to know how to centre a window using Opus if poss...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
We want *your* reviews of your favourite
hardware and software. Get 'em in!

Message 15650

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:00:29 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> me it could also be used to mount env, HappyEnv-style, but the manual
>> gives you absolutely no advice on that, and I couldn't find the function
>> in the prefs program. Fortunately, Rich told me it did it automatically.

> How does it do that? Does it just see the handler in L: and mount it?
> I don't suppose it could be a prefs option, since MCP sotres its prefs
> in ENV: :-O

I guess so.

> But there's no "do all" commodity. However, PWKeys does a lot more
> than window centring, so I don't mind running that too. Maybe you
> should run MCP and MCX to ue the best of both. That should eliminate
> the need for almost anything else.

I'm thinking that's probably the case, or simply go back to just mcx and the
other commodities. I was only running CTM and that gives better-looking
cycle menus than MCP does anyway...

>> had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because MCP's
>> clock is crap.

> It tells the time, what more do you want?

But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
If at first you do succeed, try to hide
your astonishment.

Message 15651

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:CD-Writer
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:01:29 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> We use MakeCD and MasterISO, along with BuildCD (or is it ISOCD) from
>> Commodore. Mainly it's MasterISO though.

> Why such a mixture?

You'd have to ask Errol, but I think it has something to do with the "8 dirs
deep" limitation of ISO9660 for older CD-ROM drives.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what
it means?

Message 15652

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:40:03 +0100
> Since when you have to be old enough to buy alchool ;) ??


> Women sold in Woolworths?!?! Since when?

That's not what I meant. I was referring to the CD Single

> Well, you can play them in your CD Player

Great :)


Message 15653

Subject: [afb] Re: WinUAE
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:42:46 -0000
Hi Alex

> Thanks for the help, I've a new question now - how can I get it to use my modem?
> It's on COM3 and I've tried setting that as my serial port but that doesn't
> work.

I've never tried accessing the modem as being connected to the WinUAE serial port, but what you can do (maybe the only way) is to connect with the modem from Windows and then run WinUAE making sure that the BSDSocket.library emulation box is ticked. Then you can run whatever and the Amiga uses it as if it were connected.

Message 15654

From: "R.S.Radford"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:50:55 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:00:29 +0100 Ben Vost 

> me it could also be used to mount env, HappyEnv-style, 
> but the manual
> gives you absolutely no advice on that, and I couldn't 
> find the function in the prefs program. Fortunately, Rich 
> told me it did it automatically.

I wasnt aware that it did that, ill test that later.

> I had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled 
> drawer because MCP's clock is crap.
> It tells the time, what more do you want?
> But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

That the main detractor of MCP in general. It takes ages to 
configure, and come to a reliable setup. However, It has a 
vast array of powerful features to use, if required.

By the way can anyone tell me if their is a click to front 
option in MCP, I can`t find it.


Message 15655

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Just missed the news
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:56:40 +0100
> Hi all,

> I got a letter in this morning from a guy that runs an engraving business,
> and he sent me in a 5" drive bay plate with the current Amiga logo
> engraved into it. It looks great and it only costs 3.50 + P&P to do it.
> Simply send him your drive bay cover and the money and he'll engrave it
> send it back, just the thing to give your PC tower some personality...

Wowee! I might have to have a few of those done :)

When you say current, you mean AMiGA with the red square, right?


> Give him a call on 01625 430660

I think I will :))


Message 15656

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:57:38 +0100
Hello Ben

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> How does it do that? Does it just see the handler in L: and mount it?
>> I don't suppose it could be a prefs option, since MCP sotres its prefs
>> in ENV: :-O
> I guess so.

If you don't have ENV: assigned anywhere when you start MCP, it'll try to
mount HappyENV.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15657

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:01:46 +0100
> > I work in I.T. and when I mention the Amiga (which is just
> > about everyday) they have the impression that it died a long time ago.

Yeah, either that or "Oh, my daughter had one of those" :)
and "Real computers? I thought they just did games.."

Then I show them the Amiga website, the phase5 website (compare
the PPC cards to the latest Apple Macs :) and show them my WinUAE
setup (which has been cloned from my Amiga).

"I guess I was wrong" they say. Fools! :)

> "Well it was a good machine in its day" or "Didn't that die ages ago?"
> Unfortunately I cant brag about my setup; its just a simple Tyhpoon
> A1200 atm.

I just say "It's better than your Apple Mac" and point at their Performa
LC475 and they agree.. :)

I find it's easier to compare to a Mac because of the similarities. And
the fact that you can emulate a Mac on the Amiga.. that always gets
jaws dropping ;)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15658

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:04:05 +0100
> No, I don't think so - you could almost certainly get a 36x IDE (ATAPI)
> drive for that money, but I'd stick with the 4x SCSI if I were you, you
> wouldn't notice much difference in speed tbh. I think your plan is
> feasible, if somewhat ugly... :)

Remind me to take a photo of my A1200 for you all..
Wires and boards everywhere - and no casing!

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15659

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Just missed the news
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:04:46 +0100
Hi Matt,

> When you say current, you mean AMiGA with the red square, right?

Yeah, only it's not red - it's just engraved into the blanking plate.
However, it shouldn't be too difficult to colour in... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Got a bit of hardware or software you've
been using for a while? Why not write us
a reader review on it?

Message 15660

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:06:15 +0100
Hi R.S.Radford,

> By the way can anyone tell me if their is a click to front 
> option in MCP, I can`t find it.

Yeah, you have to use the hotkeys section of MCP and assign bringing the
active window to the front to a mouse button press.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
         Change is inevitable. 
     Except from a vending machine.

Message 15661

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Just missed the news
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:10:25 +0100

> Hi Matt,
> > When you say current, you mean AMiGA with the red square, right?
> Yeah, only it's not red - it's just engraved into the blanking plate.
> However, it shouldn't be too difficult to colour in... :)

Don`t be daft!

I could make one myself, there's a CNC machine down in Engineering.
But I'd have to spend 3 days programming the damn thing on
graph paper first :)

3.50 though, that`s great!

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15662

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Audio Mixer (from afb-announce AF126 etc.)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:23:39 +0000
Hi there,

This was in the latest from afb-announce:

> *Audio mixer Project* Simon Goodwin shows you how to put your CD drives
> audio output together with your Amiga's. No soldering required!

CU did one of these some time ago.  Is this going to be
somewhat more advanced than their's?

Personally, I just use a splitter cable to run my Amiga and
CD outputs to my stereo.  I find this to be more than adequate.

BTW, does this mark the start of a new DIY section in AF?


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15663

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:56:53 +0000
Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about
Freeserve dying AGAIN? again...

>>  There are over 80 free ISPs now according to a report in The Week from
>>  some newspaper or other.

> In reality there' probably less than ten. You can now buy a "free ISP
> in a box", everything you need to start up, and get your money back
> once you reach a certain number of customers.

How does this work?  Is this effectively just buying a share in
a free ISP?

As a matter of interest, how much does it cost to buy a "free ISP
in a box"?


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15664

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:05:46 +0000
Bother said Alex Timiney as he realised we were talking about
SCSI CD-ROM again...

[internal drives used externally]

>> The answer to the above is YES - I do this with an IDE drive on my
>> A1200 - just ensure that the metal casing is "in" something, otherwise
>> you might blast it by accident....

> Blast it? with what? will hiding under my A1200 do, or are we talking
> about somthing more substantial like a shield (metal box) or insulator
> (cardboard box)?

It's not strictly neccessary to house the drive(s) in anything
(my internal SCSI drives are just exposed on my desk - a
temporary solution that's now lasted a long time) but it is

> So, will Analogic sell me a cable? And how easy will it be to power the
> drive (without hacking the ends of cables, though I'm not afraid of a
> bit of DIY soldering etc.)?
> thanks for your help.

The best option (if you intend to expand further at a later
date) is probably a (PC) mini-tower case to house the drives.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15665

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:13:23 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about
Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club) again...


> Part of the problem is that we have an open policy on this list. I can
> change it to close the list off to anyone but members if you like, but
> also means only posting from one address and so on. We don't get spammed
> enough for me to want to resort to these measures, but I can if you like.

This wouldn't be a problem for me but I notice that many people
(yourself included) use more than one email address.  Unless it's
possible to setup multiple addresses for each person (which I doubt)
it's probably best to leave things as they are.

Spam is a fairly rare occurence on here (although oddly, I've
had more spam through the list than directly) and it's easy
enough to set up most mailers (I think?) not to download large


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15666

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Audio Mixer (from afb-announce AF126 etc.)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:16:08 +0100
Hi fool,

>> *Audio mixer Project* Simon Goodwin shows you how to put your CD drives
>> audio output together with your Amiga's. No soldering required!

> CU did one of these some time ago.  Is this going to be
> somewhat more advanced than their's?

Yep, but read it and find out. There's always the factor that some people
didn't read CU, or that they missed that issue, and you can build Simon's
mixer without having to solder anything too.

> Personally, I just use a splitter cable to run my Amiga and
> CD outputs to my stereo.  I find this to be more than adequate.

Ah well, you really need to read it then...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Lucky for you this e-mail is typed, 
you'd never be able to read my writing.

Message 15667

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:18:43 +0100
Hi fool,

> This wouldn't be a problem for me but I notice that many people
> (yourself included) use more than one email address.  Unless it's
> possible to setup multiple addresses for each person (which I doubt)
> it's probably best to leave things as they are.

People can always subscribe with multiple email addresses (and just mark =
down to download and the rest to read on the web), but it inflates the
numbers we have on the list artificially.

> Spam is a fairly rare occurence on here (although oddly, I've
> had more spam through the list than directly) and it's easy
> enough to set up most mailers (I think?) not to download large
> mails.

Absolutely. Best of all you can set remote filters to delete them before =
even download them - that's what I do with all mails from this address - =
don't need to read what I've already written and I get enough mail as it

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  a m=F6bius tagline.  this is a m=F6bius tag
 line.  this is a m=F6bius tagline.  this is

Message 15668

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:21:39 +0100
Just a quick question....

Does anyone know what monitors came with the Archimedes A300/A400?
They are badged Acorn but are possibly Phillips (badged)...

The reason I ask is that I have been offered 2 of them (working and for
a pittance), and I wonder if they will work with my Miggy - I suspect 
that they are 8833 or similar that have been rebadged...

The guy doesn't know the model number but knows that they came with
an A300 & A400 - anyone have any ideas?

And if so, what specs would they be?


Message 15669

Subject: [afb] Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:22:26 -0000
Anybody know anything about dying Zip drives ? Or more specifically MY
dying Zip drive. At present I have an A1200 with Blizzard 060, 32 meg
fast ram, internal 1.2 gig hard drive and connected via the surf
squirrel a 56k modem, quad speed CD drive and (the source of all my
woes) a Zip drive.

The problem I'm having is that, although the Zip reads the 100mb
cartridges without any worries, whenever I write information I'll end
up with an unreadable disk half the time. This has been going on for a
while now. Usually I can manage to salvage the disk with something
like Disksalv and the disk will be OK again (for a while). Then it
happens all over again. The only message I'm getting back is that the
disk isn't validated - but as I say, using Disksalv I can correct

Unfortunately, during the last couple of weeks things have got worse
still. I tried writing a file to a Zip disk recently and the whole
Amiga seized up. I rebooted, reinserted the disk and the computer
immediately seized up again. I've now got two disks that do this. By
'seized up', I mean that although I can move my mouse pointer I can't
access any of the partitions on my hard drive, clicking on any of the
partiton icons results in nothing.

Now I've read all about this 'click of death' that some Zip drives
suffer from, but I'm pretty certain that's not what I've got as the
drive exhibits none of the sounds associated with 'C.O.D'. So I went
out and bought a brand new 100 meg disk the other day to see if it was
my original disks that were the problem. Not so. Halfway through
formatting the new disk the A1200 seized up again. The new disk is now
suffering the same symptoms as my other knackered disks.

Obviously it's either a software problem, or more likely my Zip drive
is on the way out (it's a good couple of years old).

Any one got any ideas ? (I'm off to work for the next eight hours.
It'd be great to come back this evening and be told how to cure the
problem. And no, kicking the Zip up and down the street isn't an
option, although I have considered it !)


Message 15670

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:53:59 +0100
On 17-Jun-99, Ben Vost Wrote........

[=>> should run MCP and MCX to ue the best of both. That should eliminate
[=>> the need for almost anything else.
[=> I'm thinking that's probably the case, or simply go back to just mcx and
[=> the other commodities. I was only running CTM and that gives
[=> better-looking cycle menus than MCP does anyway...

Trust me.... Don't run MCP & MCX together!  I had some spectacular gurus :). 

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
The woman cries before the wedding; the man afterward.

Message 15671

From: Conor Kerr
Subject: [afb] Please nominate me for the AAC
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:18:50 +0000

Hopefully this won't be regarded as spam as it is Amiga related. However, if
it is regarded as such then I'm deeply sorry, please accept my apologies.

As you may well know nominations for the new Amiga Advisory Council are
being taken at this time.  I would be very, very grateful if you would
nominate me for the AAC as I genuinely think that I am a perfect candidate.

I'm sure you're familiar with my work for the Amiga and the Amiga community.
Regardless, you may consider this brief overview of my history with the
Amiga useful in determining my worthiness for this esteemed post...

Probably my most significant contribution to the Amiga would be the work
I've done in almost single-handly reviving and supporting the Children's
Software Market on the Amiga.

I am the Managing Director of Mystique Corporation International Ltd. and am
currently developing the children's software package "KiDSuite" (formerly
known as "CP") which I believe will be the most revolutionary, innovative
and intuitive children's software package ever made for ANY platform!

Plenty of interesting information about the software can be found at the
KiDSuite Support Site ( # if you have not yet had
the chance to visit!).  This site was to be released and advertised
throughout the Amiga community nearly two months ago but unfortunately my
current host has let me down continually and I am having a hard time
finding another.  I expect this matter to be finally resolved within the
coming days, look out for many exciting announcements from me then!

I am also the pioneer of the Made For KiDS campaign, an organisation unique
to the computing industry that aims to involve people from all groups,
whether they are users, developers, teachers, parents or children
(basically just anyone who is interested!) with a view to helping put in
place the mechanisms needed for a computing platform that realises the
benefits computers can offer to children and education.  This is a very
exciting initiative in which many have expressed a strong interest.  

So far this campaign has resulted in the formation of the first folder on
the great worldwide Amiga resource, Aminet, solely for children's software.
This was done with the collaboration of many people in the Amiga community
who helped me to search out all the freeware and shareware children's
software still available for the Amiga. This accomplishment was accompanied
by a complete Children's Software Directory on my website which offers much
more to the prospective downloader than the Aminet format.  Every title in
the directory is listed in sections according to the type of the program
and each title has system requirements information, author's details and
local download links which utilise the Aminet's power as a global resource.
Some titles even have full reviews and screenshots to make your software
selection even easier and much more enjoyable!

Again, the release of the next stages of the campaign have been delayed due
to problems with my current host, which is a real pity.  However I
anticipate that these problems will be overcome within the next few days
and that the campaign can continue sometime next week!  Details about the
campaign can be found on its website: #

I am a member of several great Amiga organisations including the ICOA,
BRAINIAC and Team Amiga.

I put a lot of effort into the ICOA when it was in its prime, joining at the
request of the wonderful Fleecy Moss, a former employee of AInc who will
always be missed for his commitment to the community and especially for his
active support of the developers.  I was manager of the Developer Support
OWG for the ICOA and spent a lot of time working to create a
specification/blue-print for a fantastic new developer support program for
both the classic and NG.  Unfortunately this work was never completed due
to the near-collapse of the Amiga market last year and the ICOA along with
it. :(  Things are looking decidedly brighter however (thanks Jim! :) ) and
I expect to be active in the creation of a new official developers
organisation, whether this is to be a revamped ICOA or an entirely
new organisation.

I was a founding member of the BRAINIAC organisation, a great concept which
I think could be implemented in many other countries as well!

While not overly active (but reasonably!) on the Team Amiga list at the
minute, I hope that people would regard my posts as worthwhile, informative
and interesting (admittedly though they can sometimes be just plain wierd
:) ).  I am currently active on many mailing lists but will be cutting down
on a few of them so that I can make a contribution that's more quality in
nature than quantity.

I am more than happy to talk to people whether it's via IRC, email, over the
phone or (as I prefer) in person.  During my time in the Amiga community I
have talked to/met many many people and have become friends with quite a
few as well! :)  I have also formed an alliance with Basil Flinter of The
Amiga Education Network (TAEN) as obviously I strongly believe in
co-operation, two minds are indeed better than one! ;)

On several occasions I have pursued the possibility of starting a local user
group although it is only recently that users in my area are starting to
make themselves known and while I have contacted many of them, there still
aren't enough for a proper group. Yet. :)

I am currently engaged in creating a scheme called "AmigaWeb" which will
offer email addresses, CGI facilities and redirection facilities to the
entire Amiga community for free!  Initial reasearch indicate that this
scheme seems to be quite a popular idea.  It can be implemented and
advertised when I change hosts.

I think from all of that it is clear that I am quite an active member of the
Amiga community.  I have a fair amount of experience in dealing with users
and developers and in bringing people together and organising their
thoughts and ideas in a constructive manner which benefits all.

I hope that you will see fit to nominate me for the AAC as I'd like to have
the chance to make this work for you.

I have a profound interest in the future of the Amiga and firmly believe
that, if Amiga listen closely to the AAC and the views of the Amiga
community that the AAC is to represent, Amiga can do much more than restore
its name as a household one, it could go as far as to create the next
revolution in computing!  Certainly, from experience and as far as
children's software is concerned, I see no better-placed platform for the
future of computing!

You can nominate me now by sending an email to:

You will need to include the following information:

Subject line must have "AAC".

Name of Nominee: Conor Kerr
Nominee Contact Number: +44 1232 808 369
Nominee E-Mail Address:
Nominee Organizations: ICOA, BRAINIAC, Team Amiga, Made For KiDS
Group that best describes Nominee: Developer
Reasons for their Nomination:

Please insert some nice reasons for nomination too. "He might be the only
Irish nominee" is okay, but something Amiga related would be a lot better.

Submissions have to be in on or before the 19th of June so please be quick!

If you do decide to nominate me, I'd like to offer my most sincere thanks (I
love you :) ).  If you do then I would also appreciate it if you could then
send me an email notfiying me that you did indeed nominate me.  There'll be
a prize in it for you. :)

Well, only joking about the prize - but I certainly WILL appreciate it! ;)


More information about my company:

Online version of this nomination text, including web-based form for easy

All the best...

Conor Kerr

Message 15672

From: "Jack Thompson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 05:59:49 -0700
>>>> "Neil Bullock"  06/12 11:57 PM >>>
>----- Original Message -----=20
>From: Jack Thompson 
>Sent: 16 June 1999 15:22
>Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
>> What model of Amiga do you have?
>A1200. (if you want the current spec, it's
>PC power supply, power typhoon mk1, 18mb ram,
>eyetech 4x cd-plus, 810MB hard drive, offical
>amiga mouse :)

Cool, I see from your previous post that you've pretty much got your =
options weighed out. (Although I was JUST about to suggest the part about =
inventing a new form of skin that doesn't burn...)

Aka Scotsman/Godzilla

Message 15673

Subject: [afb] Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:00:06 -0000
When are the people at Amiga Format going to put system requirements somewhere where they are easy to see?

I just whacked the AFCD41 in my CD drive, scrolled through the folders to the Evils Doom Movie... ran the player and waited..  After a few minutes of nothing happening I decided to try find out what was wrong!

Ohh.. Of course there it was, obvious as anything... in the ReadMeNot file it states quite obviously:

Important for gfx-board user!

To view the EvilsDoom intro movie please select a non gfx-board screen-mode o play the movie correctly.

So now the first thing I will do if I want to know that I can view something is not look in the AFCD section of the magazine, not look at the CD itself but instantly look for an obscure file named something obvious like ReadMeNot..

Really guys.. has it ever crossed your minds that not everyone with a graphics card is running a towered up A1200? You do realise that graphics cards were put into big box Amiga for years before it was possible to put one (in) an A1200?

Message 15674

From: Chris Livermore
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! to the wrong people!
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:08:09 +0100 (GMT)
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 wrote:

> When are the people at Amiga Format going to put system requirements somewhere where they are easy to see?

Like where. Each program has different requirements, to list them all
would take pages of magazine space, and not to mention be really boring
> Ohh.. Of course there it was, obvious as anything... in the ReadMeNot file it states quite obviously:

Thats up to the author of each program/package as to where/how they
document their program. Nothing AF, or anyone else can do anything about
> So now the first thing I will do if I want to know that I can view something is not look in the AFCD section of the magazine, not look at the CD itself but instantly look for an obscure file named something obvious like ReadMeNot..
Why? It didn't break your machine did it? Run the program, if it works
great, if it doesn't read the docs.

They may be called README.DOC, or docs/readme, or anything else.

If there's one thing I like about being of AFB, it the fact that it remids
me that it's not only PC owners who are twats!

Chris - who's having a bad day trying to get Linux to behave like a
"professional" operating system :-)

Message 15675

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 99 11:31:09 +0000
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:13:36 +0100, Ben Vost wibbled...

> Shit. The reason I'm trying out MCP is to use less commodities. I've already
> had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because MCP's
> clock is crap.

Why not do what I do and run MCP and MCX at the same time? As long as you
don't use similar patches frm both, it's fine. I've been doing this for
about two years now, with no problems.

At least I get the features I like of MCP and the ones of MCX without
having to run a hundred commodities :)

.============================== The Wibble ==============================.
!      Kelvin MacKenzie said he didn't like it. He's buying it for       !
! 24million, just so he can change the content. Who is the real idiot?  !
!                                      !
`============================ ICQ: 28589940 ============================='

Message 15676

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:11:22 +0100

From: Jack Thompson 
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 17 June 1999 13:59

>Cool, I see from your previous post that you've pretty much got your
options >weighed >out. (Although I was JUST about to suggest the part about
inventing a new >form of >skin that doesn't burn...)

:) of course you were... I just wish someone would hurry up about it though
:) Bloody irritating, this heat :((((

Moving over to a completely off topic subject and one which I hope won't
get blown out of all proportion, has anyone ever heard Louis Hurst on the
radio (preferabely on Minster FM?


Message 15677

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:12:39 +0100

> So now the first thing I will do if I want to know that I can view
> something is not look in the AFCD section of the magazine, not look at the
> CD itself but instantly look for an obscure file named something obvious
> like ReadMeNot..

> Really guys.. has it ever crossed your minds that not everyone with a
> graphics card is running a towered up A1200? You do realise that graphics
> cards were put into big box Amiga for years before it was possible to put
> one (in) an A1200?

I have an A3000 at home that has a Picasso IV. I don't have AGA, but I do
check documentation on the CD first if I'm unsure. Of course, we could put
the system requirements for every single piece of software on the CD in the
AFCD pages, but then there would only be one CD a year. You're right that
if we made a feature of it that we should put requirements, but since gfx
card owners are in the distinct minority, and A1200 owners the vast
majority, very few people (comparatively) will have the problem you
experienced (and I would have done had I not looked at that file first). If
only more Amiga users were up to the kind of standard I consider necessary
- gfx card, 060/PPC, decent monitor, CD-ROM drive, enough RAM, and so on -
but they aren't for a variety of reasons, one of which (and not least
importan) is a lack of money. Should software authors write better docs
that explain the rewquirements succintly? Yes. Should we do their job for
them? I don't think so.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 An Amiga online is like a fish *in* water

Message 15678

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 13:47:4 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> But there's no "do all" commodity. However, PWKeys does a lot more
>> than window centring, so I don't mind running that too. Maybe you
>> should run MCP and MCX to ue the best of both. That should eliminate
>> the need for almost anything else.

> I'm thinking that's probably the case, or simply go back to just mcx and the
> other commodities. I was only running CTM and that gives better-looking
> cycle menus than MCP does anyway...

VisualPrefs does CTM now.

>>> had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because MCP's
>>> clock is crap.

>> It tells the time, what more do you want?

> But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

I rarely have a window covering the right side of the title bar, so
it's always visible here. Setting up is only a matter of typing in the
format string and position.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Soooo... We are in Law Enforcment. -Worf-

Message 15679

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 13:49:10 +0100
Richard Drummond said, 

>>> How does it do that? Does it just see the handler in L: and mount it?
>>> I don't suppose it could be a prefs option, since MCP stores its prefs
>>> in ENV: :-O

> If you don't have ENV: assigned anywhere when you start MCP, it'll try to
> mount HappyENV.

Neat, although that means starting MCP very early in s-s. I start
HappyENV before running PatchControl, so I think I'll pass on that

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows Error #05: Nonexisent error. This cannot really be happening

Message 15680

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 17 Jun 1999 13:52:38 +0100
fool said, 

> Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about
> Freeserve dying AGAIN? again...

>> In reality there' probably less than ten. You can now buy a "free ISP
>> in a box", everything you need to start up, and get your money back
>> once you reach a certain number of customers.

> How does this work?  Is this effectively just buying a share in
> a free ISP?

I don't know the details but it appears that they provide you with the
phone lines, connectivity etc. and you just market and support it.

> As a matter of interest, how much does it cost to buy a "free ISP
> in a box"?

I heard it was 50k

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I don't know if I can assimilate one more Borg Tagline!

Message 15681

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:54:51 +0100
Hi Neil,

> VisualPrefs does CTM now.

Don't use that either.

>> But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

> I rarely have a window covering the right side of the title bar, so
> it's always visible here. Setting up is only a matter of typing in the
> format string and position.

Okay, does it show up in the title bar if you have a browser window open and

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 15682

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:55:53 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Neat, although that means starting MCP very early in s-s. I start
> HappyENV before running PatchControl, so I think I'll pass on that
> one.

I thought that PatchControl had to be run immediately after Setpatch anyway,
and mounting env: takes places almost immediately thereafter anyway.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15683

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:06:56 +0100
Hey Ben,

> > VisualPrefs does CTM now.
> Don't use that either.

Now is the time to start, Ben. Have a beautiful system to go
with that beautiful DOpus setup you must have.. :)

The amount of cool features it adds to Workbench and the
sheer SHEEN of it is amazing. It's like going from MacOS
6 to MacOS 8.5 - the improvements to the GUI you can
make are amazing (and surpass the kludgy efforts of
both MCX and MCP when it comes to gadget patches)

I`ll screen grab mine sometime, it really is ace.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15684

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:25:59 +0100
Hi Neil Ives

>> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or "OS's
>> like busses" analogies?
>Well, whats your opinion?

About what?

>Have you missed my point about crap user interfaces?

No, I agree that user interfaces have progressed and been refined.  It's just
I'm completely sick of people applying analogies to our situation to 'prove'
that we will triumph.  It's made worse when people use analogies that don't even
resemble our situation - it's like applying human thought processing to animals
(anthropomorphism I think).

Also, another problem for newcomers is that they'll get the standard
'out-of-the-box' look which is hideously out of date.

PS - I am a believer.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15685

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:33:42 +0100
Hi guys

>>> The answer to the above is YES - I do this with an IDE drive on my
>>> A1200 - just ensure that the metal casing is "in" something, otherwise
>>> you might blast it by accident....
>>Blast it? with what? will hiding under my A1200 do, or are we talking
>>about somthing more substantial like a shield (metal box) or insulator
>>(cardboard box)?
>You know - holding a glass of Dr Peppers when little relative runs past
>playing an imaginary game of tig - and next thing - dead CDROM
>and little relative being hunted like a wild animal :)
>Mine is covered in stiff paper (I know, I know - I bought it from someone
>in this condition already....

My 3.5" HD hangs out the side of my keyboard, screwed to a hardboard base and
covered by an ......... ice-cream tub!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15686

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Audio Mixer (from afb-announce AF126 etc.)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:38:35 +0100
Hi Ben

>>> *Audio mixer Project* Simon Goodwin shows you how to put your CD drives
>>> audio output together with your Amiga's. No soldering required!
>> CU did one of these some time ago.  Is this going to be
>> somewhat more advanced than their's?
>Yep, but read it and find out. There's always the factor that some people
>didn't read CU, or that they missed that issue, and you can build Simon's
>mixer without having to solder anything too.

I best not have to have a breadboard hanging off my keyboard too ;-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15687

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:42:24 +0100
Hi all

Was I the only one who couldn't get the demo to run?  The video was v.good.
Impressed my PC-owning mates.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15688

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:11:51 +0100
Hi Richard Lane

>> >ABackup was the one I used. I now use MakeCD for fortnightly backups
>> >and LhA for the daily ones, since you can set LhA to only archive
>> >changed files, but that only works if you have somewhere safe to store
>> >the LhAs, like a second hard drive.
>> Why LhA not LHA?
>To emphasize the "A", the program has always been called this. The files
>it produces are called *.lha

So are you supposed to whisper the a when you say it, and shout the A? ;-)

>> What does LhA stand for?

[snip patronising explanation]

>> While I'm on it, how about LZX?
>Similar explantion for this, which I'm sure you can work out for your
>self now.

Er, and the X?

>I hearby claim my prize for smart arse of the week :)

Okay then, how about ARJ?  And is 'targa' an acronym, if so what does it stand

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15689

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:12:51 +0100
On 17-Jun-99, Wrote........

[=> When are the people at Amiga Format going to put system requirements
[=> somewhere where they are easy to see?
[=> I just whacked the AFCD41 in my CD drive, scrolled through the folders
[=> to the Evils Doom Movie... ran the player and waited.. After a few
[=> minutes of nothing happening I decided to try find out what was wrong!

Hmmmm, The movie ran, but the demo didn't want to know at all.  My mig fell
on it's arse every time I tried to run it (With and Without the startup-sequence)
The movie looked cool though :).  This was on my A1200(T) 040 34MB.

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
PUNNY BOOK = I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle.

Message 15690

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: SCSI CD-ROM
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:09:01 +0000
Bother said Matt Sealey as he realised we were talking about
SCSI CD-ROM again...

> Remind me to take a photo of my A1200 for you all..
> Wires and boards everywhere - and no casing!

Didn't Ben already ask for photos of Amigas?

Not that I need to see a picture of yours - mine's
in exactly the same condition.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15691

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: WinUAE
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:49:23 +0100

>> Thanks for the help, I've a new question now - how can I get it to use my
>> It's on COM3 and I've tried setting that as my serial port but that doesn't
>> work.
>I've never tried accessing the modem as being connected to the WinUAE serial
port, but what you can do (maybe the only way) is to connect with the modem from
Windows and then run WinUAE making sure that the BSDSocket.library emulation box
is ticked. Then you can run whatever and the Amiga uses it as if it were

Okay, so what device and unit do I tell it?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15692

From: "i03427"
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:16:36 +0100
> Was I the only one who couldn't get the demo to run?  The video was
> Impressed my PC-owning mates.

No. I couldn't get it to run either. It crashed my computer and I tend to
get peeved off when things crash it and end up never using them again :)


Message 15693

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Thought for an article
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:20:30 +0100
on 16-Jun-99, Ben Vost skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Thought for an article: 

> don't like it much yet - talking of which - anyone know how to stop it
> turning the power LED down (switching off the audio filter), or how I can
> get it to position a window in the centre of the screen, like I can with
> MCX?

Try in the "Processor" option, there is a Audio filter command in there that
u can disable/enable

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15694

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Word Processor packages
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:37:26 +0100
on 16-Jun-99, Ferenczy skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Word Processor packages: 

> Then again, it is V1.0, so I don't expect too much yet. I like the look of
> it, and it could become a permanent addition to my main progs if I can get
> it to settle down.

Version 1.1 is now available, with a few big fixes from:

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |

Message 15695

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 14:49:43 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

>> No, but you can do it with DOpus, that's how I lined up the windows
>> on the CUCDs, and it doesn't even need the parent open :)

> Do tell. I'd also love to know how to centre a window using Opus if poss...

The magic of arexx. You can read and change the position and size of
listers through arexx. The script I used counted the number of
directories in the path and set the positioning accordingly.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Message 15696

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:05:00 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> Do tell. I'd also love to know how to centre a window using Opus if
>> poss...

> The magic of arexx. You can read and change the position and size of
> listers through arexx. The script I used counted the number of
> directories in the path and set the positioning accordingly.

Crikey muesli! That Arexx is heap powerful juju. Don't suppose it can centre
(non-Workbench as well) windows though, can it?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15697

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:15:44 +0100
> Crikey muesli! That Arexx is heap powerful juju. Don't suppose it can
> (non-Workbench as well) windows though, can it?

Aww, that's easy peasy. Simply make a tiny commodity with an Arexx port.
Simply tell it to CENTREWINDOW 'name' or whatever and then make it
sift through the Window list on the current (or Arexx set) PublicScreen and
wedge the centred values into the structure and a refresh/resize or whatever
event to it's message port. Bang, one centred window.

Well, easy peasy in principle, daunting in practice. The sifty bit is fine,
it`s writing the Arexx port that scares me :)

Does anyone know of a ready-made Arexx port written in pretty
standard C? (like not needing Storm or SAS/C or some other inacessible

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15698

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] (OT) Collective nouns
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:18:54 +0100
Hi all,

From Stan Kelly Bootle's The Computer Contradictionary:

Unit number            Collective noun
Field engineer         An /absence/ of engineers
User                   A /bleat/of users, or
                       A /jury/ of users
Deadline               A /sequence/ of deadlines
Datum                  A /loss/ of data
Snr. COBOL programmer  A /load/ of old Cobolers


All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
"The covers of this book are too far
apart." - Ambrose Bierce

Message 15699

Subject: [afb] Bridgeboards
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:39:24 -0000
I recently got hold of a commodore A2088 Bridgeboard.
Will this give me Access to ISA slots or am i thinking of something else.

Also, does anybody know the Max ram i can put on a GVP HC8+ in an A2000.


Message 15700

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 17:26:51 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>>> But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

>> I rarely have a window covering the right side of the title bar, so
>> it's always visible here. Setting up is only a matter of typing in the
>> format string and position.

> Okay, does it show up in the title bar if you have a browser window open and
> active? 

It was showing when my mailer window was active, and it's still
showing now GoldED's window is active. You can also configure which
screens it appears on.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 20: Synthetic natural gas

Message 15701

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 17:30:25 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> Neat, although that means starting MCP very early in s-s. I start
>> HappyENV before running PatchControl, so I think I'll pass on that
>> one.

> I thought that PatchControl had to be run immediately after Setpatch anyway,
> and mounting env: takes places almost immediately thereafter anyway.

I have to mount the CVisionPPC monitor before running Patchcontrol, and that
needs to look in ENV: for it's configs. If you run Patchcontrol before
mounting CVisionPPC the promotion of early-startup screens to to the
graphics card screws things up.

Mounting the monitor driver removes the copying of native screens to
the card, but PatchControl prevents that happening.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 43: Genuine imitation

Message 15702

From: Richard Lane
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:59:03 +0100
Hello Alex

On 17-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:
> Hi Richard Lane
> =

>>> What does LhA stand for?
> =

> [snip patronising explanation]

Then next time RTFM !

> =

>>> While I'm on it, how about LZX?
>>> =

>> =

>> Similar explantion for this, which I'm sure you can work out for your
>> self now.
> =

> Er, and the X?
> =

E*X*pect a stupid answer??? :) No Idea, perhaps you ought to ask the pers=
on who
wrote it, Jonathan Forbes, who iirc is now working for Microsoft.

> =

> Okay then, how about ARJ? And is 'targa' an acronym, if so what does it=

> stand for?
> =

AR for *AR*chiver. *J* the original authors surname Robert K Jung.

AFAIK Targa is not an acronym. =

Targa(TGA) is the image format developed by Truevision for their Targa gr=
aphics boards for PCs. It is not a very complex format, and autodetection=
 of images relies on the filename ending in either .tga or .targa

-- =

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site - #
                        Powered by *AMIGA*
Intel Inside =3D Idiot Outside!

Message 15703

From: Richard Lane
Subject: [afb] Re: Just missed the news
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 18:08:03 +0100
Hello Ben

On 17-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> =

> I got a letter in this morning from a guy that runs an engraving busine=
> and he sent me in a 5=BC" drive bay plate with the current Amiga logo
> engraved into it. It looks great and it only costs =A33.50 + P&P to do =
> Simply send him your drive bay cover and the money and he'll engrave it=
> send it back, just the thing to give your PC tower some personality...
> =

This sounds really good. I could do with one of these for the tower I'm g=
to buy shortly. Will you be mentioning this in Amiga Format? You never kn=
if there's enough demand he may even consider taking out an advert.

-- =

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site - #
                        Powered by *AMIGA*
World of Amiga 99 - July 24th - 25th.

Message 15704

From: "Andy Sillwood"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 17 Jun 99 12:59:58 +0100
On 17-Jun-99 10:05:17, Neil Bothwick ( wrote:

>In reality there' probably less than ten. You can now buy a "free ISP
>in a box", everything you need to start up, and get your money back
>once you reach a certain number of customers.

JAK (the company behind Free4all) offer these. The owner of the "Virtual ISP"
does the customer services, and JAK provide the modems, servers and tech

There are currently 5 VISPs using JAKs servers, but you needn't think I'm
saying who :)



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 15705

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:58:28 +0100
on 17-Jun-99, Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** skillfully scrawled something
along the subject of [afb] Acorn Monitors (NOT OT): 

> Just a quick question....
> Does anyone know what monitors came with the Archimedes A300/A400?
> They are badged Acorn but are possibly Phillips (badged)...

I dont think so. I am almost 100% certain they will not sync down to 15khz
for normal PAL output.
I tried an Acorn Monitor on my miggy, and this was one that came with an
Acorn RISC PC 600, and i would display SVGA frequencies, but not 15khz
ones. It actually looked a lot like the Microvitec 1438, and was infact
built by Microvitec, but would not handle 15khz.

> The reason I ask is that I have been offered 2 of them (working and for
> a pittance), and I wonder if they will work with my Miggy - I suspect 
> that they are 8833 or similar that have been rebadged...

I would say give 'em a try. I could be wrong :)

> And if so, what specs would they be?

Fairly low. as soon as the Acorns became a bit more powerful, then they came
with SVGA monitors, which incidently really suck, even when compared to my
cheapo daewoo 14" SVGA :/

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |
 Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, Avoid Disappointment.

Message 15706

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 18:22:42 +0100
on 17-Jun-99, Ben Vost skillfully scrawled something along the subject of
[afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club): 

> Part of the problem is that we have an open policy on this list. I can
> change it to close the list off to anyone but members if you like,

How about going slightly less extreme. I dont know wether it is possible,
but i was wondering if there was any way of Egroups filtering out binary
attachments, or mails over a certain size. I dont mind a little bit of spam
now and then, as long as it doesnt have huge attachments with it. (the last
one was about 170k IIRC)

Just a thought

Thanks for your time...

| Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks* | Member of teamAMIGA  | 
|  ARCnet -  | Member of Amiga RC5 team effort  |
|  Creator of *AS*  | ICQ no. 40777471 |
 Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

Message 15707

From: "Gavin Williams"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 18:48:10 +0100

Mine hung on bootup also. I cured it by moving Setpatch nearer the top of
the Startup-Sequence. Strange but worked.



Message 15708

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Multiple messages
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:05:03 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

Hi all,

Is anyone else recieving several copies of each message? I downloaded 74 ma=
ils that I had already this afternoon. I haven't changed any of my settings=
 recently so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, or am I?
I am using OE and Freeserve, I just checked their support page but there is=
n't anything there for today.


Message 15709

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:CD-Writer
Date: 17 Jun 99 11:45:44 +0000
Hello Bill, on 16-Jun-99 21:32:47 you said about:
 [afb] Re:CD-Writer 

>Hi Everyone,

>Thanks to Neil (Bothwick) for his info via mail list and private.

>I am interested in a 4x4x16 Yamaha CD-Writer, at 297 bare scsci.

Check out your local computer fair, last time I went to the one near me,
they were selling the SCSI Yamaha 4416 CD re-writers for 250.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
About the only thing on a farm that has an easy time, is the dog.

Message 15710

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 99 18:52:20 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 17-Jun-99 13:54:51 you said about:
 [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl 

>Hi Neil,

>> VisualPrefs does CTM now.

>Don't use that either.

>>> But it's not visible half the time and you have to fiddle to set it up.

>> I rarely have a window covering the right side of the title bar, so
>> it's always visible here. Setting up is only a matter of typing in the
>> format string and position.

>Okay, does it show up in the title bar if you have a browser window open and

Yes, and it's viewable on any public screen here (so far). I've set it
up as "Justified = Right" and X=1, Y=30. That seems to be OK on my set
up. I still use TitleClock on the Workbench screenbut use MCP's clock
for other screens.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast.

Message 15711

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: 17 Jun 1999 19:39:8 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

>> Crikey muesli! That Arexx is heap powerful juju. Don't suppose it can
> centre
>> (non-Workbench as well) windows though, can it?

I used to use a script that scanned the window list, out put by
another program, and did naughty things to windows it found. It was
quite neat if you didn't mind the crashes :)

> Aww, that's easy peasy. Simply make a tiny commodity with an Arexx port.
> Simply tell it to CENTREWINDOW 'name' or whatever and then make it
> sift through the Window list on the current (or Arexx set) PublicScreen and
> wedge the centred values into the structure and a refresh/resize or whatever
> event to it's message port. Bang, one centred window.

> Does anyone know of a ready-made Arexx port written in pretty
> standard C? (like not needing Storm or SAS/C or some other inacessible
> system)

There's a few bits on Aminet, easyrexx.library seems quite popular.

ARexxBox112.lha    dev/misc    315392 ARexx interface development tool V1.12
arexxport.lha      dev/misc     29696 Add arexx support to programs with a li
EasyRexxV32.lha    dev/misc    262144 ARexx Interface Designer utility
rexxhostlib.lha    dev/misc     31744 ARexx host shared library v37.1

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows NT. Nice Try or Not There?

Message 15712

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Bridgeboards
Date: 17 Jun 1999 19:41:22 +0100
sniknej said, 

> I recently got hold of a commodore A2088 Bridgeboard.
> Will this give me Access to ISA slots or am i thinking of something else.

It's a PC XT on a card, the only access to the ISA slots is on the PC
side. You're thinking of the GoldenGate bridgecard.

> Also, does anybody know the Max ram i can put on a GVP HC8+ in an A2000.

8MB, either 8x1MB or 2x4MB.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Forgive your enemies. But hit them a few times first.

Message 15713

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Nullser
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:00:59 +0000
Hello All,

Could someone please tell me how to configure the nullser10, package from
AFCD40, for use with Genesis as the instructions are only for MiamiDX :(


UIN: 30044173

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15714

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: 16 Jun 99 10:15:57 +0000
Hi James Lowe, re your comments on [afb] Re: Rules and regs.

> > Go ahead, we'll open it up for discussion.
> To be posted on the 1st and the 15th of each month

Hmmm. All this does seem a little on the heavy handed side and
somewhat vague.

If we are to have "rules" they need to be clear and factual. To say
"no crossposting" is fine. To simply say "do not over quote" is not.

We either say no more than "remove all headers and signatures" or we
arrive at some formula for signal to noise and I really don't like
the sound of that, as I'd spend more time thinking about the make up
of a post than the actual content :(

I notice some people are starting to talk seriously about un-subbing.
Is this a problem? What is AFB about, is it a end in it's self or is
it a conduit to other lists more appropriate to individual tastes?

I don't really know but I do know that on the current blend I shall
stay put, but I do feel that the likes of Richard Lane and others  add
to the list and will be a loss.

Pondering for now.
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 15715

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Hard Drive Problems... Solved at last!
Date: 16 Jun 99 11:00:08 +0000
Hi all

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions for my IBM 2.5in drive.

I've sorted it out. I fell out badly with the shop that sold me the
drive, but fared much better with another local shop who accepted it
in part exchange for a Toshiba unit.

Ahhh the legroom, no more "Volume System3.0 is full" message.

Incidentally, if anyone in the potteries/south cheshire area is
looking for generic components and like me can't wait around for mail
order, you could do a lot worse than Freelance Technology in Crewe. No
sneering at Amiga, and genuine help and assistance, even to the point
of taking on a problem caused by another shop.

Good 'ol fashioned service.

Can't beat it.

Cheers for now.
Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 15716

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?
Date: 16 Jun 99 11:07:19 +0000
Hi Ben, re your comments on [afb] Re: Voting Results: Which free ISP?.
> Doesn't have to be, there may be people on here who were on Freeserve and
> moved to another ISP (not listed) and wouldn't recommend Freeswerve to
> anyone, and so picked a different ISP. As it turns out, this poll was
> pretty limited since there are over 80 free ISPs now...

Absolutely, I kicked fs in to touch and certainly wouldn't recommend
them, but I've kept the account as a backup.

Mr Anton.

>>> Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 15717

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Power LED too powerful
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:31:29 +0000
Hello All,

The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time. The
first time, I simply swapped it for the unused sleep LED but now that has
gone as-well!

What I want to know is - What power/voltage etc. rating should I get when
purchasing my new LED?
I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
equipment :)

UIN: 30044173

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15718

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:55:05 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about
TLA's (was Backups & Miami) again...

> And is 'targa' an acronym, if so what does it
> stand for?

Time Alex Read the Guide to Acronyms(/Abbreviations)  ;)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15719

From: Mark Saint John Ridley&Jessica Mordsley
Subject: [afb] devguide,libguide
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:14:51 +0000
I've been "spring cleaning" my amiga recently so I ran the Devguide proggy
from the AFCD.  After some mucking around I got it to work, but can't
connect to  Any suggestions as to what's going on?
Failing that, how *can* I update my datatypes et cetera.
Kind regards

Message 15720

From: Matthew O'Neill
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:20:12 +0100
Hi Alex
On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> Hi all

> Was I the only one who couldn't get the demo to run? The video was v.good.
> Impressed my PC-owning mates.

Nope, after all the intro credits, I get a funny red flickering screen.

I was also amazed at the intro, even my amiga hating brother saw it and was
gobsmacked you could get fullscreen anims playing back at that speed on it
(so was I!!)

Cherio bye ta tar
Matthew O'Neill  -  MashMan

Yawn: The only time a man gets to open his mouth.

Message 15721

From: Matthew O'Neill
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:23:31 +0100
Hi Ben
On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> If only more Amiga users were up to the kind of standard I consider
> necessary - gfx card, 060/PPC, decent monitor, CD-ROM drive, enough RAM,
> and so on - but they aren't for a variety of reasons, one of which (and
> not least importan) is a lack of money. Should software authors write

what about an article about 1200 gfx cards? I've discovered there are loads
I didn't even know existed!, pixel24, some ateo one, then there are the
bvision ones. Basically not many people know how the gfx card will speed
their machine up, or the other advantages.

Cherio bye ta tar
Matthew O'Neill  -  MashMan

Women:  When they stick together, you can't pry 'em apart...

Message 15722

From: Matthew O'Neill
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:27:15 +0100
Hi Ben
On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> Shit. The reason I'm trying out MCP is to use less commodities. I've
> already had to put TBClock back in the WBStartup+/Enabled drawer because
> MCP's clock is crap.

After years of fine tuning, I can say that mcp, executive and visualprefs go
well together. The only other stuff I have going is magicmenu, modepro
(mcps one sucks) mouseshift and windowtofront

Cherio bye ta tar
Matthew O'Neill  -  MashMan

Happiness is a growing tagline database.

Message 15723

From: Matthew O'Neill
Subject: [afb] amigas are everywhere / was: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:34:29 +0100
Hi Alex
On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> This sound very familiar; alot of places I go (like school, and various
> chat sites) I often mention the Amiga and people often say somtehing
> like;
> "Well it was a good machine in its day" or "Didn't that die ages ago?"

There are amigas everywhere. I went on a trip to luton uni (the best AV
equipment of any uni in england) and they use a 500 for the autocue,
they're everywhere. We have one at college with a genlock for mixing and
titling. Plus the amount of closet amiga users is phenominal. I found that
the local college cool dude plays player manager on his 600!!! I even found
someone with a more powerful system than mine!

Cherio bye ta tar
Matthew O'Neill  -  MashMan

Data enjoys a smoke after interfacing with the Computer.

Message 15724

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:36:43 +0000
Hello Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Does anyone know what monitors came with the Archimedes A300/A400?
> They are badged Acorn but are possibly Phillips (badged)...
> The reason I ask is that I have been offered 2 of them (working and for
> a pittance), and I wonder if they will work with my Miggy - I suspect 
> that they are 8833 or similar that have been rebadged...
> The guy doesn't know the model number but knows that they came with
> an A300 & A400 - anyone have any ideas?

I pretty sure that they will. I know for a fact that there are some that
will because i've done it in school. The one that we used came off an A3000.
The give away part is that it has a scart socket on the back. Just stick in
a lead from a Phillips monitor with a Scart connector and you should be

Standard Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for anything that may happen
as a consequence of the above.

UIN: 30044173

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 15725

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: APDF
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:38:40 +0000
Hello Neil,

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Danny Shepherd said, 
>> I know this has been said but where can I get this APDF?
> Aminet of course :)

Got it now, but I used the ADT in AmFTP and it didn't show up :) Must have
been out of date.

UIN: 30044173

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 15726

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:41:55 +0000
Hello Gerald,

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> IFAIKT? I'm usually pretty good with acronyms (or whatever, don't correct
> me) but this one has me stumped :)

A nasty trick to throw everyone off, Ok so I rushed the mail as I was about
to go out and spelled half of it wrong :) Should have AFAICT (As Far As I
Can Tell)

UIN: 30044173

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
pick himself up and carry on...
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15727

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: 17 Jun 99 20:03:29 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:33:19 +0100 about [afb] Re: Upgrading

Hi Neil Bullock

> Seriously, Programming, Games, Fiddling with apps of all kinds, writing
> diskmags, editing webpages, Programming, Music Making (occasionally),
> Sound Sampling, Programming, etc...

Ok, well programming and games aren't really abundant ATM, so I'd stay
clear if it was me, you haven't really said much about what you have
already either ?

If you haven't got a Tower then get one !

I guess that if you spend time on the net alot, then updating your
modem or serial port would be a priority.

If you write diskmags and edit alot of website's and your using GoldEd
then upgrade to the latest version 6 ?

Other than that I can't really advise with the info provided :(

Hope this help's ?

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : Arcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15728

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: 17 Jun 99 21:11:13 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:22:26 -0000 about [afb] Help, my Zip drive is dying !

> Anybody know anything about dying Zip drives ? Or more specifically MY
> dying Zip drive. At present I have an A1200 with Blizzard 060, 32 meg
> fast ram, internal 1.2 gig hard drive and connected via the surf
> squirrel a 56k modem, quad speed CD drive and (the source of all my
> woes) a Zip drive.

I'm not sure if this will be related to your problem, but I know a
friend of mine had a similar problem with his IDE Zip drive, you
don't say wether or not your's is SCSI or IDE ?

Anyway he had these problems ever since he added his Apollo 060, but
he had now installed Oxyron (or Oxypatcher) which coupled with
HiSoft's Zip tools has sorted out this, he does use PC Zip Disk's
though, weather or not that make's a difference also I don't know.

I hope this information is of use to you.

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : Arcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15729

Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:29:19 -0000
> what about an article about 1200 gfx cards? I've discovered there are loads
> I didn't even know existed!, pixel24, some ateo one, then there are the
> bvision ones. Basically not many people know how the gfx card will speed
> their machine up, or the other advantages.

If you mean Pixel64 - that *is* the Ato one...


Message 15730

Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:30:17 -0000
> After years of fine tuning, I can say that mcp, executive and visualprefs go
> well together. The only other stuff I have going is magicmenu, modepro
> (mcps one sucks) mouseshift and windowtofront

And what's the matter with MCP's mouseshift and window to front features?


Message 15731

Subject: [afb] HyperCOM new driver
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:35:10 -0000
There's a new HyperCOM driver on the VMC site if anyone's interested (2.89b)-
with English docs! I have put EOF mode to ON in the Miami settings as it
suggested and Web browsing now seems quite a bit faster using the Pace56k.



Message 15732

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: HHGTTG (Was BT-Internet, Fair competition?)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:26:02 +0100
Hi Jon,

>  I've got the Mastertronic version of HGTTG here, it's only a couple of
>files, do you want it?  I know it's illegal, but I think Mastertronic and
>Infocom (Activision) have left the Amiga scene to rot long ago

It's not illegal, I own my a copy of the PC version and all I'm after are
the data files so its fine. That would be most appreciated, thanks!
I owe you one ;)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team The NME says,
"A band worth selling your sister for..."
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15733

From: "Glen Stansfield"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:35:44 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tom 
    Date: 17 June 1999 19:04
    Subject: [afb] Multiple messages


    Hi all,

    Is anyone else recieving several copies of each message? I downloaded 7=
4 mails that I had already this afternoon. I haven't changed any of my sett=
ings recently so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, or am I?
    I am using OE and Freeserve, I just checked their support page but ther=
e isn't anything there for today.


    Yes, I`ve been having that problem on and off for a few days but it doe=
s not seem to have happened today as yet. I am using OE and Callnet



    Bye for now,

Message 15734

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:55:02 +0100

Hi Glen,

>Yes, I`ve been having that problem on and off for a few days but it does
>seem to have happened today as yet. I am using OE and Callnet

Thanks for that, now I know its not me :)


Message 15735

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: amigas are everywhere / was: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:44:57 +0100
Hi folks,

>There are amigas everywhere. I went on a trip to luton uni (the best AV
>equipment of any uni in england) and they use a 500 for the autocue,

My friend works at Granada TV in town, they have a huge number of A500's and
A600's they too use for auotcues. Apperently they almost always find that
the current work experience kid owns an Amiga and returns the next day with
a copy of Zool or similar for their lunch break :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team The NME says,
"A band worth selling your sister for..."
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15736

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:14:23 +0100
>The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time. The
>first time, I simply swapped it for the unused sleep LED but now that has
>gone as-well!
>What I want to know is - What power/voltage etc. rating should I get when
>purchasing my new LED?

Probably 3V, but it could be 5-12V
>I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
>equipment :)

You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W 
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15737

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Freeserve dying AGAIN?
Date: 17 Jun 1999 19:59:5 +0100
Andy Sillwood said, 

> On 17-Jun-99 10:05:17, Neil Bothwick ( wrote:

>>In reality there' probably less than ten. You can now buy a "free ISP
>>in a box", everything you need to start up, and get your money back
>>once you reach a certain number of customers.

> JAK (the company behind Free4all) offer these. The owner of the "Virtual ISP"
> does the customer services, and JAK provide the modems, servers and tech
> support.

> There are currently 5 VISPs using JAKs servers, but you needn't think I'm
> saying who :)

It's not exactly difficult to find out :-)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you cannot fix it, feature it.

Message 15738

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: 17 Jun 1999 20:1:10 +0100
Tom said, 

> Is anyone else recieving several copies of each message? d

> I am using OE and Freeserve,

You're spoilt for choice on who to blame :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
			 Your computer is dead, and it was so alive.
			   You shouldn't have installed... Win'95.

Message 15739

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:42:11 +0000
Hello Samuel,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote:

> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

Blue LEDs definitely exist, they may be hard to find but they exist.

"...While a champagne finish and #blue LEDs# are nothing new, the Denon seems
to do it with just that little bit more class..."

Source: T3 - Issue 31 p95

UIN: 30044173

Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

Message 15740

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fake root
Date: 17 Jun 99 23:16:55 +0000
Hi Bill,

> Does anyone know why I keep receiving the following?
> "Unable to read message:
> This is not really a message, just a fake root created."
> There is no sender but there is subject text.

Basically it means you've downloaded replies to a message you don't
have. Erm thats not very clear is it ?

If you join a thread on a mailing list or newsgroup halfway through
Microdot will create a fake root to bunch all the replies together. 
Same thing happens if you delete the original message or move it to
another folder.

Accy, Lancs (using Microdot 2)

Message 15741

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: 17 Jun 99 23:24:20 +0000
Hi Eddie,

> Anybody know anything about dying Zip drives ? Or more specifically MY
> dying Zip drive. At present I have an A1200 with Blizzard 060, 32 meg
> fast ram, internal 1.2 gig hard drive and connected via the surf
> squirrel a 56k modem, quad speed CD drive and (the source of all my
> woes) a Zip drive.

Hmmm, I don't want to worry you but are you having any problems with
the modem or CD Drive ?  I was having a similar problem with my
external HD a while back and it turned out it was the Surf Squirrel
that was on its way out.  I finally figured it out when I realised how
stupidly hot the interface itself was getting.

Accy, Lancs

Message 15742

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:34:34 +0100
Greetings  Paul

On 16-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On Tue Jun 15 at 23:31:50, James Lowe was heard muttering:
> Hello,
> I'm a bit bored so I thought I'd pass comment on your rules. Please
> don't take offence, but I do think some are way OTT or not clear
> enough. Feel free to disagree with me.
>> Replying to an ADMIN post without changing the Subject       2 points
> Bit harsh, no? Sometimes threads are broken (especially when replied
> to from PCs) so changing the subject means you won't be able to follow
> it properly.
>> Replying to a dead thread after the two days are up         4 points
> Definitely not. What if someone goes away for the weekend or has a
> problem with their ISP? Does that mean they are not entitled to give
> their opinion?

Heh, James, you would have had loads of points by now :) A barrage of
posts always seems to come from your way a few days after a thread has
died ;) I hereby issue James lowe with 3 billion penalty point. being the
task master that you are, I'm sure you can come up with a suitable
punishment for yourself.

>> Spamming this list                                          6 points
> Absolutely. But would you say my mail warning people about the
> potential risks of people pinching your phone line was spam? It
> certainly wasn't related to this list at all, but people should still
> have the right to know (even if it unwittingly turns out to be a
> hoax).



/PGP Key available on request/
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15743

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Nullser
Date: 17 Jun 1999 23:4:46 +0100
Danny Shepherd said, 

> Could someone please tell me how to configure the nullser10, package from
> AFCD40, for use with Genesis as the instructions are only for MiamiDX :(

That's because it only works with MiamiDx. It relies on IP-NAT for
forward packets from the gateway to the LAN (the Mac in this case) and
MiamiDx is the only Amiga stack with IP-NAT.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Life's a cache, and then you flush...

Message 15744

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 17 Jun 1999 23:9:39 +0100
Samuel Brookes said, 

>>I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
>>equipment :)

> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

You *can* get blue LEDs, but they're far too upmarket for Maplins.
Farnell list them, at twice the price of red ones.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows95:  n.  32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for
a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit
microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Message 15745

From: Ari
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 01:15:52 +0100
On 17-Jun-99 at 12:31:29 Danny Shepherd wrote

>The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time.

Hmm, I seem to remember that there are resistors wired in series
with each LED on the original A1200 case.

Maybe it's the resistor and not the LED that's broken ?

Alternatively, maybe the LED is broken because there's no
current limiting resistor present ?


        SA "Ari" Blix

Message 15746

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 00:17:32 +0000
Hello Neil,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Samuel Brookes said, 
>>> I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
>>> equipment :)
>> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue
> You *can* get blue LEDs, but they're far too upmarket for Maplins.
> Farnell list them, at twice the price of red ones.

Have they got a website?

UIN: 30044173

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15747

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 00:17:52 +0100
I reckon that you should get a modem and a fast serial port for your Amiga
as you are always moaning about how you wish you could use the net on your
Miggy :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15748

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 00:08:57 +0000
Bother said Carl Berry as he realised we were talking about
Help, my Zip drive is dying ! again...

> Hmmm, I don't want to worry you but are you having any problems with
> the modem or CD Drive ?  I was having a similar problem with my
> external HD a while back and it turned out it was the Surf Squirrel
> that was on its way out.  I finally figured it out when I realised how
> stupidly hot the interface itself was getting.

That's not neccessarily a sign that the squirrel is on it's
way out - mine has always generated a lot of heat (too much
to touch it sometimes) but has always worked perfectly.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15749

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 01:13:07 +0100
Hi Danny.

> > You *can* get blue LEDs, but they're far too upmarket for Maplins.
> > Farnell list them, at twice the price of red ones.
> Have they got a website?


Message 15750

From: Ari
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Collective nouns
Date: 18 Jun 99 03:12:52 +0100
On 17-Jun-99 at 17:18:54 Ben Vost wrote

>>From Stan Kelly Bootle's The Computer Contradictionary:

Is that old ex-l'pudlian still around ?

Back in the eighties he wrote a generic 68000 assembly programming
textbook and dedicated it to some people _and_ their Amiga :)


         SA "Ari" Blix

Message 15751

Subject: [afb] POLL: which irc scripts people run
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 02:19:14 -0000
Which Amiga IRC Rexx scripts do people run when using AmIRC?

Please select one or more of the following:

   o DWaRFx
   o Kuang
   o MCF
   o WildIRC
   o Phoenix
   o Cybeonix
   o Self written script
   o Other

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 15752

Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 02:26:06 -0000
> The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time. The
> first time, I simply swapped it for the unused sleep LED but now that has
> gone as-well!
> What I want to know is - What power/voltage etc. rating should I get when
> purchasing my new LED?
> I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
> equipment :)
> Bye,

Ive got an infinitv2 and my leds seem ok atm, but they seem to be wired weirdly, does anyone know 
what that sort of infra red panel is for ? 


Message 15753

Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:21:30 -0000
My Zip is also playing up. I have been in contact with Iomega, who
at first said they would change it free of charge even though it's out
of warrantee, but now are saying I must pay 50 for a replacement
unit. I will contact them again. OK, my units out of guarantee but it
cost 160 and under British Consumer protection law I am entitled to
expect the price of something to be reflected in it's life span.


Message 15754

Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:28:06 -0000
> Hi Neil Ives
> >> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or "OS's
> are
> >> like busses" analogies?
> >
> >Well, whats your opinion?
> About what?
> >Have you missed my point about crap user interfaces?
> No, I agree that user interfaces have progressed and been refined.  It's just
> Alex Furmanski -
> WWW:

You have missed my point then. I say GUI's have NOT progressed
enough. The 15 year old Amigas GUI is MUCH better than the PC. This is
one of the reasons why Amiga users feel entitled to slag off the PC.

Also, computers ARE tools. What else are they?


Message 15755

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: Similie correction (was PC vs Amiga)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:46:45 -0700
Hi, this is a bit off topic, but...

> No, I agree that user interfaces have progressed and been refined.  It's just
> I'm completely sick of people applying analogies to our situation to 'prove'
> that we will triumph.  It's made worse when people use analogies that don't even
> resemble our situation - it's like applying human thought processing to animals
> (anthropomorphism I think).

 Don't be so sure about the animals thing; they're more intelligent than
we think! (pigs and dolphins in particular). Anthropormorphism is only
really an appropriate word to use against inanimate or non-anthropedic

Try 'its like applying medievil warfare to the modern combat zone'

-Alex T
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15756

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:55:09 +0100
> Just a quick question.... 
>   Does anyone know what monitors came with the Archimedes A300/A400? They are badged Acorn but are possibly
>   Phillips (badged)... 

There are (AFAIK) two main types of early Acorn monitor. There are small, 
boxy ones with "RGBColour Monitor" on the front. These have a SCART 
socket on the back, so I guess they would sync to 15Khz. The other ones 
look like Phillips but are some sort of cheapo VGA and won't sync down.


Message 15757

Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:15:14 -0000
 <7kcotm$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> > Hi Neil Ives
> > 
> > 
> > >> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or "OS's
> > are
> > >> like busses" analogies?
> > >
The OS's are like buses thing was a joke by the way. Don't take it 
too seriously.

> You have missed my point then. I say GUI's have NOT progressed
> enough. The 15 year old Amigas GUI is MUCH better than the PC. This is
> one of the reasons why Amiga users feel entitled to slag off the PC.

I wouldn't agree with that entirely. For a first time user the win95 
interface is probably easier, it's only when you try and do something 
slightly complicated that the complete absense of organisation in win95 
gets in the way.


Message 15758

Subject: [afb] World Of Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:20:30 -0000
Hi all,

Cymru Amiga User Group (CAUG) will be represented at World Of Amiga show this year.

You'll be able to join for free at the stand :)

Trebs (Simon)

The Official CAUG web site is at

P.S. Beware of the loopy leek if you go! hehe! ;)

Message 15759

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:26:03 +0100
Hi Samuel,

>> I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
>> equipment :)

> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

You *can* get blue LEDs, just obviously not from Maplins...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Lucky for you this e-mail is typed, 
you'd never be able to read my writing.

Message 15760

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Collective nouns
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:28:55 +0100
Hi Ari,

>>> From Stan Kelly Bootle's The Computer Contradictionary:

> Is that old ex-l'pudlian still around ?

He sure seems to be. Not being a big fan of Unix Review I can't say I'd ever
heard of himn, but he's Simon Goodwin's favourite author and he pointed me
in the right direction...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 15761

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:35:24 +0100
Hi All,

Saw an advert in the Bristol Evening Post for Future Publishing....

Loads of jobs going (60+), but not one job for Amiga Format....

There was one for Knitting Monthly though :)


Message 15762

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:37:17 +0100
Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

> Saw an advert in the Bristol Evening Post for Future Publishing....

> Loads of jobs going (60+), but not one job for Amiga Format....

There is one actually - we need a new production editor.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Any sufficiently advanced bug is 
     indistinguishable from a feature.

Message 15763

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:48:11 +0100
Ben V scripted in a meaninful manner:

>> Loads of jobs going (60+), but not one job for Amiga Format....

>There is one actually - we need a new production editor.

Is someone leaving/left or is that a new position?


Message 15764

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: devguide,libguide
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:48:54 +0100
> I've been "spring cleaning" my amiga recently so I ran the Devguide proggy
> from the AFCD.  After some mucking around I got it to work, but can't
> connect to  Any suggestions as to what's going on?


AmigaSystem's DNS server fecked up, and rather than shut the site down
they left it up on IP only. It`s in the docs..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15765

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:53:34 +0100
> There's a new HyperCOM driver on the VMC site if anyone's interested

Where? VMC site? what?

> with English docs! I have put EOF mode to ON in the Miami settings as it
> suggested and Web browsing now seems quite a bit faster using the Pace56k.

That would be so much use if I actually HAD a HyperCOM. I ordered one from
Active the day I got my modem and it STILL hasn't even been debited from
my bank account, let alone delivered. Chris Wiles says Monday.. why don`t
I beleive him?

(actually, I ordered an IOBlix, and it didn`t arrive, so I ordered a
both on the basis that "we`re getting a new revision/batch in". Still
waiting... I
don`t know how much longer I can watch my Amiga lock up when loading
images - can you imagine the system load my 030 is under trying to load
16 jpegs at once on a 128 colour screen at 40kbps?)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15766

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:54:47 +0100
> Ben V scripted in a meaninful manner:
> >> Loads of jobs going (60+), but not one job for Amiga Format....
> >There is one actually - we need a new production editor.
> Is someone leaving/left or is that a new position?

Isn`t Mark currently the prod.ed?

You could promote Richard to prod. ed and then just
get a new staffer :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15767

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:56:05 +0100
On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 01:21:39PM +0100, Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** wrote:

> Does anyone know what monitors came with the Archimedes A300/A400?
> They are badged Acorn but are possibly Phillips (badged)...

Do you mean the ones with the little flip-down door? They're a rebadged
Philips HCS 35, I think. At least, the Philips on my desk looks identical
to them :) If so, they're 15KHz and 50/60Hz with SCART and composite
input. Not exceptionally nice and somewhat old but for low resolution
stuff they do the job pretty well. The composite input is also good for
TV if you have an external tuner - mine was plugged into a video recorder
for several years.

Matthew Garrett |
(Who's just off to find out his results...)

Message 15768

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Re: devguide,libguide
Date: 18 Jun 99 09:55:52 +0000
Hi Mark,

I too, cannot connect via the resulting html file made by LDDCheck.

I emailled Heiko who said that the site was down but should be working in a few



Message 15769

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:57:34 +0100
Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

>> There is one actually - we need a new production editor.

> Is someone leaving/left or is that a new position?

Ha! new position? No, Mark's moving onto Future Gamer...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15770

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:58:37 +0100
Hi Matt,

> That would be so much use if I actually HAD a HyperCOM. I ordered one from
> Active the day I got my modem and it STILL hasn't even been debited from
> my bank account, let alone delivered. Chris Wiles says Monday.. why don`t
> I beleive him?

He told me yesterday he'd just had a whole bathc of new Hypercom cards in
that day...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 15771

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:59:26 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Isn`t Mark currently the prod.ed?

> You could promote Richard to prod. ed and then just
> get a new staffer :)

Production editor is quite a different job to staff writer. Just because
someone has the skills to do one, doesn't mean they can do the other.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 15772

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 04:03:38 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> Ha! new position? No, Mark's moving onto Future Gamer...

  Natural progression?


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15773

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:08:43 +0100
> > Ha! new position? No, Mark's moving onto Future Gamer...
>   Natural progression?

Progression? Future Gamer? Haha


Message 15774

Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:13:39 -0000
 <007d01beb968$0d433c00$> wrote: 
Original Article:
> > There's a new HyperCOM driver on the VMC site if anyone's interested
> (2.89b)-
> Where? VMC site? what?

This german site is where I get the newest drivers from:

John Hart

Message 15775

From: Chris Livermore
Subject: [afb] AAC voting
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:17:40 +0100 (GMT)
Hi Everyone
	I hope you've all seen the press release on about
the Amiga Advisory Council. Basically they want representatives from the
amiga community (usergroups, developers, etc etc etc) to advise them on
the direction the amiga should go in.
	I would like to ask you all to vote for AmigaSoc. I see a position
like this to be very important to the entire Amiga community, and i would
hate to see be wasted.
	Without wanting to drop names there are some Amiga organisations
in the past that have been set up with good intentions but have never
achieveed anything except for a lot of hot air. I sincerely hope AmigaSoc
does not fall into this catagory in your eyes, as i believe we are do'ers
rather than talkers! (this years WOA is a pretty good example of what i
	I won't bore you with exactly what AmigaSoc has done over the past
few years, but if you want to know visit and click
on "about us"

	So, how do you vote?
	Simply send an email to:

	with the subject: AAC
	and the following in the body of the email

	Name of Nominee: AmigaSoc UK
	Nominee Contact Number: +44 (0)171 428 9911
	Nominee E-Mail Address:
	Nominee Organizations: AmigaSoc UK, UGN, AAA Awards (UK), World of

	Group that best describes Nominee: User Group

	Reasons for their Nomination:


Thanks for your time, sorry to bore you and all that, but i believe this
is to important to be ignored.
	Chris - AmigaSoc

Message 15776

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:15:34 +0100
Neil B (not a number!) wrote:

>>   Natural progression?

>Progression? Future Gamer? Haha

Why? What is wrong with Future Gamer?
I've seen the adverts, but never seen it.....


Message 15777

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AAC voting
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:17:54 +0100
Hi Chris,

>     I hope you've all seen the press release on about
> the Amiga Advisory Council. Basically they want representatives from the
> amiga community (usergroups, developers, etc etc etc) to advise them on
> the direction the amiga should go in.
>     I would like to ask you all to vote for AmigaSoc. I see a position
> like this to be very important to the entire Amiga community, and i would
> hate to see be wasted.

AmigaSoc have done loads for UK Amiga users whether you know it or not, and
I thoroughly recommend you nominate them.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
"The covers of this book are too far
apart." - Ambrose Bierce

Message 15778

From: Chris Livermore
Subject: [afb] Re: AAC voting
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:24:30 +0100 (GMT)
Cheers Ben
	Those unmarked notes are winging their way to your off-shore
account as we speak :-)


> >     
> >     I would like to ask you all to vote for AmigaSoc. I see a position
> > like this to be very important to the entire Amiga community, and i would
> > hate to see be wasted.
> AmigaSoc have done loads for UK Amiga users whether you know it or not, and
> I thoroughly recommend you nominate them.
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> "The covers of this book are too far
> apart." - Ambrose Bierce
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 15779

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:22:29 +0100
> That would be so much use if I actually HAD a HyperCOM. I ordered one from
> Active the day I got my modem and it STILL hasn't even been debited from
> my bank account, let alone delivered. Chris Wiles says Monday.. why don`t
> I beleive him?

Strike a light, guv'nor, I was wrong. It`s here ;)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15780

From: "Richard Drummond"
Subject: [afb] G4 rumours
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:21:25 +0100
Hi all.

Point your browser to:

for a scary G4 story concerning Apple and a piccy of pre-production G4 chip.

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 15781

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AAC voting
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:21:28 +0100
Hi Chris,

>     Those unmarked notes are winging their way to your off-shore
> account as we speak :-)

Small denominations only please. Is this line secure? Doh! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Got a request to make for our CD? Send
  email to with
    "Reader Requests" as your subject.

Message 15782

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 1999 8:57:50 +0100
gazy said, 

> Ive got an infinitv2 and my leds seem ok atm, but they seem to be wired
> weirdly, does anyone know  what that sort of infra red panel is for ? 

It's probably for an IrDa infra red interface, many PC and peripherals
come with them these days. There's a connector for an IrDa unit on the
IOBlix card, but no driver for it :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
A real programmer never documents his code.
It was hard to make, it should be hard to read

Message 15783

Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:30:27 -0000
 <007d01beb968$0d433c00$> wrote: 

> (actually, I ordered an IOBlix, and it didn`t arrive, so I ordered a
> HyperCOM
> both on the basis that "we`re getting a new revision/batch in". Still
> waiting... I

You could cancel and get a PortJnr from Eyetech. 

On a similar note, a piece of criticsm.

Does anyone here agree with me that Eyetech seem to get plugged more than any other Amiga company in AF? I get especially annoyed when they detail a specific outlet from which to buy a product, especially in the front news pages- e.g the BVision News Story, which contained three or four references to Eyetech when it was possible to buy the card from many other places for just as competitive prices.

I prefer it if AF either mentioned a wider group of dealers or left that kind of thing to the adverts- Eyetech`s 4-6 spread isn`t that hard to find.


Message 15784

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:31:26 +0100

> On a similar note, a piece of criticsm.

> Does anyone here agree with me that Eyetech seem to get plugged more than
> any other Amiga company in AF? I get especially annoyed when they detail a
> specific outlet from which to buy a product, especially in the front news
> pages- e.g the BVision News Story, which contained three or four
> references to Eyetech when it was possible to buy the card from many other
> places for just as competitive prices.

The only reason that Eyetech get the mention is because of the fact that
they actually bother to tell us about the products they are selling, unlike
many other dealers. Certainly in the case of the BVision, Alan Redhouse
sent one out to us on the same day that he got them in for next day
delivery. I didn't get one from anyone else. If you want to wait a couple
of months for other companies to get off their arses and send some product
in for review, then fine.

> I prefer it if AF either mentioned a wider group of dealers or left that
> kind of thing to the adverts- Eyetech`s 4-6 spread isn`t that hard to
> find.

Point taken.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 15785

Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:36:50 -0000
Original Article:

> The only reason that Eyetech get the mention is because of the fact that
> they actually bother to tell us about the products they are selling, unlike
> many other dealers. 

Point taken here, I assumed you got things more directly- i.e from Phase5 in this case.


Message 15786

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 04:43:32 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** wrote:
> >>   Natural progression?
> >Progression? Future Gamer? Haha
> Why? What is wrong with Future Gamer?
> I've seen the adverts, but never seen it.....

  I depends whether or not you've got an interest in video games in
general.  It's not pretentous (edge), it's not for HaRD cOre gaMerZ, it
doesn't carry C&VG's all knew "We want to love games like you love games"
stance.  Just innocent reportage.

  ...and I read it too keep up with the real world :)


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15787

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:41:08 +0100

>> The only reason that Eyetech get the mention is because of the fact that
>> they actually bother to tell us about the products they are selling,
>> unlike many other dealers.

> Point taken here, I assumed you got things more directly- i.e from Phase5
> in this case.

Ha! They aren't the easiest company to get things from, and besides which,
I'd rather benefit the few dealers we have left here in the UK, than simply
help p5 who'll get the sales anyway.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click...Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 15788

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:48:54 -0700
Blue LEDs are very recent inventions. I can't remember the details, but
I think they use that new thermo-memory metal/alloy which was invented
last year. There was something on Tommorows World about it...

Anyway, you *definately* need somesort of current limiting resistor for
LEDs. In the Maplin catalogue you can prolly find an equation for
finding the optimum resistance for a given current through the LED.

If you want to know why LEDs need current limitation so much, its
because above a certain voltage they start to conduct with very little
resistance and basically get fried.

-Alex T
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15789

Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:56:04 -0000

> general.  It's not pretentous (edge), it's not for HaRD cOre gaMerZ, it

I think Edge is great. I get it as well as AF, for more general stuff, although I don`t like the editorial anonymity of Edge. I like it`s features though: they did a great one on "Realism" in games recently. It also is really well designed- bet that metallic print costs a bit though!

John Hart

Message 15790

Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:56:31 -0000
Original Article:
> That's not neccessarily a sign that the squirrel is on it's
> way out - mine has always generated a lot of heat (too much
> to touch it sometimes) but has always worked perfectly.

It's springtime; squirrels always go into heat around now. 
Jokes aside, I read somewhere that because Zip drives have a 
possibly fatal design (known an feared as 'click death') IOM
will replace *any* faulty drive or disk without charge. The site
even had a sound sample of some executive saying just that. Don't
know how it applies to other kinds of errors though. I'll see if 
I can track the site down later. (Right now I'm at the library
and time's running out. Have a nice day!)

Message 15791

Subject: [afb] Re: AF Adverts (was HyperCOM new driver)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:59:45 -0000
Original Article:

> Ha! They aren't the easiest company to get things from, and besides which,
> I'd rather benefit the few dealers we have left here in the UK, than simply
> help p5 who'll get the sales anyway.

I noticed that White Knight have put a "coming soon" banner on their ad for the G3`s. Are they?

John Hart

Message 15792

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Adverts (was HyperCOM new driver)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:01:03 +0100

> I noticed that White Knight have put a "coming soon" banner on their ad
> for the G3`s. Are they?

Hopefully, but Wolf hasn't answered my query on them...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 15793

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] A1200 label (to Ben, mainly :)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:22:59 +0100
Ben, I just wondered if you'd still got that A1200 with the 'Commodore A1200'
label that seems to be trying to dettach itself from the computer. I haven't
noticed it recently in any photos in AF. Have you glued the label down or
something (very observent, me :)


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 15794

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A1200 label (to Ben, mainly :)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:06:49 +0100
Hi Neil,

> Ben, I just wondered if you'd still got that A1200 with the 'Commodore
> A1200' label that seems to be trying to dettach itself from the computer.
> I haven't noticed it recently in any photos in AF. Have you glued the
> label down or something (very observent, me :)

Observant enough to check your date and time, or did you actually write and
send this message on Wednesday afternoon?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
The worst thing about censorship is xxxx
xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxx.

Message 15795

From: P Gordon aka Mr Tickle
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 03:15:24 -0700 (PDT)
> So are you supposed to whisper the a when you say
> it, and shout the A? ;-)

The correct pronounciation is to mumble lh under your
breath as quietly as possible, then pull out a
megaphone, breath in deeply and scream the A as loudly
as you possibly can. If you have a 2kW PA system, all
the better. Be warned though, this can produce strange
looks when talking about archivers at your local pub

Message 15796

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] (OT) Sig (was Justifiable whinge!)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:10:08 +0100
> Cherio bye ta tar

I was wondering when someone would come up with this one. 
I was going to do it myself. I got the idea from Alex 
(Furmanski's) sig :) 


Message 15797

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:20:49 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Phil Stephens 
Sent: 17 June 1999 21:03
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading

> Ok, well programming and games aren't really abundant ATM, so I'd stay
> clear if it was me, you haven't really said much about what you have
> already either ?

It's in other mails. Here it is again in much finer detail though. I'm
bored you see, and I've got nothing better to do than type this.
I've got an A1200, 3.0 ROM (soon to be 3.1), WB3.0, Knackered left
shift key, Caps lock key where LED doesn't work, only two screws holding
it all together. Also, inside, I've got: A power Typhoon 030 which
causes power problems, lots of dust, an 810MB Hard disk. On the ouside,
I've got a nice Eyetech CD-Plus (quad speed) connected to the miggy
via an ugly cable which sticks out of the casing. A hastily (and
therefore ugly) converted PC power supply. My dad ripped it apart,
stuck the Amiga power connector to one end of it, and plugged the other
in to the mains, and it worked. It says 200W. Oh, and a 4-way IDE thingy
from Eyetech (pretty unreliable. Need ANOTHER new one :(

HP Deskjet 510, Epson GT5000 Scanner, Zip Drive (borrowed from my dads
work) Speakers.

> If you haven't got a Tower then get one !

I haven't got one, but it's the thing at the top of my list (after the
un-burnable skin :)

> I guess that if you spend time on the net alot, then updating your
> modem or serial port would be a priority.

I do access the net. Thats why one of my options is to pay my dad for
the humongous phone bill he will receive on July 18th :( Although I don't
access net from my Amiga :(

> If you write diskmags and edit alot of website's and your using GoldEd
> then upgrade to the latest version 6 ?

I use Blacks Editor. I downloaded loadsa stuff (including some text
editor - I think) from Aminet at college today... cool download times
by the way :)

> Other than that I can't really advise with the info provided :(

Oh... oh well.

> Hope this help's ?

It does :) Trust me (always a bad thing to do :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 15798

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:30:18 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: Tom 
Sent: 17 June 1999 20:00
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages

> Tom said, 
> > Is anyone else recieving several copies of each message? d
> > I am using OE and Freeserve,
> You're spoilt for choice on who to blame :)

You are indeed. Although I'd probably blame eGroups :) I had
the same problem. Do you use two computers to access afb
under two different email addresses? I had access to afb
from college under my account (incase
people didn't figure it out, i03427 is me :) and I've also
got access from trogladite@trogsoft.blahblah address (although
I usually use the college one). It took me a while to figure
that I had both accounts set to 'individual emails' and so
emails were being sent to the college addy and the freeserve
addy and I was getting both copies at home because I've 
got OE to access the college mail server from home :)

Speaking of which, anyone want to have a guess at why our
computer serveices people are crap? They install IE and OE5
on some machines (only 3, actually), losing the RM Login
screen in the process, disallowing access to the N: drive
(our network space) and rendering the machines useless!

Idiots :) 


Message 15799

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Upgrading
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:22:48 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I do access the net. Thats why one of my options is to pay my dad for
> the humongous phone bill he will receive on July 18th :( Although I don't
> access net from my Amiga :(

Oh no, and you'll have to pay it two days earlier than anyone else getting
their bill on the 18th too, what with having your date set wrong.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 15800

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 05:28:50 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, P Gordon aka Mr Tickle wrote:
> the better. Be warned though, this can produce strange
> looks when talking about archivers at your local pub

  I would have though this would be par for the course really :)

  Like trying to convince people that you have a girlfriend my talking
about "my amiga" in Silicon Valley.   ...not that you're fooling anyone!


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 15801

Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:39:28 -0000
Original Article:

> There is one actually - we need a new production editor.

What qualifications do you need for prod ed? Is some basis of the job design or the artistic side of magazine production by any chance?

Is there somewhere where I can get any more information?


Message 15802

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:46:16 +0100
Replying to myself - doh!

>The guy doesn't know the model number but knows that they came with
>an A300 & A400 - anyone have any ideas?

The guy has got back to me and said that they are Acorn AKF11
monitors (currently being sold s/hand for =A399 by Acorn dealers - who
also sell 8833/II for =A3139)

The Acorn site quotes them as being based on the 8833 MkII chassis,
so presumably I can use them without any probs!

And the tech specs. document says it has a scart & digital (RGB TTL)
input (8pin DIN) - which should I use - and any idea where I can get
a cable?


Message 15803

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:47:43 +0100
Hello Samuel

On 17-Jun-99, Samuel Brookes wrote:

> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

   They sure look blue in my Maplins catalogue, try page 702 under "Blue
LEDs" ;-)

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 15804

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:50:38 +0100
> Speaking of which, anyone want to have a guess at why our
> computer services people are crap?

Because they are? I have no faith in any University or College
computer services team, and I am in one ;)

We're just a bunch of cynical bastards who hate the users.

Actually it depends who you want to blame. All of the people
in the CC are very good at there jobs, it's the departmental
peeps that are crap. Therefore - Computer Centre owned
labs and computers work perfectly, departmentally owned
systems (bar those in M&CS and Physics) are all shite.

> on some machines (only 3, actually), losing the RM Login
> screen in the process, disallowing access to the N: drive
> (our network space) and rendering the machines useless!

RM? It`s not Computer Services!!
> Idiots :) 

Thankyou :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15805

Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:51:24 -0000
> The guy has got back to me and said that they are Acorn AKF11
> monitors (currently being sold s/hand for 99 by Acorn dealers - who
> also sell 8833/II for 139)
> The Acorn site quotes them as being based on the 8833 MkII chassis,
> so presumably I can use them without any probs!
> And the tech specs. document says it has a scart & digital (RGB TTL)
> input (8pin DIN) - which should I use - and any idea where I can get
> a cable?

I have some AKF12's here and they're about the same. Use the SCART and 
it should work fine.


Message 15806

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:53:03 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Chris Andrews 

> Like trying to convince people that you have a girlfriend my talking
> about "my amiga" in Silicon Valley.   ...not that you're fooling anyone!

No, because girlfriend is 'novia'. 'Amiga' is the female form of 'amigo'.

You obviously didn't pay attention in French, Spanish or German when
they told you about female and male words.. ;)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15807

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:54:13 +0100
> On 17-Jun-99, Samuel Brookes wrote:
> > You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue
>They sure look blue in my Maplins catalogue, try page 702 under "Blue
> LEDs" ;-)

They have a seperate section now? Actually I'm not surprised, they're
bloody expensive..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15808

From: Alex Timiney
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:01:24 -0700
Matt Sealey wrote:
> No, because girlfriend is 'novia'. 'Amiga' is the female form of 'amigo'.

Ahh... so thats why all the Amigas I've ever known have had female
"I'd rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal labotomy"
-from The Existential Blues

Message 15809

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:00:25 +0100

> What qualifications do you need for prod ed? Is some basis of the job
> design or the artistic side of magazine production by any chance?

You need excellent English qualifications - you'll need to know your gerunds
from your passive voices, you have to have an eagle eye, not just for
typographical errors, but also errors in layout and design, even though you
won't do any, you have to be able to recognise them, and you'll have to do
lots of "dirty" work - sending things out by post, organising the schedule
and flatplan for the issue and so on. You really need to know how to use a
Mac and XPress...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  If at first you don't succeed, bugger.

Message 15810

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: 18 Jun 1999 10:54:14 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

> That would be so much use if I actually HAD a HyperCOM. I ordered one from
> Active the day I got my modem and it STILL hasn't even been debited from
> my bank account, let alone delivered. Chris Wiles says Monday.. why don`t
> I beleive him?

He got a batch in yesterday, enough to cover existing orders.

No HyperComm Z4s though, and I really want to try something better
than this IOBlix :(

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows95 - crash compatible on Windows 3.x

Message 15811

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:19:54 +0100
> > That would be so much use if I actually HAD a HyperCOM. I ordered one
> > Active the day I got my modem and it STILL hasn't even been debited from
> > my bank account, let alone delivered. Chris Wiles says Monday.. why
> > I beleive him?
> He got a batch in yesterday, enough to cover existing orders.

Not when I rang him at 2 o'clock there wasn't.

> No HyperComm Z4s though, and I really want to try something better
> than this IOBlix :(

Anyway, I got it in the post this morning - I didn`t count on there being
so much and lo and behold they finally sorted it and it was in my intray
by 11:00 :)

All I have to do now is install it..  It`s BLOODY small... I hope it`s
actually worth 28 :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15812

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:12:41 +0000
Bother said Ben Vost as he realised we were talking about
Future Jobs again...

>> You could promote Richard to prod. ed and then just
>> get a new staffer :)

> Production editor is quite a different job to staff writer. Just because
> someone has the skills to do one, doesn't mean they can do the other.

What does a Production Editor actually do?  It can't be
all that difficult if you've had a child doing it for so
long ;P


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15813

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:57:09 +0100
James R penned:

>> The guy has got back to me and said that they are Acorn AKF11

>I have some AKF12's here and they're about the same. Use the SCART and =

>it should work fine.

Thanks James.

I will email him directly and pick them up next week....

=A330 for 2 isn't bad is it :P


Message 15814

Subject: [afb] view own postings on egroups
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:06:21 -0000
Is it possible to view my own post history on the egroups site? I can view other peoples, but not my own. Do I need to change some of the preferences?


Message 15815

From: Richard Lane
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:08:08 +0100
Hello Anthony

On 16-Jun-99, Anthony Prime wrote:
> Hmmm. All this does seem a little on the heavy handed side and
> somewhat vague.
> If we are to have "rules" they need to be clear and factual. To say
> "no crossposting" is fine. To simply say "do not over quote" is not.
> We either say no more than "remove all headers and signatures" or we
> arrive at some formula for signal to noise and I really don't like
> the sound of that, as I'd spend more time thinking about the make up
> of a post than the actual content :(

First you have to remember that for a number subscribed to this list it may be
their first and/or only time that they've ever been on a mailing list.
Therefore they may have little or no idea of what's expected in the way of
behaviour. I'm sure that when we all started we made mistakes, I know I did.
So maybe a bit in the magazine wouldn't go amiss, so people joining would at
least have a basic idea. BTW sorry if it's been covered before but I don't
have my copies of AF to hand. For those who know what's expected there's no

I don't want to put people off posting and really I'd like to see a lot more
from those who haven't contributed to the list before. Don't be put off, or
scared. If there's something you'd like to contribute, or a question you'd
like to ask of the many talented and knowledgable people on this list please
do so. Don't think that a question is too stupid, even the best need help or
advice at some time or other, and we all had to start somewhere. (arrr I
remember it well :). 

Apart from removing those who spam the list or are offensive I really see no
need to impose strict rules on a list, a bit of common sence and net-etiquette
is all that's needed. I really don't think that imposing a daily limit on the
number of posts is the right way to do things.

As I've said before I have no problem with the number of postings just the
quality. Think before you post. Ask yourself, is it relevant? does it add
anything to what's been said? No one really objects to the odd funny or
witty reply, but things were starting to get out of hand.

No ones going to object to the odd spelling mistake or gramatical error, even
those who write for a living are sometimes guilty of this. Niether should
anyone object if the writing is from someone for whom english is not their
first language. Allthough I have to say a lot of non-native english speakers
actually put you to shame with the good quality of their writng.

The [afb] mailing list was/is a great idea and if people behave properly it is
a great source of feedback and information for everyone. But the way things
seemed to be going was downhill fast. I'm glad to see that for those that
want to talk about other things that someone has setup another list. It's not
difficult to setup your own either. With egroups or OneList anyone can set
one up in minutes, I did and it's great fun being a mailing list owner. In
the few months that I've had my own list I've only ever had to ban one person
for blatant spamming.

> I notice some people are starting to talk seriously about un-subbing.
> Is this a problem? What is AFB about, is it a end in it's self or is
> it a conduit to other lists more appropriate to individual tastes?
> .

As I'm on holiday for the next two weeks I decided to stay, at least for the
time being. If things keep on as they have recently (much improved) then I'll
stay permanantly. 

> I don't really know but I do know that on the current blend I shall
> stay put, but I do feel that the likes of Richard Lane and others  add
> to the list and will be a loss.

Awww shucks :) You're too kind.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site - #
                        Powered by *AMIGA*
Buy Opus Magellan II. Details at

Message 15816

Subject: [afb] Using AF fax service
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:25:14 -0000
There are a number of articles I would like to read that are part of the AF fax service. As I don`t have a Fax machine I was wondering if it is possible to use a Fax to Email (gateway?) service such as efax. They boast that they will send any faxes as attachments to email for free. 

Firstly, is this actually possible on an Amiga (what MIMEtype are the attachments etc), and secondly is there a service which can be considered the best- I just stumbled onto efax when browsing.



Message 15817

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 00:47:33 +0100
>> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue
>You *can* get blue LEDs, but they're far too upmarket for Maplins.
>Farnell list them, at twice the price of red ones.

I`m proven wrong yet again - nevermind, maybe one day i`ll get something
right :)

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15818

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Using AF fax service
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:49:51 +0100
John H typed feverishly:

>There are a number of articles I would like to 
>read that are part of the AF fax service. As I don`t 
>have a Fax machine I was wondering if it is possible 
>to use a Fax to Email (gateway?) service such as efax.

>They boast that they will send any faxes 
>as attachments to email for free. 

Yes they can receive faxes, but how will you send the
details to the Fax service at AF?

You need to dial, press some numbers and then it faxes
back to you while you are connected. Your fax machine
has to initiate the connection - the AF fax service will
not call you....

So - unfortunately - this idea won't work. If it did, AF would
make no money from it as they would be paying for the
phone call.....

You could go to your local "business office" and use their
fax machine - they normally only charge a small fee for
using their machine - you would save yourself loads doing
it that way - although technically it is theft....

Nice idea though....


Message 15819

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Using AF fax service
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:54:24 +0100
John H wrote:

>Firstly, is this actually possible on an Amiga 
>(what MIMEtype are the attachments etc

The files are sent as TIFF-F format, so you will
need to track down a datatype for that....

/me Off to search Aminet


Message 15820

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:10:24 +0000
Bother said Richard Lane as he realised we were talking about
Rules and regs again...

Apologies in advance but I really can't resist...

> No ones going to object to the odd spelling mistake or gramatical


> error,
> even those who write for a living are sometimes guilty of this.
> Niether


> should anyone object if the writing is from someone for whom english is >
> their first language. Allthough I have to say a lot of non-native 
> english
> speakers actually put you to shame with the good quality of their 
> writng.


Sorry :)


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15821

From: "R.S.Radford"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:22:58 -0400 (EDT)
My PPC still doesn`t work, even with everyones help.

I think I can eliminate software clashes as the reason why=20
my PPC isn`t working.

I can see only two possible causes for my PPC crashes.

One, I may be using out of date libraies, or system=20
libaries that are uncompatable with the PPC. However I have=20
booted from floppy workbench 3.0, and PPC programs still=20
don`t work correctly. Does a PPC require workbench 3.1 Roms=20
and workbench. I have tried Blizkick and 3.1 rom images=20
just to test if it helped, however it didnt, so I reverted=20
back to 3.0 again.=20

Two, hardware. Either the PPC part is broken or my=20
motherboard is. The 68K still works, and the PPC still=20
works for some operations, (warp stat, mpega a PPC, PPC=20
tool etc). The mother board works fine, as far as I can=20

heres a few things I have noticed while using the PPC.

Maprom option and Blizkick only work once, then the next=20
time I reset, I get a flashing a red screen. This requires=20
me to power down and cold boot in order to get rid of it.

When I run Warpup Voxel Space demo, The screen gradually=20
becomes more and more corrupt, filled with graphical=20
glitches, until the program eventually crashes (Same with=20
candy factories display).

When PPC and WarpUp programs crash, and I check the=20
registers and exception con: output of the failed program,=20
some of the FP registers (? not sure if thats correct,=20
there the ones on the botom right in PPC tools output when=20
you 'more' a task), always have strange values of something=20
like 'Na N0', and a lot of other strange corrupt blurb=20
after them. This value never occurs when the programs run=20
correctly. Normally the registers contain values like 0 or=20
floating point numbers.=20
Probably nothing, but you never know.

Is it possible the PPC is overheating? I do have it in a=20
tower, and have a additional CPU fan positioned over the=20

Is it possible the PPC doesnt get enough power and crashes,=20
I do have a 200 W powersupply, and have tried removing all=20

Im clutching at straws now, but I am not prepared to allow=20
=A3 300 worth of PPC go down the drain


Message 15822

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 14:39:10 +0000
Hello Neil Bothwick, on 17-Jun-99 22:09:39 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 

>Samuel Brookes said, 

>>>I thinking of going for the nice blue ones you find on really expensive
>>>equipment :)

>> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue

>You *can* get blue LEDs, but they're far too upmarket for Maplins.
>Farnell list them, at twice the price of red ones.

Maplin *do* sell blue LEDs, they're on pages 700, 702 and 703 of the
March-August 1999 catalogue. They're available in 3mm and 5mm types with
blue-transparent, water clear and diffused casings and "ordinary", high
brightness and extreme brightness.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
If it works, Don't fix it: Unless you are a consultant.

Message 15823

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 14:36:33 +0000
Hello Ari, on 18-Jun-99 00:15:52 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 

>On 17-Jun-99 at 12:31:29 Danny Shepherd wrote

>>The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time.

>Hmm, I seem to remember that there are resistors wired in series
>with each LED on the original A1200 case.

I've just checked on my spare A1200 and there is indeed a 33 Ohm, 5%
tolerence resistor wired in series for each LED.

>Maybe it's the resistor and not the LED that's broken ?

>Alternatively, maybe the LED is broken because there's no
>current limiting resistor present ?

Possibly. There's also a chance that the LEDs used in the tower may not
be rated correctly for the job, or that an incorrectly rated resistor
has been used.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent.

Message 15824

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 14:50:40 +0000
Hello Matt Sealey, on 18-Jun-99 10:54:13 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 

>> On 17-Jun-99, Samuel Brookes wrote:
>> > You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue
>>They sure look blue in my Maplins catalogue, try page 702 under "Blue
>> LEDs" ;-)

>They have a seperate section now? Actually I'm not surprised, they're
>bloody expensive..

Yeh, they start at 1.19 and go up to 2.99... :(

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I *DId* rEaD tHE DoCS; ThaT'S WHy I'm conFuSeD!

Message 15825

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 15:04:30 +0000
Hello Alex Timiney, on 18-Jun-99 17:48:54 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 

>Blue LEDs are very recent inventions. I can't remember the details, but
>I think they use that new thermo-memory metal/alloy which was invented
>last year. There was something on Tommorows World about it...

>Anyway, you *definately* need somesort of current limiting resistor for
>LEDs. In the Maplin catalogue you can prolly find an equation for
>finding the optimum resistance for a given current through the LED.

They do, it's at the beginning of the LED section, so people should be
able to work out what resistor is needed as all the information is in
the catalogue. Oh, and it helps if you have a multimeter to check the
supply voltage to the LEDs on your A1200 (4.8 volts on my spare A1200,
but check yours to make sure...)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
To steal this tagline press    now.

Message 15826

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Adverts (was HyperCOM new driver)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:16:50 +0100
John Hart said:

> I noticed that White Knight have put a "coming soon" banner on their ad 
> for the G3`s. Are they?

Depends on what you mean by soon. I don't think there is a firm fixed
schedule, but they are hoping to start distribution before the end of summer.
WoA in late July is probably going to be too early for a prototype, but you
never know...


Andrew Korn

Message 15827

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Future Jobs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:20:25 +0100
Matt Sealey said:

> You could promote Richard to prod. ed and then just
> get a new staffer :)

Actually production editors are a lot easier to locate than writers when you
are talking about something as specialist as an Amiga mag. Richard can write
well and knows his stuff - it would be very hard work to replace him. You can
take a prod. ed. from any mag to any other, but would you really want to see
a staffie from Knitting Monthly or What Warhog writing for AF?


Andrew Korn

Message 15828

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: 18 Jun 1999 15:3:56 +0100
Matt Sealey said, 

>> He got a batch in yesterday, enough to cover existing orders.

> Not when I rang him at 2 o'clock there wasn't.

You couldn't have rung him at 2 o'clock. According to STFax's logfile
he rang me at 1355 and was on the phone for over half an hour...

unless you mean 0200 :-O

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

Message 15829

From: Carl Moore
Subject: [afb] Re: amigas are everywhere / was: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:38:19 +0100

On 17-Jun-99, Matthew O'Neill wrote:
MO> Hi Alex
MO> On 17-Jun-99, you wrote
MO>> This sound very familiar; alot of places I go (like school, and various
MO>> chat sites) I often mention the Amiga and people often say somtehing
MO>> like;
MO>> "Well it was a good machine in its day" or "Didn't that die ages ago?"
MO> There are amigas everywhere. I went on a trip to luton uni (the best AV
MO> equipment of any uni in england) and they use a 500 for the autocue,
MO> they're everywhere. We have one at college with a genlock for mixing and
MO> titling. Plus the amount of closet amiga users is phenominal. I found
MO> that the local college cool dude plays player manager on his 600!!! I
MO> even found someone with a more powerful system than mine!

Would this user with a more powerfull machine be me by any chance Mr
O'Neill!!!  Bet you didn't know I was on here too!!!

But on the subject matter, it is true, Matthew and I got talking at college
after I had put some pictures on the HTML documentation
for my coursework which he saw, this also led to a good old Amiga V PC
arguement with other people in the room!!

But I quite often find people who have Amiga's but feel ashamed to mention


... * If speed kills, then Windows users may live forever.

     / / From Carl Moore, Alias Pie
__  / /  E-Mail:
\ \/ /   Website:
 \__/    Chat to me on IrcNet #Amiga

Message 15830

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: HyperCOM new driver
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:47:27 +0100
> > Not when I rang him at 2 o'clock there wasn't.
> You couldn't have rung him at 2 o'clock. According to STFax's logfile
> he rang me at 1355 and was on the phone for over half an hour...

Well it wasn`t exactly 2:00pm, but it was close enough. I was on
my lunch break - 1:00 `til 2:00 and I rang him as a last minute
decision. Probably 1:45 ish..

So either he hid the fact that he didn't have any in, or he put the
phone down and they arrived.

Either way I've got the damn thing now..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 15831

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:09:38 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I suppose calling the 030FPU version Apdf030FPU.lha wold be too
> logical, is it French? :)

Ah, but since the same executable runs on 030, 040 and 060, calling it
Apdf030FPU.lha wouldn't make any more sense than calling it Apdf060.lha :)

Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?


Message 15832

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: which irc scripts people run
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:28:44 +0100
> Which Amiga IRC Rexx scripts do people run when using AmIRC?

How long's Gaz been on the AFB for then? Keeping a bit quiet aren't you Gaz
mate? :)

>   o DWaRFx

Pah, wouldn't touch it with a barge pole ;)


Message 15833

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Justifiable whinge! re Evils Doom demo.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:10:01 +0100
Hi Matthew,

> what about an article about 1200 gfx cards? I've discovered there are
> loads I didn't even know existed!, pixel24, some ateo one, then there are
> the bvision ones. Basically not many people know how the gfx card will
> speed their machine up, or the other advantages.

I think you mean Pixel 64, which *is* the Ato one. And there is only one
BVision card... so that would make 2 gfx cards in all :) There are also
Zorro cards, but Zorro implementations on A1200s tend to be a bit dodgy.


Message 15834

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:17:12 +0100
Hi Matthew,

> After years of fine tuning, I can say that mcp, executive and visualprefs
> go well together. The only other stuff I have going is magicmenu, modepro
> (mcps one sucks) mouseshift and windowtofront

I find that MCP doesn't do half of the things I would like on my Workbench.
I use a lot of its features, but I really couldn't do without PowerWB,
KingCON, MagicMenu, ToolsDaemon, Arq, Swazinfo, NewIcons or, ahem, AmiBoing
and bITime :)


Message 15835

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Caller ID stuff
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:05:27 +0100
Many thanks to Frosty for attempting to solve my CLID / modem problem. The
problem has now been solved. Apparently there was some sort of
incompatibility between the phone and the modem, which has been fixed by
replacing the phone with a nicer BT model :)


Message 15836

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:41:29 +0100
Hi Neil,

> You have missed my point then. I say GUI's have NOT progressed
> enough. The 15 year old Amigas GUI is MUCH better than the PC. This is
> one of the reasons why Amiga users feel entitled to slag off the PC.

Are you seriously suggesting that the hideous Workbench 1.2 is better than
Windows 98/NT? There may be a lot of problems with Windows, but to be
honest the GUI is miles ahead of even the standard Workbench 3.1. If you're
comparing Operating Systems then I'd choose the Amiga any day, but if
you're comparing user interfaces there is no contest. I couldn't bare to
use Workbench without all the hacks and patches I've added over the years,
why do you think so many people have DOpus installed in WBR mode? At least
Windows 98 out of the box has a reasonably attractive GUI, standard
Workbench is just plain ugly and not at all nice to use.

> Also, computers ARE tools. What else are they?

Toys, entertainment?


Message 15837

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: More pronunciation...
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:07:55 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
> processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?

I say "oh sixty".

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      PGP key available upon request

Message 15838

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:09:38 +0100
Hi Gerald,

> I find that MCP doesn't do half of the things I would like on my
> Workbench. I use a lot of its features, but I really couldn't do without
> PowerWB, KingCON, MagicMenu, ToolsDaemon, Arq, Swazinfo, NewIcons or,
> ahem, AmiBoing and bITime :)

If you were to run DOpus you'd do without ToolsDaemon and SwazInfo (which
doesn't exactly work nicely with NewIcons anyway), and NewIcons, kinda,

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      PGP key available upon request
"The covers of this book are too far
apart." - Ambrose Bierce

Message 15839

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Ta ta
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:13:46 +0100

Right. I'm off now for a week away from the madness that is afb. See youse
all in a week or so...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      PGP key available upon request
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 15840

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: 18 Jun 99 15:22:33 +0000
Hello Tudor, on 18-Jun-99 11:57:09 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT) 

>Thanks James.

>I will email him directly and pick them up next week....

>30 for 2 isn't bad is it :P

Tudor, yer a bit of a jammy sod aren't you? What with all of these
cheapy deals you've been getting lately...


 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
... "Yummy," said Pooh, as he hilted his paw into the "honeypot".

Message 15841

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: 18 Jun 99 16:15:05 +0000
Hello fool, on 18-Jun-99 14:10:24 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Rules and regs 

>Bother said Richard Lane as he realised we were talking about
>Rules and regs again...

>Apologies in advance but I really can't resist...

>> No ones going to object to the odd spelling mistake or gramatical


You missed "one's"

>> error,
>> even those who write for a living are sometimes guilty of this.
>> Niether


>> should anyone object if the writing is from someone for whom english is >
>> their first language. Allthough I have to say a lot of non-native 
>> english
>> speakers actually put you to shame with the good quality of their 
>> writng.


You also missed "English" and "Although"....

>Sorry :)

Me too... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I suppose MENSA was shut was it?

Message 15842

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:10:48 +0100
Hi Neil

>You're spoilt for choice on who to blame :)

Yeah, I know :)
It seems alright today though, maybe it was a one off ? (Keeps fingers
crossed for the rest of the week :)

 I'm gonna have to save up and get my own modem for my Amiga aren't I :)


Message 15843

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Ta ta
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:43:31 +0100
Hi Ben,

> Right. I'm off now for a week away from the madness that is afb. See youse
> all in a week or so...

Maybe the average number of daily postings will come down to manageable
levels for a while now ;)


Message 15844

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: Acorn Monitors (NOT OT)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:44:02 +0100
Andy M wrote in a comical manner:

>>=A330 for 2 isn't bad is it :P

>Tudor, yer a bit of a jammy sod aren't you? What with all of these
>cheapy deals you've been getting lately...

> >:)
Umm. Well, Andy - what can I say...... :P

Do you want to buy a monitor - my NEC is definately up for
grabs now.....

I can't help finding deals can I - when my website gets up and
running - there will be a "Stuff For Sale" page, and a "How To
Be A Jammy Git" page....

Maybe I can actually make money out of these damn
computers for once.....:)


Message 15845

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] (Fwd) PPC, or more?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:04:30 +0100
I've sent this message before, but egroups wasn't working then, so I 
don't know if it was recieved. Apologies if you've allready read it.

It's nice to see all these PPC cards announced, but it makes me think: 
With these cards having a processor, memory, PCI, USB, SCSI all on 
the card. What do they need the motherboard for? Floppy and ROM. 
Anything else? They might as well dump the motherboard and make 
the card into a new Amiga.


Message 15846

Subject: [afb] Re: Ta ta
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:08:11 -0000
> Maybe the average number of daily postings will come down to manageable
> levels for a while now ;)
> Bauglir

Hey nice one bauglir :).. lucky for some eh Ben? :-)..


Message 15847

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Ta ta
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:08:49 +0000
Hi Gerald,

> Maybe the average number of daily postings will come down to manageable
> levels for a while now ;)

Not likely, I just re-subbed :)

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:           |

Message 15848

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:42:10 +0100
Hi Richard Lane

>>>> What does LhA stand for?
>> [snip patronising explanation]
>Then next time RTFM !

Sorry, I would have done, but I don't have one.

>Targa(TGA) is the image format developed by Truevision for their Targa graphics
boards for PCs. It is not a very complex format, and autodetection of images
relies on the filename ending in either .tga or .targa

Bloody Windoze 'standards'

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15849

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: TLA's (was Backups & Miami)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:46:21 +0100
Hi fool

>> And is 'targa' an acronym, if so what does it
>> stand for?
>Time Alex Read the Guide to Acronyms(/Abbreviations)  ;)

Nice one :-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15850

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:06:42 +0100

>Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
>processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?

I've always said "oh-sixty" or appropriate, that's what they were at Power
anyway. Likewise, if you were going to use the full name it was
"sixty-eight-oh-sixty" but no one ever could be bothered.

What about PPCs? Like we drop the "68" from the 68k range, do the names of
PPCs get shortened? They're pretty short as they are I guess...

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Of The Amiga RC5 Team The NME says,
"A band worth selling your sister for..."
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 15851

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:55:12 +0100
Hi Neil Ives

>> >> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or
>> are
>> >> like busses" analogies?
>> >
>> >Well, whats your opinion?
>> About what?
>> >Have you missed my point about crap user interfaces?
>> No, I agree that user interfaces have progressed and been refined.  It's just

[snip sig]

>You have missed my point then. I say GUI's have NOT progressed
>enough. The 15 year old Amigas GUI is MUCH better than the PC. This is
>one of the reasons why Amiga users feel entitled to slag off the PC.

Well in that case I disagree with you.  We slag off the PC's GUI (talking
Windoze here) because we have enhanced our system with patches over the 15
years.  Get yourself a bog-standard A500 - you'll soon be screaming for the
efficiency you *added* to your system.

>Also, computers ARE tools. What else are they?

I never said they weren't.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15852

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Similie correction (was PC vs Amiga)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:01:05 +0100
Hi Alex T.

>> No, I agree that user interfaces have progressed and been refined.  It's just
>> I'm completely sick of people applying analogies to our situation to 'prove'
>> that we will triumph.  It's made worse when people use analogies that don't
>> resemble our situation - it's like applying human thought processing to
>> (anthropomorphism I think).
> Don't be so sure about the animals thing; they're more intelligent than
>we think! (pigs and dolphins in particular). Anthropormorphism is only
>really an appropriate word to use against inanimate or non-anthropedic

I wasn't talking about intelligence, although admittedly that does play a part
in problem solving.  I have a dog and, don't laugh, she often displays degrees
of intelligence in problem solving that surprise me.  I doubt that she goes
about solving the problems the same way humans do though, or that she could
handle abstract thought.

Blimey Charlie, I haven't gone that far OT for a while!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15853

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:04:27 +0100

>> > >> Is anyone else really pissed of with the "computers are like tools" or
>> > are
>> > >> like busses" analogies?
>> > >
>The OS's are like buses thing was a joke by the way. Don't take it
>too seriously.

Sorry, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular.  I was just using it as an

>> You have missed my point then. I say GUI's have NOT progressed
>> enough. The 15 year old Amigas GUI is MUCH better than the PC. This is
>> one of the reasons why Amiga users feel entitled to slag off the PC.
>I wouldn't agree with that entirely. For a first time user the win95
>interface is probably easier, it's only when you try and do something
>slightly complicated that the complete absense of organisation in win95
>gets in the way.

Yes, that "View as Web Page" mode in Win98 really pisses me off.  If you use
explorer and try to go in C:\WINDOWS it says "Altering the contents of this
folder may prevent your computer from functioning." and stops you looking in

Another shit but good-looking feature from the Microsoft team.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15854

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: (OT) Sig (was Justifiable whinge!)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:11:42 +0100
Neil Bullock

>> Cherio bye ta tar
>I was wondering when someone would come up with this one.
>I was going to do it myself. I got the idea from Alex
>(Furmanski's) sig :)

Which one?  I change it when I can be arsed.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15855

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:13:58 +0100
Hi guys

>> You cant get blue LEDs - I just checked the Maplins catalogue
>   They sure look blue in my Maplins catalogue, try page 702 under "Blue
>LEDs" ;-)

Me is wondering about pronunciation again.  Do peeps say "may-plins" or

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15856

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:21:28 +0100
Hi Bauglir

>> I suppose calling the 030FPU version Apdf030FPU.lha wold be too
>> logical, is it French? :)
>Ah, but since the same executable runs on 030, 040 and 060, calling it
>Apdf030FPU.lha wouldn't make any more sense than calling it Apdf060.lha :)
>Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
>processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?

How else could you say it?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15857

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:26:33 +0100
Hi Andy Mills

>>>The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time.
>>Hmm, I seem to remember that there are resistors wired in series
>>with each LED on the original A1200 case.
>I've just checked on my spare A1200 and there is indeed a 33 Ohm, 5%
>tolerence resistor wired in series for each LED.

33 Ohm?  That sounds a bit low to me.  I usually use 470ohm for LED's.  Mind
you, that is for logic circuits so I don't know what sort of value to use here.
R=V/I anyone?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15858

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:43:20 +0100
Hi Sam Brookes

>>The power LED in my Infinitiv II has just expired for the second time. The
>>first time, I simply swapped it for the unused sleep LED but now that has
>>gone as-well!
>>What I want to know is - What power/voltage etc. rating should I get when
>>purchasing my new LED?
>Probably 3V, but it could be 5-12V

12v!  Yikes, 9v is usually enough to liquefy them.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15859

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: Bill got pied
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:55:24 -0000
Here are the results of the vote:

1. I don't own it, I've only seen it once.			7
2. Me!  I have it an watch it regularly			14
3. Bill got pied?  Where can I get this?			17
4. Me!  I've watched it once or twice			39

See the results at

Message 15860

From: "Tom"
Subject: [afb] Re: Multiple messages
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:17:51 +0100
Hi Neil

>You are indeed. Although I'd probably blame eGroups :) I had
>the same problem. Do you use two computers to access afb
>under two different email addresses?

No I just use the one machine. It's only happened once but it was 74
messages so I would like to try and stop it happening again.


Message 15861

Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:18:56 -0000
> Are you seriously suggesting that the hideous Workbench 1.2 is better than
> Windows 98/NT? There may be a lot of problems with Windows, but to be
> honest the GUI is miles ahead of even the standard Workbench 3.1. If you're
> comparing Operating Systems then I'd choose the Amiga any day, but if
> you're comparing user interfaces there is no contest. I couldn't bare to
> use Workbench without all the hacks and patches I've added over the years,
> why do you think so many people have DOpus installed in WBR mode? At least
> Windows 98 out of the box has a reasonably attractive GUI, standard

But so pig arrogant and obscure. I mean shortcuts for goodness sake. I
think youve just got used to it.

> Workbench is just plain ugly and not at all nice to use.

Agreed. I guess I'm comparing my own setup
> > Also, computers ARE tools. What else are they?
> Toys, entertainment?

No, not till you add the entertaining software.


Message 15862

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:31:23 +0100
Alex Furmanski said:

> >Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
> >processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?
> How else could you say it?

It's spelt "oh - six - oh", but it's pronounced "throatwobbler mangrove".

Alternatively, "oh-sixty". 


Andrew Korn

Message 15863

From: Phil Price
Subject: [afb] Re: BSD
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:13:18 +0000
On 16-Jun-99 Danny Shepherd said, about '[afb] Re: BSD':

>> As regards to your problem, it sounds like X-Windows can't find a
>> maybe you have to define some-sort of desktop/screen setting for x to
>> use, but this is just a guess.
> Well I gathered that much. IFAIKT it has something to do with the
> X server config files. None of them have an example entry for AGA users.
> :(

Isn't there GTK or somwthing which is a nicer GUI system for unix as X-Win
is not really allthat great from were i can see, as runnig a server on for
a gui on your computer can't be good. 

Phil Price, ,

i: 21418142

[ ]
[ ]

Message 15864

From: Phil Price
Subject: [afb] VisualPrefs
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:18:07 +0000
Hello all,

Just got the new VP from aminet and it rocks :) Just thought'd i'd tell
you all, and hasten you all to go and get it from aminet (util/wb), and
relish in the joys of having a lovly looking gui, this version gives
for the user to do his/her own gadtool images from brushes, but selectily,
so at last i can have alittle boing ball in the topright of my workbench
title with no displacement of subwindows from it :)) get it today...

Phil Price, ,

i: 21418142

[ ]
[ ]

Message 15865

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:54:23 +0100
> Mine hung on bootup also. I cured it by moving Setpatch nearer the top =
> the Startup-Sequence. Strange but worked.

I always thought that "setpatch" should be first in the startup-sequence

    Bomber Harris

Message 15866

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:21:17 +0100
>>Probably 3V, but it could be 5-12V
>12v!  Yikes, 9v is usually enough to liquefy them.

you can get LEDs that run at 12V

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W 
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15867

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 19:15:22 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 18-Jun-99 16:26:33 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 

>33 Ohm?  That sounds a bit low to me.  I usually use 470ohm for LED's.  Mind
>you, that is for logic circuits so I don't know what sort of value to use
>here. R=V/I anyone?

Depends on the LED and supply voltage, but the guide I have here is
(similar to the one in Maplins):

 R = (VS-VF) / IF

  R = resistor load required
  VS = Voltage Supply
  VF = Forward Voltage of LED
  IF = Forward Current of LED

So, if I've got my maths right (but doubtful, knowing me...), it should
mean that an LED with a VF of 2.15v and an IF of 20mA (0.02A), with a
supply voltage of 4.7v, I would need a resistance of 127.5 Ohms for that

Yeh, I thought 33 Ohm was a tad on the small side, but I've just had
another look and it is Orange, Orange, Black and gold (this would be
the old colour code before they arsed about with it a couple of years

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable.

Message 15868

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 19:18:56 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 18-Jun-99 16:43:20 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 


>>Probably 3V, but it could be 5-12V

>12v!  Yikes, 9v is usually enough to liquefy them.

I think he meant the max voltage the LED can handle, not the voltage it
will be connected to, IYSWIM

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Don't put more effort into things than they require.

Message 15869

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: AF Adverts (was HyperCOM new driver)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:56:07 +0000
Hello Ben,

On 18-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi,
>> I noticed that White Knight have put a "coming soon" banner on their ad
>> for the G3`s. Are they?
> Hopefully, but Wolf hasn't answered my query on them...

Is that Wolf of Phase 5? If so I think he should get the problems of
actually producing the current PPCs out of the way first, I've been waiting
for mine for nearly 3 months now :(

UIN: 30044173

A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant: first, get a huge
block of marble; then you chip away everything that doesn't look
like an elephant.

Message 15870

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:07:28 +0000

On 18-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Ive got an infinitv2 and my leds seem ok atm, but they seem to be wired
> weirdly, does anyone know what that sort of infra red panel is for ?
I presume it's for those IRDA ports, I think there is a clock port serial
card with a provo for one. I presume you could stick an Airlink in, though
not ever having built one I wouldn't know.

The whole tower looks well cool from the outside, though a little
inaccesable on the inside :(
UIN: 30044173

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 15871

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:13:53 +0000
Hello Andy,

On 18-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Hmm, I seem to remember that there are resistors wired in series
>> with each LED on the original A1200 case.
> I've just checked on my spare A1200 and there is indeed a 33 Ohm, 5%
> tolerence resistor wired in series for each LED.
>> Maybe it's the resistor and not the LED that's broken ?
>> Alternatively, maybe the LED is broken because there's no
>> current limiting resistor present ?
> Possibly. There's also a chance that the LEDs used in the tower may not
> be rated correctly for the job, or that an incorrectly rated resistor
> has been used.

There is indeed no limiting resistors for any of the three LEDs :(
I suppose they didn't figure the power LED being on 24/7 :)
UIN: 30044173

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 15872

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:17:12 +0000
Hello Alex,

On 18-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Me is wondering about pronunciation again.  Do peeps say "may-plins" or
> "map-lins"?

Me definitely says "Map-lins"
UIN: 30044173

Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 15873

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:15:35 +0000
Hello Andy,

On 18-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> They have a seperate section now? Actually I'm not surprised, they're
>> bloody expensive..
> Yeh, they start at 1.19 and go up to 2.99... :(

Oh no, i'll have to re-mortgage the house and sell the cat :)
UIN: 30044173

Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 15874

From: "Samuel Brookes"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:34:14 +0100
>> Me is wondering about pronunciation again.  Do peeps say "may-plins" or
>> "map-lins"?
>Me definitely says "Map-lins"

Me says "Map-lins" too.

 T R O G L A D I T E - S O F T W A R E
Samuel Brookes - Manager Trogladite S/W 
  ICQ# 28871289 -  Afternet #Trogsoft

Message 15875

From: "Gavin Williams"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:48:32 +0100

I got my HD prebuilt with a stack of shareware on it - can't remember who
from now. Anyway Setpatch didn't appear until part way into teh script.


Message 15876

From: "Jonathan M. Dudley"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:37:04 +0100
> James Lowe gave us a long list of Rules and Regs.

There's no way I could, or would want to remember this novella, and I
certainly would not want to print it out for continual reference. It all
smells slightly draconian to me in any case. I'm sure that, if Ben thinks
that someone is constantly abusing this list, he can let them know. I think
we're all adult enough to comply with his requests (I could be wrong). If I
find that a subject has gone completely off-topic, and has nothing relevant
to my interests, I just sort my mail by subject and dump the lot.

But I still get behind with my reading :(


Message 15877

From: "Jonathan M. Dudley"
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel Scanners
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:18:24 +0100
Andy Mills said:
You could always try setting up Shapeshifter (or Fusion, if you want to
buy it) to run the Mac software that came with the scanner (did it come
with Mac software???).

I might be wrong, but I think you would hit a snag there; most (all?) Mac
scanners are connected via SCSI, with the obvious exception of the newer USB
devices for G3 and iMac.


Message 15878

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:05:58 +0000
Bother said Andrew Mills as he realised we were talking about
Rules and regs again...

[snip Andy's additions to my corrections]

>>>  their first language. Allthough I have to say a lot of non-native 
>>>  english
>>>  speakers actually put you to shame with the good quality of their 
>>>  writng.

>> Writing

> You also missed "English" and "Although"....

>> Sorry :)

> Me too... ;)

Damn!  Next time I try to be clever, somebody shoot me. ;P

> Andy Mills,

> I suppose MENSA was shut was it?

Oh no.  Even the taglines are against me!
/me runs away screaming


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 15879

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: (Fwd) PPC, or more?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:10:13 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> It's nice to see all these PPC cards announced, but it makes me think: 
> With these cards having a processor, memory, PCI, USB, SCSI all on 
> the card. What do they need the motherboard for? Floppy and ROM. 
> Anything else? They might as well dump the motherboard and make 
> the card into a new Amiga.

   you're forgeting about the weird array of custom chips that all amiga
software still relys on.

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Don't read beauty magazines, they only make you feel ugly.

Message 15880

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] WarpOS for Intel?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:25:10 +0000
Hi Everybody,

   I've just had an interesting idea:

It is said that WarpOS programs will be able to run on G3/4 cards as well as
the current PPC cards. 

   This means that its at least partly processor independant right?

In that case, would it be possible to write a warpos driver for WinUAE
to directly use the PC's processor like the SVGA<->P96 driver? 

   That would be good because it'd let people without a powerful Amiga or
without an amiga at all, but with a powerful PC, use the new Amiga s/w. 

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Chine produces and consumes more fresh pork than any other country.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 15881

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: PC vs Amiga
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:36:06 +0100
Hi Neil,

> But so pig arrogant and obscure. I mean shortcuts for goodness sake. I
> think youve just got used to it.

I didn't say I *liked* Windows, I dread the day when I'm "used to it" :)

>>> Also, computers ARE tools. What else are they?
>> Toys, entertainment?
> No, not till you add the entertaining software.

Neither are they tools until you add the appropriate software.


Message 15882

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:35:48 +0100
Hi Andy Mills

>>>Probably 3V, but it could be 5-12V
>>12v!  Yikes, 9v is usually enough to liquefy them.
>I think he meant the max voltage the LED can handle, not the voltage it
>will be connected to, IYSWIM

Ah, I see.  I was also thinking of those teeny 3mm ones that nuke at about 3.5V.

WARNING - molten LED burns!

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15883

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:43:20 +0100
Hi Andy Mills

>>33 Ohm?  That sounds a bit low to me.  I usually use 470ohm for LED's.  Mind
>>you, that is for logic circuits so I don't know what sort of value to use
>>here. R=V/I anyone?
>Depends on the LED and supply voltage, but the guide I have here is
>(similar to the one in Maplins):
> R = (VS-VF) / IF
>  R = resistor load required
>  VS = Voltage Supply
>  VF = Forward Voltage of LED
>  IF = Forward Current of LED

It's all derived from Ohm's law though.  The only difference is V has been
replaced by (VS-VF) which gives voltage across resistor.

>So, if I've got my maths right (but doubtful, knowing me...), it should
>mean that an LED with a VF of 2.15v and an IF of 20mA (0.02A), with a
>supply voltage of 4.7v, I would need a resistance of 127.5 Ohms for that
>Yeh, I thought 33 Ohm was a tad on the small side, but I've just had
>another look and it is Orange, Orange, Black and gold

This is in your Infinitiv tower yes?  (I would be more certain but I haven't the
rest of these mails)  Would someone be a darling and see what their resistors
are.  Could be yours is a one-off mistake.

> (this would be
>the old colour code before they arsed about with it a couple of years

That's the only coding system I know of.  What did they change?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

Comedy is a babe magnet.  Unfortunately, the polarity of my magnet seems to have
been reversed.

Message 15884

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: WarpOS for Intel?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:44:57 +0100
> It is said that WarpOS programs will be able to run on G3/4 cards as well
> as the current PPC cards.
>   This means that its at least partly processor independant right?

No, not really. G3/4 cards are still PowerPC processors, the same as 603 or
604 processors are. So I presume they use similar instruction sets and
anything compiled for a low-end PPC will also run on higher-end ones. Just
like programs compiled for 68000 will still run on an 060. Intel uses a
totally different architecture, so I think getting WarpOS to run natively
on Intel processors would require a little more than adding a driver. If it
were that easy I suspect someone would have done so by now.


Message 15885

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:40:11 +0000
Hello Stephen,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi
>> Mine hung on bootup also. I cured it by moving Setpatch nearer the top of
>> the Startup-Sequence. Strange but worked.
> I always thought that "setpatch" should be first in the startup-sequence

It's the fourth entry down on mine


;$VER: Startup-Sequence V43.666 HD/CD/DVD/BBC/ITV

C:PrepareEmul A1200
C:Version >NIL:
C:SetPatch QUIET


Does anyone know why C:Version >NIL: is needed? Might take it out and see :)

UIN: 30044173

A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant: first, get a huge
block of marble; then you chip away everything that doesn't look
like an elephant.

Message 15886

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: AAC voting
Date: 18 Jun 99 21:41:43 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Chris Livermore wrote on Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:17:40 +0100 (GMT) about [afb] AAC voting

Hi Chris Livermore

> 	I would like to ask you all to vote for AmigaSoc. I see a position
> like this to be very important to the entire Amiga community, and i would
> hate to see be wasted.

I quite agreed and consider it done, if there's anything else Chris
just ask:)


Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : Arcnet at #ASA
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 15887

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: WarpOS for Intel?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:21:45 +0000
Hi Everybody,

>> It is said that WarpOS programs will be able to run on G3/4 cards as well
>> as the current PPC cards.
>>  This means that its at least partly processor independant right?
> No, not really. G3/4 cards are still PowerPC processors, the same as 603
> or 604 processors are. So I presume they use similar instruction sets and
> anything compiled for a low-end PPC will also run on higher-end ones. 

   Oh, I thought that G3/4 chips had totally different instruction set to
the 603/4 chips. Oh well, so much for that idea ;)

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 15888

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:44:18 +0100


> Replying to a dead thread after the two days are up         4 points

not heard of this before=20

> Spamming this list                                          6 points

OK!, I will agree to this

    Bomber Harris

Message 15889

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Problems
Date: 18 Jun 99 21:39:23 +0100
On 18-Jun-99 19:22:58 BST, R.S.Radford wrote:

> My PPC still doesn`t work, even with everyones help.


> heres a few things I have noticed while using the PPC.
> Maprom option and Blizkick only work once, then the next 
> time I reset, I get a flashing a red screen. This requires 
> me to power down and cold boot in order to get rid of it.

Ermm... did you disable maprom in the PPC boot menu?  You
*need* to do this to use BlizKick on a BPPC card.  It is
mentioned in the docs somewhere.  BTW, you can usually
recover from serious crashes on reset, by rebooting and
holding the "2" key to disable the BPPC.  Then reboot
again, holding Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga for 5-10 seconds, which
will enable the BPPC card again and will hopefully
re-initialise it.

> Is it possible the PPC is overheating? I do have it in a 
> tower, and have a additional CPU fan positioned over the 
> heatsink.

Maybe, but it's unlikely, I would say.

> Is it possible the PPC doesnt get enough power and crashes, 
> I do have a 200 W powersupply, and have tried removing all 
> perhiperals.

Possibly, but I doubt it - if that was the case then I doubt
you get the PPC working at all.

> Im clutching at straws now, but I am not prepared to allow 
>  300 worth of PPC go down the drain

I'm still inclined to believe that it's some kind of configuration
or setup problem somewhere.  But, it's not a lot of good me saying
that as I have no idea what it could specifically be :(  Someone
out there must have experienced the same problem as you, and has
probably resolved it - you just need to find that person.  Have you
tried mentioning your problem on the PowerUp mailing list?

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Internet Amiga F1GP Championship  ==>

Message 15890

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Cable&Wireless
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:22:43 +0100
Hi Ian,

>  <+others bits and pieces>

> And use a NATIONAL dial-in number on Saturdays .....
> 50p for unlimited duration (all Saturday)

What's the number please.

    Bomber Harris

Message 15891

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Xpdf
Date: 18 Jun 1999 22:28:24 +0100
Gerald Mellor said, 

> Hi Neil,

>> I suppose calling the 030FPU version Apdf030FPU.lha wold be too
>> logical, is it French? :)

> Ah, but since the same executable runs on 030, 040 and 060, calling it
> Apdf030FPU.lha wouldn't make any more sense than calling it Apdf060.lha :)

But it would because there's an implicit "+". It's normal to expect a
CPU-specific version to run on a higher processor, if it comes in 000,
020 and 040 versions, I'd expect the 040 one to run on an 060 but not
an 030.

> Ok, here's another one for the pronunciation guide, how to say name
> processors. Is it, for example, "oh-six-oh"?

I normally say "oh-sixty" etc ,but am never sure about 000, so I don't
mention them.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Top Oxymorons Number 15: Extinct Life

Message 15892

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Rules and regs
Date: 18 Jun 99 22:07:22 +0000
Hello fool, on 18-Jun-99 20:05:58 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Rules and regs 


>> I suppose MENSA was shut was it?

>Oh no.  Even the taglines are against me!
>/me runs away screaming

I'm still sure Thor's tagline generator has some sort of built-in AI,
although Neil and the authors deny it... ;-/

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Sometimes I feel like a figment of my own imagination.

Message 15893

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 22:44:23 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 18-Jun-99 19:43:20 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 


>It's all derived from Ohm's law though.  The only difference is V has been
>replaced by (VS-VF) which gives voltage across resistor.

I think that's because it gives a more accurate figure, E.G. allows
maximum brightness without buggering up the LED, er, I think. Bugger, I
have a headache now... :-/

>>So, if I've got my maths right (but doubtful, knowing me...), it should
>>mean that an LED with a VF of 2.15v and an IF of 20mA (0.02A), with a
>>supply voltage of 4.7v, I would need a resistance of 127.5 Ohms for that
>>Yeh, I thought 33 Ohm was a tad on the small side, but I've just had
>>another look and it is Orange, Orange, Black and gold

>This is in your Infinitiv tower yes?  (I would be more certain but I haven't
>the rest of these mails)  Would someone be a darling and see what their
>resistors are.  Could be yours is a one-off mistake.

The Infinitiv is someone elses, I own a Power Tower. The LEDs/resistors
I was referring to are the ones in the standard wedgie case A1200 I have
setup across the room with the lid off. That's the one that got attacked
by a multimeter earlier :)

Mind you, I think blue LEDs may look good in me Power Tower... :)

>> (this would be
>>the old colour code before they arsed about with it a couple of years

>That's the only coding system I know of.  What did they change?

Actually, now I think about it, it believe it only applies to "metal
film" resistors, they added an extra band where the fourth band became
the multiplier and not the third as normal. Er, IIRC....

EG. a 10k resistor would normally be "Brown Black Orange", it becomes
"Brown Black Black Red".

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Look lady, I don't do Windows!

Message 15894

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel Scanners
Date: 18 Jun 99 22:47:41 +0000
Hello Jonathan M. Dudley, on 17-Jun-99 22:18:24 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Parallel Scanners 

>>Andy Mills said:
>>You could always try setting up Shapeshifter (or Fusion, if you want
>>to buy it) to run the Mac software that came with the scanner (did it
>>come with Mac software???).

>I might be wrong, but I think you would hit a snag there; most (all?) Mac
>scanners are connected via SCSI, with the obvious exception of the newer USB
>devices for G3 and iMac.

Erm, you do have a point actually, although it's worth a try if it /can/
be used on a Mac...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I'm in shape ... Rounds a shape isn't it?

Message 15895

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: Spam (Fastteam Penny Gasoline Club)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:38:42 +0100
Hi Ben,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> Best of all you can set remote filters to delete them before you 
> even download them - that's what I do with all mails from this 
> address

Remote filters, especially in YAM, slow down the download - YAM has
to get more info about each mail before starting the download - so
much that its cheaper just to get it anyway...


 Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor #Team# #AMIGA#
 UIN: 39795033 IRC: Amike on ARCNet

Message 15896

From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: [afb] Re: MCP settings (was Thought for an articl
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:46:48 +0100
Hi Ben,

On 17-Jun-99, you wrote

> Okay, does it show up in the title bar if you have a browser window
> open and active?

Yes. Mine is shown all the time? No matter what window or screen im
on, its always in the top right corner.


 Convergence Int. Amiga News Editor #Team# #AMIGA#
 UIN: 39795033 IRC: Amike on ARCNet

Message 15897

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: amigas are everywhere / was: Mission : Impossible... but necessary.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:43:20 +0100
Hello David

> My friend works at Granada TV in town, they have a huge number of A500's
> and A600's they too use for auotcues. Apperently they almost always find
> that the current work experience kid owns an Amiga and returns the next
> day with a copy of Zool or similar for their lunch break :)

remember when they used A1200's in Krypton factor they must have them
still lurking about

   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 15898

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: 19 Jun 99 00:16:39 +0000
Hi Martin,

> That's not neccessarily a sign that the squirrel is on it's
> way out - mine has always generated a lot of heat (too much
> to touch it sometimes) but has always worked perfectly.
Yeah I know they produce a lot of heat (my current non surfy type does
that as well) but this was a really stupid amount (and the problem
went away when I replaced it).  Although I did for a brief momemt
think about trying to attach a fan to it, its odd the kind of dim
thoughts that go through your mind when your SCSI interface starts
playing up a fortnight before your M.Sc. dissertation is due :)

Still here and not somewhere else.

Message 15899

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful
Date: 18 Jun 99 23:59:11 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 18-Jun-99 19:35:48 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: Power LED too powerful 


>Ah, I see.  I was also thinking of those teeny 3mm ones that nuke at about

>WARNING - molten LED burns!

Most molten metals do... (LED = lead, Geddit? Oh never mind... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible?! HELL man, I've SEEN one!!!

Message 15900

Subject: [afb] Re: Help, my Zip drive is dying !
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:29:24 -0000
 <7kd54f$> wrote: 
Original Article:

> I read somewhere that because Zip drives have a 
> possibly fatal design (known an feared as 'click death') IOM
> will replace *any* faulty drive or disk without charge.

> Yeah, I came across that site a few days ago. They also had a
wav.file you could download of the 'sound' itself - the actual 'click
of death'. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I heard it - I've
never heard a sound like that out of my Zip before (chilled me to the
bone - probably won't sleep for a week) Mind you, that still doesn't
explain why my Zip won't write to disk without corrupting the damn
thing. As I intimated in my original plea a couple of days ago,
I'll be kicking the damn thing down the street before the month is
out. Once I've got that out of my system I'll be looking to IOM for a
replacement although, according to Neil Ives (message 15753), it's NOT
going to be free of charge.

Oh well,

Thanks for the info,

Cheers, Eddie.